The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 976: Shihai Continent

Chapter 976 Shihai Continent

 In fact, the appearance of monks is better than that of ordinary people. Because of their aura, they carry spirituality and naturally look better than ordinary people.

 But it was just because the spiritual power was added to his body that made his original appearance even more outstanding.

If you want to have a stunning appearance, you still need to look at what your parents give you.

The two of them walked into the teahouse amidst everyone's envious looks and asked for a private room upstairs.

 This way, you can avoid the sight of everyone and it will not affect their ability to listen to what is being discussed in the teahouse.

 The two ordered the best tea in the teahouse, as well as some spiritual fruits and snacks, which made the waiter in charge of them very happy.

Because these two guests were not only good-looking and eye-catching, they were also very generous. They directly rewarded him with an amethyst coin, which was his monthly salary.

 Hence served them more enthusiastically.

I thought that if they wanted to know something, I would know everything and tell them everything.

 But he had put away the tea, snacks and fruits, and neither of them asked him anything, so he had no choice but to leave.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo didn't want to know anything from the guy right now.

The two of them drank tea and looked at the passers-by on the street below from the window. Then they used their spiritual senses to listen to the information being discussed by those downstairs and in other private rooms, searching for the information they needed.

 After sitting in the teahouse for an hour, they knew the name of this continent and where the passage from this continent to Jiuzhongtian was.

 Fortunately, this continent is only divided into two realms: demons and spirits. It is not like the Nine Yuan Continent where the spiritual world is divided into two parts and there is no king to rule. There is no rule without rules, which is vividly reflected on the two continents.

 There are spiritual kings and demon kings in this continent, who are in charge of the spiritual world and the demon world respectively.

The passage to the Nine Heavens is on the dividing line between the two realms of demons, on a mountain called Dengfeng Mountain.

To Yan Xiangluo's surprise, this continent turned out to be the continent where He Siyun, whom she met in the first training place, was located, Shihai Continent.

The two became good friends at first sight, and originally thought that they would have to wait until they were both able to go to the Nine Heavens to see each other again.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t expect that Shihai Continent was right next door to Jiuyuan Continent, which showed how deep their fate was.

 Since you are all in Shihai Continent, you must go and see He Siyun.

Yan Xiangluo excitedly told Ji Jiuchong how she met He Siyun.

Ji Jiuzhong knew from the look on her face that she cared about He Siyun, a friend she had only met twice.

"Since we are so destined, let's go see her before we leave." Ji Jiuzhong said dotingly.

Yan Xiangluo said happily, "Okay, Siyun will definitely be shocked. We also agreed to meet at Jiuchongtian, but now we can meet in advance."

As he said this, he suddenly thought of something, "I trust Siyun, but I don't trust other people. It will be very troublesome if others know that we are from another continent." Ji Jiuzhong said, "He Siyun is not stupid, and this is just right. It’s a good opportunity to test whether she can be friends.”

 Both of them were betrayed by their close relatives and friends in their previous lives. It is extremely difficult for both of them to trust others.

 There is no way, this thing that has been engraved in their souls cannot be removed.

And they are just from other continents. Even if someone knows about it, it will only be a little more troublesome and will not affect them. After all, their cultivation level is here, who dares to do something with them.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I hope our friendship can withstand the test."

“Does Luoluo know where she lives?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

This is a problem. The Shihai Continent is quite large. If you don’t know where He Siyun lives, searching all over the continent will take more than a day or two.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "Because we were not on the same continent, we didn't ask her about the specific place where she lived. But I heard Siyun say that her family is considered a first-class family in Sihai Continent, and the first-class family named He would not There are many, right?”

Hearing this, Ji Jiuzhong said, "It would be easier to look for it this way."

Since you know such important information, you only need to find a place to buy and sell information and buy all the information about the first-class family, the He family, and you will be able to know where He Siyun lives, what his family is like, and her current situation.

Yan Xiangluo was filled with joy, "Let's see if our sound transmission stone can be used. If it can be used, see where ancestors Zimo and Changling are."

Ji Jiuzhong took out the sound transmission stone to input spiritual power and tried it. The sound transmission stone worked well. Ji Zimo and Mu Changling were together. Although they were both from the same place, they came in by tearing apart the space barrier. The two of them were far away from Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo, but very close to the passage to Jiuchongtian.

So Ji Jiuzhong asked them to go to the Jiuzhongtian Passage first, and the two of them would do some errands before rushing over.

 When the two of them were checking out, they asked the waiter where he could buy the news?

Because the two of them generously rewarded him with an amethyst coin, the waiter was very enthusiastic and finally had the opportunity to tell the two of them something to sit down. He walked to the window diligently and pointed to a shop and said, "After the two guests go out, go to the right." Let’s go and see the only shop that doesn’t have a plaque on it. That shop sells information. They have information on both the demon and spirit worlds in the entire continent.”

The clerk was a little strange. The two of them were dressed like they were from a big family. How could they not know the news about the mainland business? He automatically thought that they were the children of the family who were well protected by the family and came out to experience for the first time.

 Otherwise, he wouldn't be so generous and reward him with an amethyst coin as soon as he makes a move.

After learning about the place, Ji Jiuzhong generously rewarded the man with an amethyst coin to make him more sure of his thoughts. It was definitely the first time for the two of them to come out of the family to practice, and they had no experience at all.

 I am a little worried that these two people will not be deceived.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo did this on purpose. After all, they didn't know anything about Shihai Continent, which inevitably made people suspicious and mistakenly thought that they were well protected by their families and had no experience in working outside. The children of the family are the best to hide the reason why they are from other continents.

 In fact, it can be said that they have just broken through from the lower continent, but their cultivation strength does not allow them to pretend to be weak.

 Although these people sensed a strong aura of strength in them, they were too different and did not know their true strength. Therefore, they only thought that they were extremely talented and were protected by their families.

It seems that there are only two of these people, but they will be protected secretly by strong men arranged by the family, so no one dares to provoke them.

The two of them paid the bill and left the teahouse, heading towards the shop where they bought and sold news.

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