The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 985: self statue

Chapter 985: Statue of Himself

 In fact, looking at the three words "Qianjuan Mountain" tests how strong a person's mental power is, that is, how big your sea of ​​consciousness is.

 The larger the sea of ​​consciousness and the stronger the mental power, the longer you can look.

It will have a headache to surpass your mental strength. No one will be stiff. How long can it be seen? If you have to persist, it is likely to become a fool.

The next few people were all around a quarter of an hour, and only one person watched it for two quarters of an hour.

They were surprised to see that the pair of men and women with extremely outstanding looks who arrived before them were still watching. Are these two people so mentally powerful?

When someone saw Yan Xiangluo's appearance, they were immediately shocked and immediately shrugged the person next to them with their elbows, "Do you think that woman looks like the statue of Tianshi in front of the academy?"

The people next to him were surprised when they heard this and took a closer look, "It's so similar, just like Heavenly Master Yu is standing in front of us. If we didn't know that she died thousands of years ago, I would believe that they are the same person. ”

“No, I was shocked when I saw it clearly just now.”

“It seems like she has very strong mental strength. It’s been two-quarters of an hour since I came here. How long have they been here?”

"I'm not in a hurry to go up the mountain. I want to see how long she can look at it?" someone said immediately.

 Others have the same mentality. Since they came here because they encountered a bottleneck in their cultivation, there is no rush.

There are people coming to Qianjuan Mountain every day, and people are also leaving. People are coming from behind, and people are coming down the mountain.

Although there were not many, I heard that the two of them had been watching for a long time and were very shocked. Therefore, both those who came down from the mountain and those who had just arrived at Qianjuan Mountain gathered behind Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong to watch. How long can they watch?

Although Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were looked up at by outsiders and looked up at the words Qianjuan Mountain, each of them had entered the realm at this time.

 This was something they had never experienced in their previous lives, and only then did they realize the magic of the three words Qianjuan Mountain.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo seemed to have arrived in the ancient times. How did she know? Because she was surrounded by Pangu aura. Because of the existence of Pangu space, Yan Xiangluo was very familiar with Pangu aura. At this time, he was surrounded by strong Pangu aura. Breath, from this point alone, she was sure that her soul had arrived in ancient times.

She looked at everything in front of her in amazement. The ancient times were an unattainable era for their monks. The various cultivation techniques and various spiritual treasures handed down from that period were not the techniques and treasures of today. Comparable.

As long as any monk obtains an ancient skill, his achievements in cultivation will definitely not be low. If a person can obtain an ancient treasure, he will be almost invincible.

Now that her spirit body has come to visit the ancient times in person, how can Yuan Xiangluo not be excited?

 There is a big gap between hearing about it and seeing it with your own eyes.

Yan Xiangluo’s spirit body is flying in the void. This is beyond her control.

Since she couldn't control her, she simply relaxed her soul completely and wanted to see how she could enter such a realm and travel to the ancient times.

She will not enter a certain realm for no reason. Every time she enters a realm, there will be a lot of gains or information and warnings.

 After the soul body relaxed, the speed seemed to be faster.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the mountains, rivers, villages and passers-by below, and she realized that the scenes in the early antiquity described in ancient books were all true.

Nearly all people in this period can practice cultivation, at least the people she saw were monks, and monks in ancient times were doing things that monks disdain to do now.

 She clearly saw monks with a high level of cultivation farming. This was something that would never happen to them now.

 That is only done by ordinary people who cannot practice.

Not only that, they worked with each other while farming, but also discussed their cultivation experiences with each other. From time to time, they would stop to study the insights they suddenly realized. Some even sat down cross-legged in the field and started practicing without worrying about being disturbed by others.

Yan Xiangluo lamented that people at this time were so simple.

This kind of practice that can be done anytime and anywhere shows that people of that period had a natural and simple state of mind, and did not need to be wary of anyone.

 Such a state of mind is something no mainlander can achieve nowadays.

 She could not achieve such a simple state of mind.

The soul body continued to fly, and the situation she saw was changing little by little. Yan Xiangluo frowned, and finally understood what kind of realm she had entered.

 What she is experiencing now is the process of evolution from ancient times to the present era.

What she saw now was the end of the ancient times, and she could no longer sense Pangu's aura. The simplicity of the people she saw before had already undergone earth-shaking changes.

 At this time, she saw people fighting each other in conspiracy for rights and their own interests. People's eyes are no longer pure, good and evil have been divided into extremes, and the breath has changed. The reason why those Pangu breaths disappeared is that they were consumed by these bad breaths.

This discovery shocked Yan Xiangluo.

