The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 982: Very few

Chapter 982 Very few

 To be honest, Zhao Jingyu's life is not very good.

"Luoluo wants to see what's going on?" Ji Jiuzhong said clearly.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I probably know what's going on. I need to confirm it. I want to help He Siyun."

“Why don’t you help now?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Ji Jiuzhong, Luoluo's Heavenly Master, knew very well that he was definitely much stronger than in the previous life, and she could not be troubled by any instructions.

"I'm worried that the passage from Shihai Continent to Jiuchongtian will be blocked because of this. As soon as I leave, He Siyun will have to bear the responsibility for this matter that she may not be able to bear. I want to help her, not harm her, so After going to Jiuchongtian, we can find a way to help her more safely," Yuan Xiangluo explained.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, his smart and wise girl was back.

"I know what year and day he was born, but I don't know the specific time of birth." Ji Jiuzhong said matter-of-factly.

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo said, "It seems that we can only go to Jiuzhongtian to resolve this matter."

As long as she went to Jiuzhongtian, even if she didn't have a birth date, she could still see the problem with Zhao Jingyu when she saw him.

Anyway, she guessed pretty well, but she just wanted to make sure. If it was as she guessed, it wouldn't be difficult to solve it.

While the two were talking, they walked up to Ji Zimo and Mu Changling.

Ji Zimo told the two of them what they had learned about the Nine Heavens Passage.

“Although the passage to the Nine Heavens in Shihai Continent has not been blocked, there are only a few people who have truly succeeded in overcoming the tribulation.”

Ji Jiuchong asked, "When was the last time someone went to Jiuchongtian?"

Ji Zimo said, "Thirty years ago."

He continued, "But it has been one hundred and twenty years since the last time someone succeeded."

Although one hundred and twenty years is not a long life compared to the peak of the ninth level of transcending tribulation, there are countless monks in Shihai Continent, and there are definitely not just one or two people who have reached the ninth level of transcending tribulation. After all, The cultivation level of people from Shihai continent is obviously faster than that of people from Jiuyuan continent. Under such circumstances, it took such a long time for one person to successfully go to Jiuzhongtian, which shows that the chance of success is low.

Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo are not worried about themselves. After all, they have the memory and experience of Jiuzhongtian cultivation.

They were worried about Ji Zimo and Mu Changling. One of them came from the lower continent and the other was born and raised in the higher continent. Therefore, the test of breaking through was unfamiliar to them.

However, neither of them are exceptionally talented. Mu Changling has already reached the cultivation level to leave here, and given his age and experience, there should be no problem.

Not to mention Ji Zimo, he has lived in the state of soul for so long, and his realm cannot be measured by the higher mainland realm.

 Thinking about it this way, I don’t have much to worry about them.

Even so, Ji Jiuzhong also told them some situations that might happen during the breakthrough, so that they could be prepared.

 Half an hour later, the four of them finally arrived at the passage from Shihai Continent to Jiuchongtian.

They finally knew what the unblocked passage looked like, a simple and majestic stone archway with the words Jiuchongtian written on it.

Even though Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuchong had memories of the previous life, it was the first time they saw the passage from the Higher Continent to Jiuchongtian. They had no time to pay attention to this matter in their previous life, and they were not interested in the lower continents.

When they saw the passage, the two of them used their spiritual power to check the strength of the passage.

 It became clear immediately.

 In fact, the so-called passage to the Nine Heavens is to set up some obstacles when the monks break through the ninth level of peak cultivation.

 When advancing through ordinary levels, as long as the spiritual power is sufficient and the state is reached, it is easy to succeed when there is an opportunity to break through. However, with this obstacle, the difficulty of breaking through increases.

 It is not wrong to describe it as "overcoming a tribulation". It is really like overcoming a tribulation once, and it has the effect of being reborn from the ashes. Of course, this is for the native high-level mainlanders, but for Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo, the two people with Jiuzhongtian souls, it has lost this effect.

The two looked at each other and understood what each other meant. Although the obstacles set up here were difficult for Ji Zimo and Mu Changling, they were equivalent to high-level experience and they should be able to pass them smoothly.

"The place where we arrive at Jiuchongtian is probably not the same place. Re-strengthen the connection between the four of us through the sound transmission stone, so that we will not lose contact after we arrive at Jiuchongtian." Yan Xiangluo said.

Ji Jiuzhong reminded Ji Zimo and Mu Changling, "When you get to Jiuzongtian, don't trust anyone. None of us are short of cultivation resources. You can find some secret realms to practice. Every continent has no shortage of secret realms and places to practice. This is how Luoluo and I came together step by step. It is better to rely on ourselves than to rely on anyone else.”

Ji Zimo and Mu Changling both had the feeling that Ji Jiuzhong knew Jiuzhongtian very well. Ji Jiuzhong was not a talkative person, let alone a nosy person. Since he reminded them like this, it was not without purpose.

 “You should also be careful.” Ji Zimo said.

His mission is to protect the descendants of the Ji family who have the imperial bloodline of Tianyun Heir. Even if he has a body, his mission will not change.

 But after all, they are no longer in the Nine Yuan Continent, and when they reach the Nine Heavens, his cultivation level is not the strongest on the mainland. He does need to experience and improve his cultivation level.

 “Who comes first?” Yan Xiangluo said.

 “I’ll go first.” Mu Changling glanced at the three of them.

“Master, let’s meet in the ninth heaven.” Yan Xiangluo said in a relaxed tone.

Mu Changling knew that this girl wanted him to relax and not be too nervous, so she waved her hand grandly, "That's necessary."

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked into a passage like a stone archway.

Mu Changling's figure disappeared, and the three of them could not sense anything. This also meant that they did not have to wait. Everyone would be separated automatically after entering, and they would all have their own breakthrough experience without disturbing each other.

 In this case, there is no need to wait.

Ji Zimo said to the two of them, "I'll go first."

Ji Jiuzhong let Yan Xiangluo go in before him. When he was alone, he turned back and glanced.

Although this is not the Nine Yuan Continent, it is still a high-level continent. He knows that from now on, they will truly enter the world of their previous life. They have to face some things, and the task of eliminating demons has truly begun.

Ji Jiuzhong retracted his gaze and walked into the passage without hesitation. This life was different after all.

At this time, those who were practicing hidden in the mountains felt that there was movement in the passage to the Nine Heavens, and they all woke up from their cultivation.

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