The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 981: Really connected

Chapter 981 There is a real connection

“She is someone I trust. She is not from the Yu family. Her last name is just a coincidence. Don’t ask about the other eldest and second brothers. You will know if there is a chance in the future.”

He Siyun knew that she could not tell anyone about Yan Xiangluo's identity or that she came from another higher continent, not even her brother. She was doing it for their own good.

He Siyun's eldest brother and second brother looked at each other. Yan Xiangluo and his wife were both very young, but they couldn't tell their cultivation level. They had even secretly asked the hidden guards of the He family who were hiding in the dark and had higher cultivation level than them. , they didn't see the cultivation level of the two of them.

Moreover, Yinwei said that when Yan Xiangluo and his little sister talked in her boudoir, they could not hear a sound.

Evidently a barrier has been placed on the younger sister's boudoir. Their younger sister has not yet reached the level of cultivation to create such a strong barrier. There is no need to ask who set up this barrier.

No matter how many questions they have in their minds, they know that nothing can be asked from their younger sister.

They know very well about their sister. She usually looks very well-behaved, but she is actually a person with great ideas. Even her parents cannot change the things she decides.

"By the way, brother, tell me, don't worry about the instructions anymore. Just follow the instructions. It's just a formality anyway. I'll stay at home. There's nothing dangerous. There's no need to worry about things that can't be solved. I will go to Jiuzhongtian to solve this problem myself in the future.”

The two brothers were stunned. When did the younger sister become so domineering?

But the result of their discussion is also like this. It will be easier for the younger sister to think about it, and the younger sister is right. There is no need to worry about things that cannot be solved. It is better to practice to improve your strength, and then go to the Nine Heavens to solve the matter.

“Brother understands, my little sister has grown up.” Brother He Siyun looked at his sister with emotion, and then he and his second brother went directly to his father to reply.

He Siyun also turned around and returned to his yard. After sitting cross-legged on the bed and thinking for a while, he began to practice. His originally confused mind suddenly became enlightened after talking to Yan Xiangluo.

She no longer dwells on things that cannot be solved at the moment, and practices quietly. Nothing is more important than improving her strength. If she is strong enough, who can control her.

 Her desire to go to Jiuzhongtian was extremely determined because of this incident.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong did not go directly to Dengfeng Mountain. Ji Jiuzhong took Yan Xiangluo and teleported to the Yu family, the first family in Shihai Continent.

Just now, two brothers from the He family asked him whether Luo Luo was a member of the Yu family, but they were avoided by him. However, he was also curious about whether the Yu family here had any blood relationship with Luo Luo.

Although the possibility is unlikely, it’s already here, and it won’t waste much time to make sure.

Yan Xiangluo was also very curious after hearing what Ji Jiuzhong said. After all, there were too few people with the surname Yan.

The concubine family of the first family lives in Wangxianshan. The He family was impressive enough before. After seeing Ji Jiuzhong of the concubine family, I realized why the brothers of the He family openly and secretly asked Luo Luo if he was a member of the concubine family. The status of the concubine family can be seen from the residence of the concubine family. A lot of difference.

“Do you need to go in?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "If you want to save time, go in."

 Otherwise, they can only wait here for the Yu family to come out, but they cannot be sure when the Yu family will come out and whether the people who come out are from the Yu family.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Then go directly to the main courtyard."

The head of the Yu family must not be a bloodline of the Yu family. This can be directly confirmed, and then they can leave without much delay.

After saying this, he pulled Yu Xiangluo and disappeared, and then the two of them appeared in the courtyard of the main courtyard of the Yu family. However, Ji Jiuzhong used invisible mysterious patterns on them. With their cultivation strength, as long as they couldn't see When it comes to them, no one can notice their existence.

Yan Xiangluo looked at a man sitting on the main seat in the main hall, talking to the man sitting below him. Yan Xiangluo used her spiritual consciousness to sense it. Not to mention, she really felt a trace of blood connection, but it was very weak.

However, this also shows that the Yu family in Shihai Continent and the Yu family in Tianqian Continent are really the same ancestors for who knows how many generations.

This discovery made Yan Xiangluo realize that the bloodline of the Yan family might have some origins.

Yan Xiangluo took Ji Jiuzhong and left the Yan family without disturbing anyone in the whole process.

Ji Jiuzhong removed the invisibility pattern and asked, "How?"

“There is indeed a trace of blood connection, but it is very weak. If you don’t specially sense it, you really can’t sense it.”

Ji Jiuzhong naturally understood after hearing this, "The surname of Jiuchongtian is also very rare. I haven't heard of that big family's surname. Is this bloodline related to the sect leader of the destroyed sect in Luoluo?"

Ruan Xiangluo said, "The bloodline has become so scarce that it must have been a long time ago. The middle sect has been destroyed, and the sect master has long since disappeared into nothingness. There is no way to verify it. There is no need for us to get entangled. If we are destined, we will know it. If we are not destined, we will know it." That’s fine.”

 In any case, after avenging the sect in her previous life, she took the sect master's surname, which was considered to be the fate between them.

 In this life, she does not want any blood relationship to affect her life. This is also the main reason why she was not prepared to recognize the Wei family at the beginning.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "Luoluo is reasonable."

Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him, "I have lived two lives and I still can't think about it."

Ji Jiuchong sighed, "My life span in the two lifetimes combined will not be long."

Yu Xiangluo's eyes paused, her heart a little confused, "Then let's try to live longer in this life."

Ji Jiuzhong hugged her and said, "Yes, we have to work hard to live longer. We have many wishes that have not yet been realized."

 The two of them teleported directly to Dengfeng Mountain.

When they arrived here, they discovered that unlike the passage occupied by the Yunshang Palace people in Jiuyuan Continent, there was no force occupying this place.

However, there are so many people cultivating in hiding in the mountains that they can’t even count their breaths. But they are all far away from the climbing steps.

 The people who have reached the ninth level of transcending tribulation are only a few after all, and they have not seen anyone from Shihai Continent.

 Only Ji Zimo and Mu Changling were seen sitting side by side on the climbing steps looking down the mountain.

When they saw them appearing, the two men immediately stood up, waved to them, and motioned for them to come up quickly.

Yan Xiangluo told Ji Jiuzhong about He Siyun as he walked up.

 Finally, he asked, "Do you know the birth date of your cheap brother Zhao Jingyu in your previous life?"

Ji Jiuzhong’s lips twitched, cheap brother? Didn't he see how that younger brother was so cheap?

However, he was also a little surprised that Zhao Jingyu actually used this method to find a wife on the mainland. Thousands of years have passed, and not only has he not made any progress, he has also regressed to such an extent that the good name his father gave him has been in vain, and it has not come true at all.

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