The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 987: Listen to your wife

Chapter 987 Listen to your wife

Zhao Yushan saw that they were about to cross the library with the first serial number and go inside, so he suppressed his unhappiness and chased after them.

“Girls, this is your first time coming to the Qianjuan Mountain Library. I’m already here for the third time. I tell you, you have to start reading from the first library…”

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Ji Jiuzhong, "We know the rules of Qianjuan Mountain."

All the words that Zhao Yushan had not said were immediately choked back by Ji Jiuzhong's words. Only then did he realize that the man was warning him.

What is his relationship with this woman who looks so similar to Master Yu?

Everyone saw Zhao Yushan's funny look and burst into laughter.

Zhao Yushan's face turned blue, white, and red, changing colors back and forth, and he could slip into any crack in the ground. He felt that he had not achieved his goal today, but was even embarrassed.

In the end, it was Yan Xiangluo who came to the rescue, "Thank you for letting us know the sculptor of the statue of Master Tian, ​​and thank you for your uncle's contribution."

Although this sentence relieves the man, it also tells him that you should not say any other information, we don’t need it.

Zhao Yushan stopped and following him would not only be shameless but also disgraceful.

He said angrily in his heart: So what if he looks like Master Yu? She is not a concubine. What a noble person. The most indispensable thing in Jiuzhongtian Continent is genius, so she is nothing. Humph, if I didn't want to use her to promote the Zhao family's sculpture skills, I wouldn't want to deal with her self-righteousness.

Yan Xiangluo has not retracted her mind-reading skills, so she has always known the man's mental activities.

But she didn't care, even for the sake of Zhao Qingde carving a statue of himself, but she really felt that Zhao Yushan's character was really incomparable to that of his uncle Zhao Qingde.

Although Yan Xiangluo didn't know when she had saved Zhao Qingde in her previous life, maybe she just did it casually, but Zhao Qingde kept this kindness in his heart and repaid the kindness in this way after his death, which shows that his The character is very good.

Yan Xiangluo looked back at Zhao Yushan, this time looking at his luck. Yan Xiangluo sighed secretly, does it mean that a person with such luck is still dancing so happily because he thinks his luck is not bad enough?

 She is not nosy, she has enough troubles of her own.

I had forgotten before that there was a statue of myself on Qianjuan Mountain, and it was carved so much like it. Now I don’t have to think about it, and I know that the news of her reincarnation and return has been known to those people.

 Trouble and danger will come as soon as they leave Qianjuan Mountain.

 It was an oversight after all.

However, things have reached this point, and she will not back down because of the upcoming danger. Doing the right thing right now is the most important thing.

Yan Xiangluo averted her eyes and continued walking forward with Ji Jiuzhong.

The two of them walked forward as they knew each other well, bypassing one library after another.

There are people reading in every library, and the people behind them are a little puzzled. Aren’t the people who come to Qianjuan Mountain Library all reading books to look for opportunities to break through bottlenecks? Why do these two people seem to be here for sightseeing?

They passed directly over the library with the first serial number, and did not stop at the second library.

Originally, they were thinking that Yan Xiangluo's appearance was too similar to that of Master Tian Tian, ​​but now they suddenly felt that there was something strange about these two people.

So some curious people continued to follow them, watching them go around the library, with more and more doubts in their hearts.

Are you just here to see what Qianjuan Mountain is like and not just to read books?

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong did not stop until they reached the door of the 41st library. The two of them looked up at the serial number of the library together, looked at each other, and Yuan Xiangluo said, "Start?"

Ji Jiuzhong said dotingly, "Listen to your wife."

This was the first time that Yan Xiangluo was called so by Ji Jiuzhong, and it was still in front of so many people. Her cheeks were suddenly stained with two red clouds. She gave him an angry look and then opened the door of the library first.

Ji Jiuzhong’s lips curved with pleasure. His little girl was indeed very cute at heart.

The people following them were surprised by Ji Jiuzhong's address to Yan Xiangluo. They were actually husband and wife, and they got married at such a young age.

 Suddenly, it dawned on them that the two of them had such outstanding looks and such strong talents, how could anyone else be worthy of them besides each other?

But before they could recover from the fact that they were husband and wife, they saw Yan Xiangluo reaching out and gently pushing open the door of the library numbered 41.

Oh my god, she actually opened the door of the 41st library. No wonder they didn't go in to the previous library. It turned out that she was so strong.

 No, how did they know they could directly enter the 41st Library? Don’t everyone who comes here have to start reading from the library with the first serial number?

Haven’t I heard that you can go into the library and read books on the way?

 Happily, those who have gone in before don’t need to go into the library that they have already gone into next time.

 Isn’t this their first time here?

Even Zhao Yushan was so shocked that he couldn't recover. He was wondering if his previous behavior was seeking death. Fortunately, he didn't care about him and didn't even know that he borrowed the glory of his uncle Zhao Qingde.

At this time, everyone was curious about the cultivation levels of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong. There are very few people who come to Qianjuan Mountain to cultivate in the Mahayana.

Whoever opens the door to the library can only go in, so Yan Xiangluo opened the door and walked in, and then the door was closed.

Ji Jiuzhong also reached out and gently pushed the door open, then walked in.

The people who followed them looked at the closed library door, and the scene of them opening the door easily was replayed in front of their eyes. Why didn't they know that the library door was so easy to open?

They all suspected that the door was broken. A curious person walked to the door and pushed it, but it didn't move at all.

He muttered, "This door really can't be opened."

“Does anyone know these two people?” someone in the crowd asked in a low voice.

 There is no other way, talking is not allowed in the Qianjuan Mountain Library Pavilion, and loud noises are not allowed outside.

The question was asked, but no one answered it, but this was expected by everyone. If any of them knew these two people, they would have said it long ago.

"How can such a person who is so young, has such strong mental power, and has such a high level of cultivation and can enter the 41st Library as soon as he comes, not be famous on the mainland?" someone raised a question.

 This question has asked everyone again.

“How long do you think it will take them to finish reading the books in Library No. 41?” After a while, someone asked a new question.

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