The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 979: are you sad

Chapter 979 Are you sad?

“What does this have to do with them?” Yan Xiangluo asked in confusion.

"The order was announced across the entire continent. If our family doesn't follow the order, both mainlanders will be affected and will be in bad luck." He Siyun sounded angry and helpless.

Yan Xiang was clear about it. She even knew which heavenly master this matter was from. Even though she had not been in Jiuzhongtian Continent for ten thousand years, she also knew who could have such ability.

If this person had taken action, He Siyun would really have no choice but to follow the instructions, otherwise it would really deprive the entire continent of people of their destiny.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo had confirmed her suspicions. Zhao Jingyu had made two preparations for this move. If the He family followed the instructions, his goal would be achieved. If he didn't follow the instructions, he would get Part of the auspicious path of the people of Shihai Mainland. For him, it can be regarded as achieving his goal.

Yu Xiangluo asked, "Where is that instruction?"

If possible, Yan Xiangluo would like to help He Siyun. This would not only help He Siyun alone, but also help the entire Shihai Continent.

He Siyun said, "On the top of Luofeng Mountain, none of us can get close."

Yan Xiangluo frowned, "If you are told, you can only follow the instructions, otherwise the people of Shihai Continent will really be deprived of part of their destiny. This is a method of the Heavenly Master, unless you can break it That command, if you get it, you will break the power of that heavenly master."

He Siyun said worriedly, "The family has discussed it and knows that this is the only way. However, our strength cannot resist that order at all. My father has invited the strongest heavenly master in the mainland and there is no way."

Yan Xiangluo didn't say she had a solution. She wanted to see what happened to the other party? When deciding whether to take action or not, don't act recklessly, otherwise it will be bad for He Siyun.

 “What did Cheng Xiao say?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

He Siyun suddenly collapsed on the soft couch where the two of them were sitting, "We separated."

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows, "Is it because of this?"

He Siyun nodded, "He said that neither our He family nor the Cheng family can see the people there, let alone fight. If they don't follow the instructions, the He family and the Cheng family will become enemies of the entire continent. These are two It’s a result that no family can face. Since there is nothing we can do about it, the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain.”

The corners of Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched. She really didn't expect that Cheng Xiao would be the first person to give up between He Siyun and Cheng Xiao.

 It was so easy for him to give up.

"Are you sad?" Yan Xiangluo looked at He Siyun and asked.

"It would be a lie to say that I am not sad at all. After so many years, I finally met someone I like. But I also know that this matter is indeed not something that any of our families can solve. He made such a decision for the sake of the family I can't say he is wrong, let alone blame him." He Siyun said in a low tone. Yan Xiangluo was speechless. He Siyun was such a kind girl, how could she have such a fate.

 I have made a mistake. Let’s not talk about it. It is just an instruction, and there is no substantive marriage. Even if there is one, I still have to work hard to fight for it. How can I give up so happily?

“If this order is destroyed, will you still accept Cheng Xiao?” Yan Xiangluo asked tentatively.

He Siyun was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "Let's not talk about whether this can come true. Even if it can succeed, it will be impossible for him and me."

Hua Luo explained, "Anyway, I am very disappointed that he gave up our relationship so quickly and neatly. Although it was for his family, his giving up so early shows that I am not important in his heart." . This incident has left a trace in our hearts. I don’t know what he will think, but I will doubt him in my future life and will never trust him wholeheartedly. What I want is that when he decides to give up on our relationship, we will never have a future.”

Yan Xiangluo looked at He Siyun, who had no energy, and saw that she was kind and simple, but she was actually a girl who knew how to live.

“There is indeed a reason why we hit it off right away, because we are both frank and unwilling to compromise.” Yan Xiangluo said with emotion.

He Siyun smiled when he heard this, "You still have better luck than me. Seeing the way you get along with your husband, I know that your relationship is very deep. You can know each other's meaning just by looking at it, and I can also see it. Your husband loves you very much and really likes you. Every look he looks at you is so gentle, and there is a lot of tenderness hidden deep in his eyes. "

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. She didn't know there were so many emotions in Ji Jiuzhong's eyes.

When talking about the two of them, He Siyun realized that he had overlooked a very important question. He sat up suddenly, looked at Yan Xiangluo and asked, "Xiangluo, we live in different continents. How did you come to Shihai Continent?" of?"

Yan Xiangluo didn't hide anything from her, "We came here through the barrier connecting the two continents, but not everyone can do it, and there is no way in or out, unless you can tear open the barrier and go to another continent. ”

Yan Xiangluo did not deceive He Siyun about this. After all, they knew how to tear apart the barrier because they had experience and information from the Nine Heavens. This also consumed all their spiritual power, and people from the mainland could not do it.

He Siyun looked at her in shock, "This is the first time I've heard that there is a barrier connecting the two continents. Did you come here specifically to see me?"

Yan Xiangluo gave her a pair of eyes, "You are overthinking. How could I possibly know that the continent adjacent to our continent is Shihai Continent? I only found out after coming here. I thought that since I came to your continent by such a coincidence, I must come and see you. At that time, when I came to your land in the first place, I didn’t think that we could meet in Shihai Continent, so I didn’t ask for your address in detail, so I checked the information of the first family, the He family. Got your news.”

He Siyun was not angry at all at Yan Xiangluo's straightforward words. On the contrary, she was very happy after hearing her words because she knew it was the truth.

"Since not everyone can do it, it must not be easy for you to come over. Why do you go to the neighboring continent with so much effort?" He Siyun asked curiously.

Yan Xiangluo sighed and said, "We have no choice. The passage from our mainland to the Nine Heavens has been blocked for ten thousand years. Our husband and wife's cultivation levels have reached the highest level in the mainland. If we can't go to Jiuchongtian, we will be like this for the rest of our lives. I thought about whether we could go to other continents and then go to Jiuchongtian through the passages from other continents. Unexpectedly, our bet turned out to be right. "

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