The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 974: It's a whole piece

 Chapter 974 is a whole piece

 Only in this way can they continue to follow in their master's footsteps.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were reluctant to part with it, but they also knew that the sooner they went to Jiuzhongtian, the greater their chances of winning.

The two of them, Mu Changling and Ji Zimo, quietly left in the middle of the night after celebrating the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month with their families, not wanting to face the sadness of leaving the next day.

Yu Chengye, Long Moran and Deng Changze actually knew it, but they pretended not to know, and they couldn't face such a separation.

In Jiuyuan College, demigods Wei Qing and Wei Lan were also looking in the direction of the Yu family. They knew that Yu Xiangluo would leave tonight.

Since you won’t disturb them by talking, you can only send them away silently.

The first batch of students from Jiuyuan College will arrive tomorrow. They can just teach students here with peace of mind and wait for their good news.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong asked Ji Zimo and Mu Changling to wait for them at the place they agreed on. They had to go to the Demon Realm to see Ge Tianjun before leaving.

 Ge Tianjun calculated that they would leave secretly early, so he waited for them in the palace that night.

“Brother.” Yan Xiangluo shouted when she saw Ge Tianjun.

Ge Tianjun glanced at them, stretched out his hand, and a palm-sized book appeared in his hand.

"You hold this book. No one can open this book, so no one knows what is recorded here. But just when you said you wanted to go to Jiuchongtian through other continents, I suddenly thought of this book. I have a feeling it might help you."

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the book that was as big as the palm of Ge Tianjun's hand. It didn't even have a name. Apart from looking like a book, it really didn't match the book.

When Yan Xiangluo saw this book, she felt that it belonged to her.

As a heavenly master, she knew that this feeling would never appear without reason, so she accepted the book politely.

 “I have a familiar feeling, but I can’t remember it, so I won’t be polite to you.”

 Ge Tianjun breathed a sigh of relief, "It seems that my feeling is right."

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the book. Why did he feel familiar? But he didn't say it out loud.

 He and Luoluo have recovered their memories of their previous lives, and are quite sure that this book has nothing to do with their previous lives, so where does this sense of familiarity come from?

“I won’t waste your time anymore. I wish you a smooth trip and hope we can meet as soon as possible.”

Although Ge Tianjun is currently in the realm of transcending tribulation, he has not yet reached the peak of the ninth level of transcending tribulation, so he cannot leave with them.

But he knew very well that it would not take long for him to reach the peak of the ninth level of transcending tribulation. By then, they should be able to open the passage to the ninth heaven, and he could go to them.

Furthermore, his identity doesn’t mean he can just leave, so he would take advantage of this time to explain the affairs of the demon world.

After Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong said goodbye to Ge Tianjun, they went to join Ji Zimo and Mu Changling.

The place where the four agreed to meet is the most mysterious place in the Nine Yuan Continent. This place can only be entered but not exited, so unless you are desperate, you will not go in.

  But no one knows that the reason why this place is mysterious is precisely because it is a place connected to the adjacent continent.

 The reason why the two of them were so sure that they could go to other higher continents was precisely because they knew the relationship between the higher continents and the Nine Heavens Continent.

 In fact, in ancient times, the Jiuzhongtian Continent and these higher continents were a whole continent. The monks at that time were clear-minded and dedicated to cultivation for strength and longevity. They had no idea about territory. Therefore, the continent is in good order no matter how large it is.

 However, as people become more and more selfish and the power-hungry forces are blinded, various forces are divided into gangs. The most obvious one is the rise of various families, and the continent is constantly being divided. Therefore, the continent is constantly being divided by strong people with barriers, and the current pattern is the final result of the division.

 Just to concentrate the spiritual energy in the Nine Heavens, which is more conducive to their cultivation.

 They were people from the Nine Heavens in their previous life, so they naturally knew this.

 Hence, it is clear that as long as the barrier between the higher continents is opened, one can pass through.

As for the barriers set up by the Higher Continent, although they were set up by the powerful ones from the Nine Heavens, they are not without their weaknesses.

You can imagine how much power it takes to build such a barrier. Where two continents are connected, they will be lazy and just use some means to isolate them. The barrier is actually very weak. But it is not something that high-level continental monks can easily open.

 A place that can only be entered but cannot be exited is actually the method they use.

 After the four of them met, neither Ji Zimo nor Mu Changling asked them whether they could really go to other continents. They obviously believed in them.

 The two of them followed Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo in without hesitation.

As soon as the four of them stepped in, they felt completely isolated from the Nine Yuan Continent behind them.

Ji Zimo and Mu Changling understood clearly. No wonder they could only enter but not get out. With such a powerful barrier, even they who were at the ninth level of Tribulation Transcendence could only enter but not get out.

Ji Jiuzhong said to the two of them, "It's just that the barrier is strong when we first come in. The further we go to the middle, the weaker the barrier will be."

The two nodded to indicate that they understood. Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo walked in front, and the two of them followed behind.

They didn't know how the two of them were able to accurately find the direction of the weak middle area, but they clearly felt that the farther they walked through the barrier, the weaker the pressure, which meant that they said the barrier would become weaker and weaker. real.

Although they were very curious about how they knew, neither of them asked.

Ji Zimo had a conjecture in his mind. After all, the ancestors of the Ji family met Ji Jiuzhong's previous life. It is very likely that Ji Jiuzhong now has the memory of his previous life.

 It's just that he didn't expect that Yan Xiangluo also had memories of previous lives.

 You cannot use teleportation or flying in the air here. You can only rely on your footsteps and walk step by step.

The four of them left Jiuyuan City in the middle of the night and went to the Demon Realm. When they came here again, it was already early in the morning. It was already getting dark, which meant that they had walked all day long.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo finally stopped.

Ji Zimo and Mu Changling followed and stopped beside them. Ji Zimo said, "Are you there?"

 While calm, they couldn't be less excited at this time.

“We’re here.” Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand and touched the front, and the four of them clearly felt a repulsive force coming around.

Ji Zimo and Mu Changling also touched it, and sure enough they felt an invisible barrier blocking them. Even if I touch him lightly without using my spiritual power, I can still feel a strong repulsive force.

 They are also people who can set up barriers, but they know very well that they cannot create such barriers.

 Can't even do it, let alone break it.

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