The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 975: Spiritual energy exhausted

Chapter 975: Spiritual Power Exhausted

At this time, they thought, could Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo, who had the same cultivation level as them, break the barrier?

Ji Jiuzhong turned to Ji Zimo and Mu Changling and said, "Although the two of us can open the barrier now, it won't take long, about three breathers. As soon as we open it, you two will go in immediately. After entering, we can It’s not certain that they can’t appear in the same place, and I don’t know if the sound transmission stone can be used on another continent. If we are separated and cannot be contacted, we will meet at the passage to Jiuchongtian on this continent.”

Ji Zimo and Mu Changling nodded, "Understood."

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo looked at each other, and they stretched out their hands at the same time, one left and one right, one left and one right, just like they stretched out their hands to open the curtain on the door.

Ji Zimo and Mu Changling suddenly felt a different aura and knew that the barrier had been torn apart.

The two of them dodged in without any delay. After all, they had said that they could only last three breathers. If they were slower, Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo would not be able to come over. They could only wait for them to regain their strength and tear apart again. It takes a lot of space to come over, that would waste too much time.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo looked relaxed, but in fact they had exhausted all their spiritual energy, leaving nothing behind. Only then did a hole open for them to pass through.

You must know that they are at the ninth level of transcending tribulation. One movement consumes all their spiritual power, which shows that although this barrier is weak, the blocking power is very strong.

 Fortunately, Ji Zimo and Mu Changling were sharp and passed within two respite periods, and they also passed within the last respite period.

 The two of them did not tell Ji Zimo and Mu Changling before that they would consume all their spiritual energy and it would be dangerous to stay here if they could not go there together.

Because Yan Xiangluo has Pangu space and her own personal space, the two of them can hide in the space and come out after recovering their spiritual power.

But fortunately they solved the problem once and for all.

Ji Jiuzhong took Yan Xiangluo’s hand there, so the two of them appeared in the same place.

 But Ji Zimo and Mu Changling were not seen.

I don’t know if the two of them are together, but with their strength, there is no need to worry about their safety.

 The place where they are now is a wilderness. It seems that this is the point where there is no return in this continent. Therefore, no one comes here.

 The first thing now is to find out which continent this continent is, and then find out where the passage to Jiuchongtian is.

They don’t want to waste any more time on this continent, but now that their spiritual power is exhausted, they need to find a place to restore their spiritual power first.

 Otherwise, we have to rely on walking. How long will it take to get out of this wilderness?

Yan Xiangluo said, "The spiritual energy here is not very strong. Let's go into Pangu Space to recover."

Although no one will come here, what if.

They don’t want to be disturbed by any weird people when they are practicing.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Okay."

Yan Xiangluo thought of Ji Zimo and Mu Changling, "Let's contact the two ancestors first."

As soon as she finished speaking, Ji Zimo's sound transmission stone contacted her.

Knowing that they are well together, we agree to find out where they can meet each other first.

 The better you know they are about to have their spiritual energy restored, the better it is to wait for them and contact them.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong entered the Pangu space. They sat down directly by the spiritual spring pool and began to absorb spiritual energy to restore their spiritual power.

 This time the spiritual energy was completely consumed, not a trace was left, but the two of them felt great changes in their bodies.

In terms of cultivation, they know very well that emptying their spiritual power is an excellent opportunity to improve their cultivation level. It’s just that no monk is willing to exhaust all his spiritual power, because that is when their defenses are at their weakest, and when their personal safety is most dangerous.

Who can guarantee that you don't have any enemies? If someone attacks them at that time, it will be a certain death situation.

 Therefore, although everyone knows that this method is of great help to cultivation, no one tries it unless they are forced to do so.

The two of them have now reached the highest level of cultivation in this continent. Although they cannot upgrade their level because of this, there are still benefits. That is, their cultivation strength will be consolidated. Once they break through, there will be a big explosion. .

 Because the two of them understood this, they were not worried at all.

 There is no urgency in absorbing spiritual power, and I practice steadily.

 So much so that it was three days later when the two of them completely recovered their spiritual power. The two in high spirits looked at each other and smiled.

  Needless to say, the two of them knew that they had gained a lot from each other.

Ji Jiuzhong held Yan Xiangluo's hand and said, "Let's go out."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Okay, I'm curious about what's going on in other higher continents?"

Ji Jiuzhong also said, "As long as it's not the same as Jiuyuan Continent."

Yuan Xiangluo naturally understood what he meant.

The passage from Jiuyuan Continent to Jiuchongtian has been blocked. If the passage from this continent is also blocked, they will have to go to other higher continents, which would be a waste of time.

“Let’s go find out about this continent first.” Yan Xiangluo pulled Ji Jiuzhong and teleported away from the wilderness.

Ji Zimo and Mu Changling are still waiting for their news.

 Leaving the wilderness, you could see dots of villages in the distance. The two of them flew in the air, hoping to find a bigger city to get good news before going directly to their destination.

 About a quarter of an hour later, they finally saw a city, but it was not big. It should be a very ordinary city on this continent.

The two of them first used an invisibility pattern on their bodies to avoid the trouble of entering the city. After all, they didn't know whether this advanced continent was the same as the city of Jiuyuan Continent, and identity cards were required to enter and exit the city.

 They don’t have the identity card of this continent.

Sure enough, when we arrived at the city gate, we found that everyone entering the city needed to show their identity cards. The identity cards were similar to those in Jiuyuan Continent.

 The two of them went in directly because they were invisible.

After entering the city, they found a secluded place to remove the invisibility marks on their bodies. The two of them looked at a teahouse on the street at the same time.

Any teahouse in the city is a good place to get information.

You don’t even need to ask, you can hear a lot of information from all over the world just by sitting there and drinking tea.

 The clothes and looks of the two were so outstanding that they attracted the attention of people around them as soon as they appeared.

Everyone who saw their appearance was amazed by their unparalleled appearance. They all compared it with the people they knew who had good looks. The final result was that no one could compare with the two of them.

 It is understandable that only one person has outstanding appearance, but it is really not that easy to encounter two people with equally outstanding appearance.

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