The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 986: who carved

Chapter 986 Who carved it?

If Yan Xiangluo used his mind-reading skills at this time, he would definitely know that they were wrong. She didn't just come back from reincarnation.

Ji Jiuchong's mood was also very complicated. He returned to Jiuchongtian again and saw things related to his previous life again, and they were still fallen statues. No matter how calm he was, he couldn't be calm.

“Do you know who carved this statue?” Yan Xiangluo suddenly asked.

Ji Jiuchongfeng narrowed his eyes and shook his head. He really didn't know this.

I only know that after that incident happened, those readers who had experienced it here, because they had witnessed with their own eyes what Luoluo did for the Qianjuan Mountain Library, spontaneously paid for whatever they had and took whatever they had, and carved out This statue.

He has never heard of who actually carved it.

Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be. Are there still people like this who are not interested in fame and fortune in Jiuzhongtian?

This statue was carved in a one-to-one ratio, and was made of fine white jade. The entire jade material had no flaws at all. It is said that they scraped together money to buy it from a mine, and it was expensive.

The statue in front of you is colorful, with a bright red flowing dress, black hair, bright red lips, willow eyebrows and black eyes. All the colors are refined into white jade with a special plant, so the statue in front of you is flexible. Amazing colorful statues.

The people who had been following them heard Yan Xiangluo's question, and they were smart and immediately interjected, "This is your first time here. I know which master sculptor carved this statue."

Yan Xiangluo turned to look at the man who spoke.

When Yan Xiangluo's eyes fell on him, the man suddenly felt his heart beating loudly. If it weren't for the sake of face, he would reach out and cover his heart to suppress the speed of his heartbeat.

 The reason why his heart was beating so fast was because he felt that Yan Xiangluo's home port was simply the sight of Master Yan.

He has never met Heavenly Master Yu, but he worships her statue every time he comes and is very familiar with the gaze of the statue. He felt that if Master Yuan was still alive, he would look at people the way Yuan Xiangluo does now.

"Is it convenient for you to tell me?" Yan Xiangluo looked at the man and her voice was calm.

 The man suddenly felt honored and said immediately, "Of course."

 The man walked up to the two of them and stood about three steps away, which was a polite distance.

He raised his head and glanced at the statue, bowed respectfully, and then stood up to face Yan Xiangluo.

"Almost everyone in the entire continent knows about the legend that dates back ten thousand years. Everyone only knows that if it weren't for Tianshi Yu's Qianjuan Mountain Library Pavilion, it would no longer exist. We also know that everyone built a statue for her, but who made the sculpture specifically? But few people know it, just because the person who carved it said that he carved this kind of statue firstly to repay Master Yu for saving his life, and secondly because Master Yu had great righteousness and it was worthy of him to do so at that time. He made a request, hoping that no one would tell anyone that he was the one who carved it, so except for those who participated at the time, almost no one knew that he was the one who carved the statue of Master Yuan.”

 “How did you know?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

“Because the person who carved the statue of Master Yu is the great sage of our Zhao family.” The man said proudly.

Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised. Is it such a coincidence? She wanted to know who was the person who carved her statue, and his descendants appeared?

Yan Xiangluo immediately used her mind-reading skills, and heard the man in front of her keep saying in her mind, "Ask me, ask me quickly, so that the world will know that my uncle once carved the statue of Master Yu. The Zhao family's carving skills will also become famous all over the world." Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched. It turned out that his purpose was to make the Zhao family's carving skills famous all over the world.

If his great-uncle is really the one who carved his own statue, there is nothing wrong with helping his family become famous for his carving skills. After all, his carving skills are indeed superb. But the descendant of the Zhao family in front of him violated his uncle's wishes like this. Isn't he afraid of being punished by his uncle?

Is this person too utilitarian?

Sure enough, one person’s achievements cannot be used to measure the entire family. There are all kinds of birds in the forest, and that’s absolutely true.

“May I know the name of this great saint-level expert?” Yuan Xiangluo asked.

The man immediately said excitedly, "My uncle's name is Zhao Qingde, and he is a very good sculptor in our Zhao family. Heavenly Master Yu once saved my uncle, so he took the initiative to carve a statue of Master Yu. It is precisely because Master Yu was my great-uncle’s benefactor, and my uncle said that Master Yu had this look on his face when he saved him, that’s why he was able to carve a lifelike statue of Master Yu.”

As soon as the man finished speaking, someone immediately retorted in disbelief, "Your Zhao family's carving skills are average. How could the statue of Tianshi be carved by your family? You don't want to take this opportunity to let your Zhao family Is your carving skill famous throughout the Jiuzhongtian Continent? Why didn’t I know you had such a powerful uncle?”

  Not only is one person suspicious, but the people around him look at him with scrutiny and suspicion.

The man explained anxiously, "My great-uncle is a person who is very indifferent to fame and fortune. Therefore, his achievements are never publicized to the outside world and are not allowed to be passed on to the family. Today I also see that so many people don't understand the person who gave the statue to Master Yu." , I just wanted to speak out and clear up my master’s name.”

But some things became darker and darker, and in the end he had no choice but to make a vow, "If I, Zhao Yushan, lie today, I will be struck by lightning and die."

  The red light binding the oath fell, and nothing happened to Zhao Yushan.

Seeing that he had made the oath and was fine, everyone believed his words.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Zhao Yushan. Even if it was his uncle Zhao Qingde who carved his statue in repayment for his life-saving grace, it only proves that Zhao Qingde has strong carving skills, has a good heart, knows how to be grateful, and cannot represent the Zhao family. The carving skills are very good, but it does not mean that all the people in the Zhao family have good conduct.

Yuan Xiangluo is very interested in this Zhao Qingde. According to Zhao Yushan, Zhao Qingde has already reached the level of a great sage, and there will always be a chance to see him in the future.

Yan Xiangluo turned around and continued walking forward, with Ji Jiuzhong following her.

Zhao Yushan was a little unhappy when he saw Yu Xiangluo and knew that it was his uncle Zhao Qingde who carved the statue of Master Yu. However, he showed no emotion at all and turned around and left without saying a word.

Even if you are disdainful in your heart, you should at least praise your uncle in face, and then confirm the Zhao family's carving skills. This is the way of thinking of a normal person.

How come this person doesn’t understand the world at all?

However, because he didn't know Yan Xiangluo's cultivation level, coupled with the cold look in the eyes of the man next to her and the cold aura, he was also afraid.

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