The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 980: not a bad thing

Chapter 980 is not a bad thing

He Siyun said in surprise, "Every higher continent has a passage to the Nine Heavens. Why is your passage blocked?"

Yan Xiangluo didn't say much, "You have offended the people of Jiuzhongtian!"

He Siyun was speechless, thinking that the people on the continent where Yu Xiangluo was located were so courageous. They even dared to offend people on the Jiuchongtian Continent. Suddenly she thought about her situation. If she resisted the order, she would also offend the people of Jiuchongtian. Therefore, if she implicated the people of Shihai Continent, not only would they lose part of their destiny, but it would also probably take them to Jiuchongtian. The passage is sealed.

Thinking about this, He Siyun felt that she had no choice. She could not selfishly put her personal gains, losses and happiness at the expense of the interests of the entire mainland.

She can't bear it, and neither can the He family.

 Presumably Cheng Xiao thinks so too.

 “It seems that I really can’t resist.” He Siyun let out a long breath.

Yan Xiangluo naturally understood what He Siyun was worried about. She originally wanted to help He Siyun, but then she realized that either she wanted to help or it was a good thing.

Even if she could break the order, she might not have really helped them, and might even harm them.

She really can't interfere in this matter easily.

“I originally thought that you were going to get married, so I came here to give you some extra makeup, but I didn’t expect that it would turn out like this. Now it seems there is no need to add more makeup.” Yan Xiangluo really prepared a rich gift from the mainland for He Siyun.

 In this case, if she took out the gift, it would be a slap in the face of the He family.

He Siyun looked at her as if you are indeed my good friend, "When I really marry someone who loves me, you can add more makeup to me. I plan to go to Jiuchongtian to dissolve the marriage in person, and then in Jiuchong I will find someone who loves me and loves me beautifully.”

Yan Xiangluo immediately raised her thumb, "That's how it should be. No matter how things develop, first of all we should not give up. You have excellent luck and can avoid all bad things. Your current luck is still very good. Well, if there is no change at all, it means that this matter is a good thing for you. As for the good thing, I don’t know yet, but it has benefited you a lot from being able to see Cheng Xiao clearly. "

Her words were not meant to comfort He Siyun. They were facts. He Siyun's fate had indeed not changed at all, so this matter should not be a bad thing for He Siyun.

  After all, she has a natural ability to avoid things that are not good for her.

He Siyun smiled after listening to Yan Xiangluo's words, "From what you said, it seems true. Anyway, it's just an instruction, and it won't do any substantial harm to me. As for Cheng Xiao, as you said, see clearly that a person is indeed a person as soon as possible. A good thing is much better than finding out that I am not that important in his heart when I am stuck in it and can't get out."

He Siyun also figured it out. In fact, Cheng Xiao was not a bad person after all. After all, he calmly expressed his concerns and decisions. Although he was not a sentimental person, he was at least an honest person and did not deceive her. , it’s just that he is not that important in his heart.

Seeing that she could think openly, Yan Xiangluo felt relieved.

“Practice hard and see you in the ninth heaven.” Yan Xiangluo encouraged her.

"Okay, I want to see who my husband is?" He Siyun felt much more comfortable after talking to Yan Xiangluo for a while, and even started teasing himself.

The corner of Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched, and she thought to herself: If you knew that your husband was already over 10,000 years old, would you still be so excited?

"Then I won't stay with you any longer. We are going to the Nine Heavens Channel now." Yan Xiangluo felt that since she couldn't help He Siyun now, there was no need to stay any longer.

It's better to go to Jiuchongtian early to see what's going on, and then see how to help He Siyun.

When He Siyun heard that Yan Xiangluo was leaving, he was very reluctant, "You're here, just stay for two more days. We don't know when we can meet next time." Yan Xiangluo said, "Staying longer won't be enough. Yes, if I go to Jiuchongtian early, I might be able to help you."

He Siyun was extremely moved when he heard that Yan Xiangluo said that Jiuchongtian wanted to find a way to help her.

They only met in the first place of experience and didn't spend much time together, but they fell in love with each other at first sight. Even when she encountered such a dilemma, Yu Xiangluo not only did not dislike herself, but also found ways to help her. This is a true friend. .

He Siyun twitched his nose and said in a choked voice, "Thank you, Xiangluo, I will definitely go to Jiuchongtian as soon as possible."

Yan Xiangluo made a cheering gesture, "I believe you can do it."

The two of them walked out of He Siyun's boudoir, left her courtyard, and came to the outer courtyard.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo's figure appeared, Ji Jiuzhong immediately looked over. He Siyun's eldest brother and second brother also stood up.

The two of them talked here for a long time, but not a single useful word came out of Ji Jiuzhong's mouth.

They wanted to know if Yuan Xiangluo was from the Yuan family, the first family? But Ji Jiuzhong always has a way to change the subject.

They chatted for so long, but they didn't come up with any useful information.

I have some suspicion that Yuan Xiangluo is probably from the Yuan family, but I just have some concerns about disclosing her identity.

 Seeing my little sister and Yan Xiangluo come out, I immediately invited them to have lunch.

"You two have come from afar and have prepared some wine and vegetables to wash away the wind and dust. Please give me a compliment." He Siyun's eldest brother said.

Yan Xiangluo smiled and said, "I understand, we won't eat anymore. We and I have important things to do, so we won't stay here any longer. I'll come see Siyun again when I have the opportunity, so I won't bother you for a few more days." ”

He Siyun's eldest brother and second brother were startled. They didn't expect that they were about to leave, so they immediately looked at their little sister.

He Siyun immediately said, "Eldest brother, second brother, Xiangluo and his wife do have important things to do. They came to see me because they listened to my matter. I will invite them to stay at home for a few more days if I have the opportunity."

Since my little sister has said this, the two brothers can't do anything to persuade her to stay. After all, they are not familiar people.

The three brothers and sister sent the couple down the mountain together. Under He Siyun's reluctant eyes, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong teleported away.

He Siyun's eldest and second brothers looked at his little sister.

That look is very clear. Now you have to tell me who these two people are.

“Little sister, is Yuan Xiangluo a family member?” Brother He Siyun asked.

He Siyun sighed, "Yan Xiangluo is indeed a friend I met at first sight and fell in love with at first sight. This time I gained something in the first training place because I met her."

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