The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 984: How long can I watch

Chapter 984 How long can I watch it?

Although Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo entered after them, they actually arrived at Jiuchongtian before Ji Zimo and Mu Changling.

Because the two of them have the memory of the Nine Heavens, this passage is not difficult for them. It can be said that there is no obstacle at all.

 The two of them walked through the passage after entering.

 After coming out of the passage, their cultivation levels all made breakthroughs and reached Mahayana cultivation level.

 The two immediately began to break through and advance.

After the two of them were promoted, Ji Jiuzhong waited for a while and then contacted Yan Xiangluo.

“Luoluo, where are you?”

Yan Xiangluo started to break through and advance as soon as he came out. After he succeeded in advancement, he didn't show up again.

She was stunned when she looked at the familiar buildings on the mountain in front of her. She didn't expect that she would appear in Qianjuan Mountain as soon as she returned to Jiuzhongtian.

At this moment, her sound transmission stone lit up, and she knew it must be Ji Jiuzhong. She came to her senses and immediately contacted Ji Jiuzhong.

"Jiuchong, I'm at the foot of Qianjuan Mountain." Yan Xiangluo said.

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned when he heard this. Qianjuan Mountain was the place where his relationship with Luoluo deepened in his previous life.

The two of them had expressed their feelings for each other back then, Luoluo had already worshiped Saint Fengyuan as her disciple, and the strength of the Heavenly Master had far surpassed that of her senior brothers.

But Saint Fengyuan said that her mind was unstable and asked her to go to the Cangshuge Pavilion in Qianjuan Mountain to study quietly for three months before returning.

 He went to accompany her, and the two of them read books together every day, and their relationship became deeper and deeper day after day.

 But with just a few days left in the three months, something big happened in the Qianjuan Mountain Library.

Luoluo also became famous because of this.

Those who were studying at the Qianjuan Mountain Library discussed together and later carved a statue of her to stand in front of the library.

Everyone who comes here to read in the future will give her a gift first, thanking her for preserving the books in Qianjuan Mountain so that their descendants can continue to study.

 Qianjuan Mountain is just a place to store books, so people call it the Library Pavilion.

 There is no one to guard it, and no force can occupy it, but it has a pivotal position in Jiuzhongtian.

All monks whose moods are unstable and their realms are stagnant will come to Qianjuan Mountain to study. It can take anywhere from a few months to a few years to break through their current mood and realm, just because the books in the Qianjuan Mountain Library are all left over from ancient times. down.

It's very magical here. You can read every book in the Qianjuan Mountain Library at will, but you can't take it with you. Even if you want to copy a copy and take it away, you can't.

What’s even more magical is that when you study here, what you read and what you gain can only be enjoyed by yourself. If you leave here, you can’t verbalize the contents of these books, and you can’t tell others about your feelings. It can't be done.

There is no one guarding Qianjuan Mountain. The entire library building covers a large area. There are forty-nine library pavilions, all of which are left over from ancient times.

 There is no restriction on anyone coming in to read books, and there is no need to pay any fees.

There is only one thing. People who come in to read must consciously keep the Qianjuan Mountain Library clean. Anyone who fails to abide by this agreement will be automatically thrown out.

The most amazing thing is that Qianjuan Mountain is located on the border between the two realms of demons and spirits. It is not owned by either party. Anyone who is a demon cultivator or a spiritual cultivator can come in and study at any time.

 Fighting is not allowed here, Qianjuan Mountain is also the place where demon cultivators and spiritual cultivators get along most harmoniously.

"Luoluo, wait for me to come over, and we can revisit our old place." Ji Jiuzhong said, recovering his thoughts. “Okay.” Yan Xiangluo agreed happily.

Ji Jiuzhong teleported to the foot of Qianjuan Mountain and saw Yan Xiangluo in a red dress standing in the wind and looking up at the buildings on the mountain.

There is the Qianjuan Mountain Library.

Ji Jiuzhong walked to Yan Xiangluo and said, "Let's go look at the books again and see which library we can see this time."

Yan Xiangluo smiled and said, "That's exactly what I meant."

The books in Qianjuan Mountain Academy are not all put together, but in different libraries.

There are forty-nine libraries in total, and each library has a number, from the first library to the forty-ninth library.

With your level of cultivation, you can see which numbered library book can open which library door.

However, even if you open the door, you may not be able to read all the books inside. Once you can read all the books in this library, you can go to the library with a higher number to read.

This is also the reason why people who come here to read will improve their realm as long as they are willing to calm down and read.

  In the previous life, the two of them read books here for three months, and they only finished reading the book number 40 in the library. Neither of them could enter the library numbered 41.

Now that they have been reincarnated and reborn, the first place they are familiar with is Qianjuan Mountain, which also shows that they have an opportunity here. Whether it is Ji Jiuzhong or Yan Xiangluo, they all want to see the books in the last nine libraries. Can I see it in this life?

There is a huge rock at the foot of the mountain with three red words "Qianjuan Mountain" on it.

It is said that these three characters were left over from ancient times. No one knows who carved them, but these three characters are so magical that few people can keep staring at them.

Before their deaths in their previous lives, the longest time a visitor to Qianjuan Mountain read these three words was half an hour. The record holders were Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo pointed at the words Qianjuan Mountain and said with a smile, "Let's try it first and see how long we can look at it this time. Which one of us can look at it longer?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Okay."

The two of them walked to the stone carvings and looked up at the words Qianjuan Mountain. The boulder was very high and was in the center of the boulder. You had to look up to see it.

 At this moment, Ji Zimo and Mu Changling contacted them.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo felt relieved knowing that they had successfully arrived at Jiuzhongtian. They informed them of their current location and the magic of Qianjuan Mountain, allowing them to decide whether to come or not.

Ji Zimo and Mu Changling were not in the same place, but they made the same decision. They both decided to learn about Jiuchongtian Continent first, and then decide what to do and what to do.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong respect their decision. After all, after coming here, they will know their identities and stories in their previous lives, and they need time to digest them.

Hence, the two of them did not interfere with their decision, and put away the sound transmission stone. They looked at each other, and then looked up at the words Qianjuan Mountain.

Just when they were looking at the words Qianjuan Mountain, someone else came and stood silently near them and looked up at the words Qianjuan Mountain.

 This is something everyone who comes to Qianjuan Mountain must do.

 Even if it is not the first time, I will do it every time I come here. Everything in Qianjuan Mountain is not without reason.

 In less than half a quarter of an hour, some people had already retracted their gaze and could no longer look at it.

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