The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 978: Marriage Order

Chapter 978 Marriage Instructions

Ji Jiuzhong was invited to the banquet room by He Siyun's eldest and second brother, and Yu Xiangluo was dragged by He Siyun to the courtyard where she lived.

 My sister's yard cannot allow outsiders to enter, and her sister wants to say some thoughtful words to Yan Xiangluo. Therefore, Yan Xiangluo and his wife can only entertain them separately.

Along the way, Yan Xiangluo discovered a problem, that is, He Siyun was getting married, but there was no festive atmosphere in He's house. Everyone she met looked downcast, and even the servants were cautious.

Now she can be sure that there is indeed something wrong with He Siyun's marriage.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo saw He Siyun, she knew her fortune.

 She saw He Siyun's destiny in the first place of training. Her destiny was very special. She could perfectly avoid dangers, allowing her to grow up without hardship. However, she would also miss many opportunities.

Now her destiny has not changed, and she has not seen any hardships. The color of her destiny is still white. Yan Xiangluo is even more confused. What is the problem?

He Siyun's eldest and second brothers accompanied Ji Jiuzhong to sit in the living room of the outer courtyard drinking tea and chatting, while Yu Xiangluo was pulled into her boudoir by He Siyun to whisper.

Yan Xiangluo did not shy away. He Siyun raised his hand and set up a barrier in her room.

He Siyun opened his mouth in shock and asked stutteringly, "Xiangluo, what is your cultivation level now? Why can't I see through it at all?"

The reason why He Siyun was so shocked was because when she was in the first training ground, her cultivation was obviously higher than that of Yan Xiangluo.

Even if Yan Xiangluo encountered an opportunity during her training, she wouldn't be able to surpass her by so much at once. She didn't sense the level of Yan Xiangluo's cultivation at all.

Yan Xiangluo didn't hide it, "I am now at the peak of the ninth level of transcending tribulation."

He Siyun looked at her like a monster, "What? Are you sure?"

Isn’t the ninth-level peak cultivation level of Overcoming Tribulation the top peak in the mainland? How did she achieve this level of cultivation in such a short period of time?

Yan Xiangluo said helplessly, "Do I need to lie to you?"

He Siyun pinched herself secretly again, harder than before. It hurt so much that she grimaced in pain.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. Could it be that her cultivation level shocked He Siyun more than her appearance here.

It took a while before He Siyun patted his heart and said, "You are just a monster."

Yan Xiangluo naturally knew that her words were not meant to be derogatory, so she smiled and said, "Tell me, why are you suddenly getting married? The person you are marrying is not Cheng Xiao. Is there any problem between you and Cheng Xiao? "

He Siyun sighed, "I don't have any problems with Cheng Xiao. We have a good relationship. I'm not marrying a person. I'm just marrying a name."

 Married to a name?

 Is this considered marriage?

  Could it be that someone forced her to celebrate someone's birthday?

Yan Xiangluo really didn't expect that this would be the case, but the He family's status was the first in the Shihai Continent, and she really couldn't think of any force that could force her to marry under a certain name.

“What’s going on?” Yan Xiangluo was more curious than worried this time. At this time, she also understood why there was no danger to He Siyun's fate, because she was only married to a name. Apart from the reputation, there was no danger to her life.

He Siyun sighed, "After Cheng Xiao and I came out of the first training place, we told our respective families about our feelings. Both families were very supportive of us. Cheng Xiao's family was ready to propose marriage. Yes, but at this moment..."

He Siyun stretched out a finger and pointed at it, "Suddenly a marriage order came from above, indicating that I will marry a person named Zhao Jingyu. The date of the wedding has been set, and both parties will hold the wedding together in their families. This is simply It’s just like a joke.”

Yu Xiangluo was stunned. Isn't Zhao Jingyu the half-brother of Ji Jiuzhong in his previous life?

She knew that He Siyun was going to marry Zhao Jingyu before, and thought he had the same name. She never expected that he was the half-brother of Ji Jiuzhong from the Zhao family of Jiuzhongtian in his previous life.

Ji Jiuzhong’s biological father’s surname was Zhao, and Ji Jiuzhong took his mother’s surname in his previous life.

From his name, you can tell that Zhao Jingyu is much loved by his father. Jingyu, Jingxinglinfeng, Yu is also known as Morning Star. He is full of masculinity and bright hope. It not only means that a gentleman is upright and strong, but also means that there is a bright future and great potential.

Looking at Ji Jiuchong again, he can’t even have the surname Zhao. Although he has the same father, his destiny is completely different.

Although the Zhao family is not a first-class family in Jiuchongtian, it still has status. How could Zhao Jingyu choose his wife in such a way?

Let’s not talk about the two people. One is in Jiuchongtian and the other is unable to meet in the higher continent. Let’s talk about Zhao Jingyu, who is more than 10,000 years old. How dare he marry He Siyun, a girl in her early twenties?

What makes Yan Xiangluo even more curious is that people from Jiuzhongtian cannot come to the higher continent. How did Zhao Jingyu choose He Siyun? How do you know the situation in Shihai Continent so clearly?

“Since he is from there and has no contact with your mainland, how did he know about you?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

He Siyun said helplessly, "We don't know that something like this happened in our mainland a long time ago. The order for marriage said that it was chosen by the heavenly master and was destined by destiny, and there was something in the order If the binding force is not implemented, the entire continent will be implicated, and even the highest-ranking Celestial Master in our continent can do nothing."

Yu Xiangluo understood clearly that since it was the Heavenly Master who took action, Zhao Jingyu must have encountered some problem and needed a woman with luck like He Siyun to neutralize his luck.

She had a guess in her mind. After all, her Celestial Master's strength was not low in her previous life and this life.

But she was puzzled. Her soul had seen Zhao Jingyu in Ziyun Palace some time ago, and she didn't see anything wrong with him at that time.

 Besides, with the strength of the Zhao family and his father's love for him, how could something like that happen to him?

Yan Xiangluo didn't know Zhao Jingyu's birth date. If she knew, she could use his birth date to see if her guess was right even if he was not in front of him.

I don’t know if Jiuchong knows, Yan Xiangluo wants to ask later.

“What are your family going to do?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

When she arrived at the He Mansion, she could see that there was nothing festive about it. It was obvious that the He family had no intention of holding a wedding at all, but everyone in the mainland knew about this wedding. Yuan Xiangluo was a little confused about what their family was thinking.

 Since you don’t want to hold a wedding, why do you want the whole continent to know about it?

He Siyun said, "What else can we do? Let's fool around with it then! Everyone in the mainland knows that if our family doesn't deal with it, it will arouse the anger of the mainland people."

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