The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 977: Arrive at He's house

Chapter 977: Arriving at He’s house

 Fifteen minutes later, they left the shop and learned all the information about the He family, a first-class family.

This place for buying and selling information is equivalent to the level of Jiuyuan Continent. As long as you have absolute financial resources, you don’t have to worry about not being able to buy the information you want.

Yan Xiangluo was surprised. Although she came to Shihai Continent, she did not expect that there would be a better coincidence. He Siyun was actually going to get married.

 It’s just that the person she married is not the Cheng Xiao she thought she was.

He Siyun's luck can avoid all bad things. What happened in such a short period of time that made He Siyun want to get married so soon? And the person she married was not Cheng Xiao, whom she liked.

Yan Xiangluo was even more eager to see He Siyun. Although the two of them only had a mutual relationship, she instinctively liked her. Because of the instinct of the Heavenly Master, she knew that the person who could make her like her from the bottom of her heart, It should be someone you can trust.

Ji Jiuzhong also saw her urgency, and the two of them directly used the teleportation pattern to go to Luofeng Mountain where the He family was located.

The first-class families in Shihai Continent are different from the first-class families in Jiuyuan Continent. They do not live in a certain city, but all live in a certain mountain.

 As long as a certain mountain is mentioned, it actually represents the family.

 This aspect is somewhat similar to Jiuchongtian.

 Apparently, after the World Sea Continent was divided into higher continents, some customs still retained the original appearance of Jiuzhongtian.

The two of them appeared in Luofeng Mountain. The scenery of Luofeng Mountain is very beautiful. Although it is winter, the climate is warm, and you can still see flowers on every tree on the mountain.

The courtyard of the He family is located on Luofeng Mountain. There is a large square at the foot of the mountain. There is a stone archway near the square near the mountain, with the name Alchemy Family on it.

Then a bluestone road spreads up the mountain. The road is very wide, and it is not crowded even if twenty people walk side by side.

There is a long stone wall about five hundred meters away. The stone wall is carved with auspicious patterns. Behind the stone wall is a simple and heavy gate. From the style, you can see the grandeur of a first-class family.

 The door is closed, this should be the main entrance of the He family.

Ji Jiuzhong stepped forward and knocked on the door knocker, and the corner door opened. A man dressed as an attendant glanced at the two of them, and then asked, "Who are you two?"

Yan Xiangluo said, "Siyun and I met in the Land of Lifting. We hit it off immediately. When we heard that Siyun was getting married, we husband and wife came here to congratulate us."

The man frowned and hesitated, "You two come in first and have a cup of tea. I'll go in and report back."

Yu Xiangluo nodded and said, "I'm done."

The attendant asked Yan Xiangluo's name, let the two of them in, settled them in the foyer, and asked the others to accompany him, and then he went in to report.

 In the main hall of the He family, a group of people were arguing fiercely about something.

The attendant could only go outside the courtyard gate and report to the person guarding the outside. After that person went in and reported the matter, he was allowed in.

“Do you think the people who came to congratulate me are friends that the young lady met in the first place of training, or are they coming together as husband and wife?”

"Reporting to the master of the house, the woman said this. The couple looks young, and the woman is not even more than twenty years old. Her appearance is outstanding and can be described as stunning." The attendant replied truthfully.

At this time, the He family is in a critical moment, and there is no room for any mistakes. They are all slaves of the He family who have been branded as slaves, and they have to live and die with the He family. Therefore, they are very cautious.

The head of the He family thought for a moment and looked at the people present, "Go and tell the eldest lady that if it is really a friend she knows, let her decide whether to meet him or not."

He Siyun leaned on the soft couch with a frown on his face. When he heard the report from the visitor, he was in a trance. Was she dreaming? She was thinking about what she would do if Yuan Xiangluo faced her own situation, and she actually came?

 That's not right, she and I are not from the same mainland, how could she come to the Shihai Continent?

Haven’t you been dreaming while you were asleep?

She pinched herself hard and grinned at the pain before she was sure it was not a dream. She immediately got down from the soft couch, walked to the door, looked at the attendant who answered outside, and said, "Are you sure the person who came here said that her name is Yu Xiangluo, and that she met me at the first training place?"

 “Speak back to the eldest lady, sure.”

He Siyun immediately didn't care about anything and ran out of the yard, heading all the way to the mountain gate of the He family.

The attendant was stunned and hurriedly chased after him. He did not forget to remind the people in He Siyun's yard to tell the owner of the house that the eldest lady was running to meet someone.

The distance between the He family's mountain gate and where they live is not close. Even if the attendants use spiritual power, it will take a long time.

And He Siyun flew down from the sky directly, while Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuchong had already drank two cups of tea.

Before Yan Xiangluo put down the tea cup he was holding, he saw a figure rushing in and coming to him.

 Before she put down her tea cup, someone picked her up and spun her around.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. She imagined many exciting scenarios for them to meet, but there was no such thing in Dimension.

He Siyun was excited and incoherent, but Yan Xiangluo still heard what she meant. She was so surprised that Yan Xiangluo came, and she missed her.

"Siyun, put me down first." Yan Xiangluo said helplessly.

"Oh." He Siyun then realized that he was indeed too excited.

 Putting down Yan Xiangluo carefully, he saw Ji Jiuzhong sitting calmly aside.

"Xiangluo, I just heard that you came here with your husband. When did you get married? Is he your husband?" He Siyun looked at Ji Jiuzhong and asked.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "He is my husband Ji Jiuchong. We got married years ago. She is He Siyun, my friend I met in the first place of training."

Ji Jiuchong stood up and nodded.

He Siyun sighed and said, "How come you got married in such a short time? I'm going to get married too."

Yanxiang Luoxing's eyes narrowed slightly, but she did not miss the loneliness in He Siyun's tone.

"It's not surprising that I got married, because we had already agreed. Why do you want to get married so suddenly?" Yan Xiangluo asked cryptically, but she did not dare to mention Cheng Xiao directly.

He Siyun sighed, "Hey, let's go in first, I can't explain a sentence or two."

Yan Xiangluo also knew that this was not the place to talk, so she followed He Siyun and walked to He Mansion.

Ji Jiuchong calmly followed the two of them three steps away.

Because the He family is built on a mountain, you have to go up a few steps. After walking for a while, two men came face to face.

He glanced at Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong and said with a smile, "Little sister, are you friends coming?"

He Siyun nodded, "Well, eldest brother, second brother, I would like to trouble you to help me entertain Xiangluo's husband."

The two of them came here under their father's order, so they naturally agreed.

 Three people became five people traveling together.

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