 Time passed little by little until she was living in the era she currently lives in.

Suddenly, her spirit body left that realm, and Yan Xiangluo frowned invisible.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the words Qianjuan Mountain. She could still read it, but she felt there was no need to continue reading.

She finally knew the reason for entering this realm, which was to let her know that the reason why evil is rampant in the mainland and the power of demons is so powerful is because of the change of people's hearts.      Does this have anything to do with slaying demons?

 If so, what is the relationship?

Yan Xiangluo always felt as if something was flashing through her mind, but she couldn't catch it.

 She looked away, just in time to see Ji Jiuzhong turning to look at her.

 The two of them exited the realm at the same time, only to realize that there were so many people around them. What you want to say is obviously inappropriate here.

Ji Jiuzhong ignored everyone, took Yan Xiangluo's hand and walked towards Qianjuan Mountain.

At this time, everyone who had been waiting came to their senses, and those who were close to them quickly stopped them.

 “Can I ask how long you two have been watching? Did you gain anything?”

Ji Jiuchong's eyes narrowed and he gave the man a cold look, "What did you gain from studying on the mountain?"

The man immediately said dissatisfied, "Everyone knows that the rewards of studying on the mountain are indescribable. Aren't you asking knowingly?"

“It turns out that you also knew that you were asking questions knowingly.” Ji Jiuzhong’s tone was calm at all, but the other party could hear the chill in his tone.

The other party immediately understood how rude his question was. Since I know that I can't tell you what I have gained, it is not rude to still ask others.

 He immediately said, "I was rude, I'm sorry."

Since the other party apologized so heartily, Ji Jiuzhong would not hold on to his fault and walked up the mountain holding hands with Yu Xiangluo.

This time no one could stop them.

 Because they all knew that they had no way of knowing what Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo had gained.

Looking at the two people leaving, the people who had just arrived today immediately followed them. After all, they were going up the mountain to read, and among them were the first few to arrive.

They knew clearly that Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong had been watching there for at least two hours.

This was something they had never dared to imagine, and they were shocked at how big the sea of ​​consciousness of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong was, and how strong their mental power was.

Such a strong mental power is something they have never heard of.

Moreover, although they are young, they cannot sense the aura of cultivation on their bodies. Coupled with such strong mental power, there is only one reason for this: their cultivation is higher than theirs.

This is also the main reason why there are so many people, but no one dares to provoke them, and it is also the reason why the person immediately apologized after realizing that he was rude.

 No one wants to offend a strong person.

Those who just arrived today followed up the mountain, while those who just came down from the mountain originally left the mountain, but now they decided to go back to the mountain to have a look.

 They always feel that something big is going to happen in Qianjuan Mountain again.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong are very familiar with Qianjuan Mountain, and they recalled their experiences here in their previous life while walking.

Having reached the mountainside, they finally saw the Qianjuan Mountain Library Pavilion, and the statue of Yu Xiangluo also appeared clearly in front of them.

 When she saw her statue, the corner of Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched.

Although she knew it was because she protected the ancient books in Qianjuan Mountain, the people who read here carved a statue for her and placed it here, but she had never seen it.

When she heard the news, she thought the statue would be placed at the foot of the mountain. After all, the buildings and ancient books on Qianjuan Mountain were left over from ancient times. She did not think her statue was qualified to be placed on the mountain.

But when the statue was carved, those people had trouble thinking about where to put the statue. Later, they decided to carry the statue up the mountain. Wherever they could go, they told where the statue should be placed, and they put it there.

They carried the statue halfway up the mountain, where the library begins, in front of the library numbered one.

Ji Jiuzhong also saw the statue of Luo Luo for the first time. In the previous life, they left here and Luo Luo became famous. They were all busy until Luo Luo later and had no time to come to Qianjuan Mountain Academy again.

But I didn’t expect that I would see the statue only after I was reincarnated.

Yan Xiangluo was surprised that the sculpture was so lifelike. Even her clothes, jewelry, hair, and eyes were exactly the same as hers in the previous life. This shows that the person who carved this kind of statue really put their best efforts into it.

 Is it the one who carved it?

Looking at her statue, Yan Xiangluo felt an indescribable emotion in her heart.

At this time, the people who followed them were even more shocked when they saw the statue and then saw Yan Xiangluo's face. They thought they looked like the same person before, but now comparing them together, they are almost the same person.

  But there are some differences, that is, the flesh-and-blood Yanxiangluo is more flexible.

They all wanted to ask, how could it be possible that Yu Xiangluo's identity looked exactly like that of Yu Tianshi? Could he be the reincarnation of Yu Tianshi?

 (End of this chapter)

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