The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 973: ready to leave

Chapter 973 Getting ready to leave

“Whether it’s a magical medicine or an elixir, it’s not easy to get, so don’t worry about it, let me figure it out.”

Qin Suyue was relieved when she heard this. Since the cheap lady said it, she would definitely find the elixir or elixir that fuses the soul and the body before she enters the ninth secret realm.

 It seems that the original owner's mother loves her very much, and her life in Jiuchongtian will not be difficult.

No matter whether she is controlled by the devil or not, life is always better than before, and Qin Suyue feels a lot happier.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know Qin Suyue's experience. She woke up very late the next day, which was the latest day she had woken up since her soul returned.

Although Ji Jiuzhong woke up very early, he did not leave and stayed with her. When he saw her waking up, he immediately gave her a good morning kiss, and then the two of them got up, packed up, and went to the concubine's house.

 Becoming a real couple, the feeling is different from before. Their relationship was very good before, and they were always together, but now they can't see enough of each other, and can't spend enough time together.

Especially Ji Jiuzhong, when there were only two of them, he lost his coolness and became very clingy.

Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo didn't care about returning home in three days. Yan Xiangluo didn't realize that she was married, so she even went back to Yan's house to have breakfast.

After all, time is running out. Even if you stay with your parents every day, you can only stay for half a month at most.

 In half a month, they will leave for other continents.

When they came to Yan's house, the changes between the two people were naturally clearly seen by Juan Chengye and his wife. After all, they had also come from that age.

 I am happy that my daughter has found someone she can love and stay with for the rest of her life, but she is also a little disappointed. This time, her daughter has really grown up.

 After breakfast, the guests who came to their wedding banquet also came to say goodbye one after another.

There were so many people that Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong simply stood at the gate of the inner city and sent these people away personally.

Heiyuwei has opened the way to the outer city, and the people are very conscious and will never lose face to Jiuyuan City.

Mu Zixian and others personally sent these guests to the gate of the outer city. It can be said that the etiquette was in place and no one could fault them.

Liu Yu looked at the two people standing at the gate of the inner city, and his mood had calmed down. When he walked to them, he said to Yu Xiangluo, "I wish you a smooth journey ahead."

Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised. She had no relationship with Liu Yu, but Liu Yu had always coveted her. She had not forgotten how she left the Mu Sui Continent.

 Hence, Liu Yu's performance today indeed exceeded her expectations.

 Because she saw the sincere wishes in Liu Yu's eyes, and there was no longer the possessiveness she had seen in her before.

I don’t know why Liu Yu changed so much, but she still thanked her sincerely, “I’d like to lend you some good words.”

 Liu Yu smiled in relief, his mood was completely opened, and he turned around and left.

Ji Jiuzhong just glanced at Liu Yu without any unnecessary action. He was being cautious and would not be jealous at this time.

 In less than half an hour, all the guests had left.

This time the two got married very fruitfully, and the people of Jiuyuan City instantly became united. They were all proud of being from Jiuyuan City and consciously maintained the reputation of Jiuyuan City. He even regarded Jiuyuan City as his own guardian. Along the way, there were voices thanking these people for coming to attend the wedding of their city lord.

 It shocked the hearts of the powerful masters from all over the continent to realize that it was possible to manage a city in this way and let all the people protect their common territory from the bottom of their hearts.

However, they also know in their hearts that Jiuyuan City is unique and they cannot imitate this method.

 The most proud ones are the Black Feather Guard families. They are all glad that they made the right decision. Think about those families who gave up at the beginning. Now they don’t even have the memory of their past. How can they talk about their status and strength?

Fang Xi'er was very reluctant to leave. She knew that she didn't know when they would see each other again.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong want to go to Jiuchongtian by going to other continents. She is not strong enough to follow in their footsteps. Although she is a little regretful, she is more proud.

"Xiangluo, I will go to the Nine Heavens to practice. I hope that when you open the passage, I can break through to the level of cultivation that can find you." Fang Xi'er said.

Although her current cultivation level is still a long way from reaching the ninth level of transcending the tribulation, as long as she works hard, she will always get closer.

Yan Xiangluo smiled and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you in Jiuzhongtian."

Yan Xiangluo doesn't have many friends. She only has one friend in Tianchen Continent, Jin Xinrong. She hasn't come to Jiuyuan Continent yet, and she doesn't even dare to think about the time to go to Jiuzhongtian.

 Jiuyuan Continent also has only one friend, Fang Xi'er. Although it will take time for her talent to reach Jiuyuan Continent, it can indeed be estimated.

 Maybe it’s because her relationship is weak, and she doesn’t spend much time with her friends. I sincerely hope that she will have the opportunity to be with them in the future.

The guests have left, but the people of Jiuyuan City are still celebrating their wedding. Together with the New Year, Jiuyuan City has been in a state of celebration for nearly a month.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong lived a sweet newlywed life, spending the most relaxed and happy days with their parents, younger brother, young apprentice, master Deng Changze, master Mu Changling and Ji family ancestor Ji Zimo.

Ge Tianjun went back to the Demon Realm three days after their wedding, but came again during the Chinese New Year. He only stayed for two days, and then went back after celebrating the New Year together. He told them to go to the Demon Realm before leaving.

Time passed by quickly, and as soon as the fifteenth day of the first lunar month passed, it was time for the two of them to prepare to leave.

Ji Zimo and Mu Changling were about to leave with them, but there was no difference between them. However, Guan Chengye, his wife, Guan Anluo, and Qi Hao had not been in high spirits these past few days. Even Deng Changze had the rare sorrow of separation.

Especially Long Moran, who has secretly cried several times.

They had been separated from their daughter for six years, and finally they were reunited as a family, but they had to separate again. This time the separation was different from before, because they knew how difficult the road their daughter had to take was.

Although Chengye was very sad, he still had to reassure his wife and son that they could not let their daughter worry.

Ji Jiuzhong cannot take Mu Zixian and the others with him when he leaves this time. After all, their cultivation levels are not high enough.

But she arranged a busy training and experience plan for them. As long as they follow her plan, most of them can go to the Nine Heavens through the passage when they open it.

Mu Zixian and the others have followed Ji Jiuzhong since they were young, and they never thought that one day they would not be able to keep up with him.

 The mood is a little low, but they also understand that there is no use in being upset.

 When their master and mistress leave, they will devote themselves to cultivation and strive to achieve the cultivation level to go to the ninth heaven when they open the passage to the ninth heaven.

 (End of this chapter)

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