The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 972: new identity

 Chapter 972 New Identity

This woman is the mother of her body. Qin Suyue quickly checked her body and hid the magic power in her soul body to avoid being discovered.

At the same time, she secretly checked the body's cultivation strength, and this check surprised her again.

This body is twenty-six years old this year. Although it is a few years older than her previous age, its cultivation level is about to break through to Mahayana.

Mahayana cultivation can only be achieved in Jiuyuan Continent by ascending to the ninth heaven. If she had not awakened her identity as a clone demon, she might not be able to reach this level of cultivation in this life.

 The reason is very simple, that is, the talent is not strong enough.

Now this body has excellent talents. Not only is the talent good, but the family is also a first-class family in the demon world of Jiuchongtian Continent. The family is powerful and has sufficient cultivation resources. Therefore, the owner of this body can break through to Mahayana cultivation before he is thirty years old.

This body was injured and comatose because of the failure to break through to the Mahayana cultivation level, so the demon lord took advantage of it and killed her soul body, allowing Qin Suyue to take advantage.

Because of this, it is impossible for Qin Suyue to break through to Mahayana cultivation in the short term. After all, she must first completely integrate her soul body with her body, then adapt to her current cultivation level, prepare sufficient breakthrough resources, and then encounter an opportunity for breakthrough. Only then can we break through.

Qin Suyue calmed down after thinking about this. She knew that the situation she was going to face was not so optimistic.

 It is difficult to find the best herbs that can fuse the soul body with the body.

The woman came to the bed in a few steps and sat on the edge of the bed, looking at her sympathetically. Seeing that she was in good condition, she looked relieved.

He patted her hand reassuringly and said, "Yue'er, it's already very good for you to reach your current level of cultivation at your age. Don't be anxious. You can break through the Mahayana cultivation level when you are fully prepared."

Qin Suyue looked for the way the original owner got along with her mother in her memory, and said in a coquettish tone, "Mother is worried."

The woman sighed, "I know Mom is worried, so don't be so impulsive when doing things in the future. Mom knows that you want to break through the Mahayana cultivation level so that you can get good results in the family competition and have the strength to go to the highest level of the Nine Secret Realm. Your father. I’ve already said, don’t worry, you should be able to break through in the secret realm soon, and then you can go to the high-level secret realm to practice.”

Qin Suyue accepted that the memory of the original owner was not complete, and she happened to not know why the Lord was so anxious to break through the Mahayana cultivation level.

After listening to her mother’s words, she immediately searched for information about the Nine-Level Secret Realm in her memory, only to learn that there is a secret realm in the Nine-Level Heaven that is only opened once every hundred years. The world is accustomed to calling it the Nine-Level Secret Realm.

There is actually no cultivation level requirement to enter the Nine Secret Realms, but the experience in the Nine Secret Realms is divided into levels. Only monks with Mahayana cultivation and above can go to the advanced secret realms to experience.

 This is also the main reason why the original owner is anxious to break through the Mahayana cultivation level.

In fact, the original owner was too anxious. As her father said, she first went to the ninth level secret realm to practice. There were many opportunities there, and she would soon break through to Mahayana cultivation. Then she went to the higher secret realm to practice. This was the best way. The safe way.

However, it was precisely because of the original owner's urgency that she had this opportunity.

 The opening of the Nine Secret Realms will be in just one month.

To be honest, Qin Suyue is not interested in entering the Jiuyuan Secret Realm, mainly because her experience in the first training place in Jiuyuan Continent was not very good, which made her have a shadow of the secret realm. However, she naturally couldn't say this to this mother. After all, she had wanted to go into the Nine Secret Realms to experience it, and it could be said that she was obsessed with it.

 Now that I say I don’t want to go, there is obviously something wrong.

"Don't worry, mother, I have learned a lesson this time, and I will never act impulsively again in the future." Qin Suyue said obediently.

 But in my heart, I was thinking about how to ask this cheap girl for the elixir that combines my soul and body.

Now she has to recuperate and cannot go out. Besides, even if she can go out, there is no way to find such a panacea. But this cheap lady is the wife of the housekeeper. Given her status and strength, she naturally has better solutions than her.

 The woman smiled and said, "That's right. Mom has brought you a lot of elixirs to nourish your body. You must take good care of your body before practicing."

 Qin Suyue blinked, looking like he was hesitating to speak.

 The woman immediately asked, "What's wrong with Yue'er? Is there anything else that feels wrong?"

Qin Suyue looked hesitant and hesitant and finally said helplessly, "Mom, my spiritual pet was attacked. The soul body was injured and needs a spiritual elixir that combines the soul body and the body. Pills can also be used, the higher the level. The better.”

The woman frowned after hearing this, "This kind of elixir is not easy to make, and elixirs are even more difficult. The main reason is that even the alchemists who can refine such elixirs are reluctant to do it. No matter how injured your spiritual pet is, how can it be done?" Can’t recover on its own?”

Qin Suyue shook her head, "It will take several years to recover on its own. It was to save me. My breakthrough failed this time because someone wanted to attack my soul body. If my spiritual pet hadn't saved me, I would have been the injured one." ”

When the woman heard this, she was immediately furious. "Whoever dares to do something to my daughter, don't worry Yue'er. Mom will ask your father to investigate right now. His life will definitely be worse than death."

This man wanted to kill her daughter. He was so vicious that he wanted to destroy her daughter's soul and body. In that case, her daughter's soul would be gone and there would be no chance of another life.

 Qin Suyue's own reason for making nonsense was that the Lord's spiritual pet had died after the original owner's soul body was destroyed by the Demon Lord. She was just looking for an excuse, but she didn't want this cheap girl to make the matter bigger.

 If it gets bigger, what if she is exposed?

He quickly reassured, "Mom, the other party is not in good shape either. He is more seriously injured than my spiritual pet. He may have become a fool. Moreover, the other party should not be from our family. The Nine Secret Realm will be opened in a month. First, heal my spiritual pet and enter the secret realm, so I can help you."

Qin Suyue has already made a decision. She will first use the original owner's spiritual pet as a reason to fuse the soul body and the body's elixir or elixir. When she enters the secret realm and comes out, she will say that the spiritual pet died to save her.

 There is no flaw in this at all.

Even if she doesn’t want to go to the Nine Secret Realm, she still has to go. It only opens once in a hundred years. If she doesn’t go, many people will doubt her. She can’t show anything different from the original owner now.

Hearing her say that the other party was more seriously injured, the woman's anger subsided a little, and she thought that it was indeed her daughter's entry into the Nine Secret Realms that was important.

It is very important to have a spiritual pet who desperately protects your daughter. But she still wanted to check on this person, but she didn't want to alarm her daughter. She just needed to check which family member had been injured recently.

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