Chapter 988: Being hit

 This question successfully aroused the interest of everyone present.

"I'm going to stay here and see how long it takes them to come out." said a man who had already gone down the mountain because the two of them returned to the mountain again.

Anyway, he has reached the limit of reading in Qianjuan Mountain this time, otherwise he would have to go back down the mountain, and it doesn't matter if he is a few days late.

“I’m waiting here too.” There are several people who have completed this reading task.

“There’s no point in waiting, how about we play a game of gambling?” someone suggested.

 “How to bet?” This suggestion immediately aroused the interest of many people.

“Bet on the time they come out. The time closest to the time they come out wins.”

 “I think it’s okay, I’ll participate.”

The outside of the library became lively for a while, but it was all done quietly and they didn't dare to make a big noise.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong stood in front of the library door and looked inside.

All the bookstores with serial numbers in Qianjuan Mountain have the same layout. You can only start reading in one order when you come in. The higher the bookstore number, the fewer people are inside. There is actually one person reading in the bookstore with serial number 41.

And he is also a demon cultivator.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were a little surprised to see a demon cultivator reading a book inside.

 After all, who can enter here to read is not only a matter of cultivation level and state of mind, but also a requirement for mental strength.

 This is something they only understood after coming in.

Although their spiritual power in the previous life was very strong, it had not yet reached the level of entering the 41st Library, but this demon cultivator had already stated in it that his spiritual power was very strong, at least better than them in the previous life.

This fact made Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong understand that they had to re-examine the genius of Jiuchongtian today.

 The demon cultivator saw someone coming in, and two people came in at the same time. They were both very young, and he didn't even have time to hide the surprise and surprise in his eyes.

But he quickly reacted, nodded politely to the two of them, and continued to read the book in his hand.

The relationship between the spiritual cultivators and the demonic cultivators in Jiuchongtian is pretty good. Although they live and practice independently, they do not often go to war with the demonic cultivators and spiritual cultivators in the higher continent below.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong didn't say anything. They could chat outside the library, but they were absolutely not allowed to talk inside any library.

 You are not allowed to say a word. If you make any noise, you will be sent out immediately, and there will be corresponding punishments.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong also nodded politely to each other, then looked at each other and started reading.

There are ten ancient books in each library. Although the ten books in such a large library are not many, and they even look a little lonely, it is not easy to read all ten books. Such an easy thing.

 Because you not only have to see it, but you also have to remember it, and most importantly, you have to understand it.

 You don’t understand and you can’t remember.

These ten books are suspended in the air in order. Everyone who comes in must read them one by one in order. Only after reading the first book can you read the second one. After reading them all, you can go to the collection of higher-numbered books. Pavilion.

But if multiple people enter the same library at the same time, the order of the books will be automatically adjusted so that everyone has a book to read.

There is also a restriction, no more than ten people can come in.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong caught the books floating in front of them one after another, and then started to read them seriously. It’s not just that you read the book once, but you have to understand and remember it. Both Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong have photographic memories very fast. Maybe because my mental strength is strong enough, my understanding ability is also very strong now. I almost understand it after reading it, and then I remember it.

The demon cultivator looked at them very carefully and didn't notice the speed of their reading at first. But later he found that they were walking in front of him and realized something was wrong.

 Looking up at them, I realized that in the short time since they came in, I hadn't even read half of a book, and they had already read six.

 At this speed, are you reading a book?

 But he knew very well that there were rules for reading in Changshu Pavilion. If they had not finished reading, they would never be able to read the next one.

While he was stunned, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong both changed books.

Mo Xiu took a deep breath, calmed down his unstable emotions, looked down at the book in his hand, and tried to let the two of them read the book as fast as possible without affecting himself.

Everyone has different talents and strengths. He was very satisfied to be able to enter the No. 41 library to read this time.

  Don’t let other people affect your mood.

But how can this kind of emotion be so easy to control?

 After all, he is also a genius among the demon clan, but in front of these two people, he feels that his title of genius is a joke. These two are real geniuses.

 For a moment he couldn't stabilize his emotions and couldn't read the book in his hand.

At this moment, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong stared at the book in his hand, and he realized that they had finished reading all the books except his.

He immediately let go of the book in his hand, and the book automatically floated towards the two of them. The demon cultivator simply sat cross-legged and closed his eyes, using practice to stabilize his emotions.

Before he stabilized his emotions, he sensed Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong leaving the back door of the library.

 The demon cultivator was deeply shocked.

 How long has it been?

Although he used cultivation to stabilize his emotions, it didn't take more than half an hour from the time the two of them came in to the time they left. In such a short time, the two of them had read all ten books in the library. How strong are their mental powers?

 He thought hard about how long it took the fastest person to read before. It seemed to be one day and three hours.

 Such a comparison, these two people’s talents are no longer enough to be described as monsters.

 The demon cultivator who was struck had no choice but to continue practicing to stabilize his emotions. At the same time, he also knew where his bottleneck was.

Maybe this time when I come to Qianjuan Mountain, I can go one step further and read the books in the library numbered 42.

It took Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong less than half an hour to finish reading the 41st library.

Each library is the same. You can only come out from the back after reading all the books.

 What’s funny is that before the gambling game outside has been completed, the couple has already come out, and the expressions on everyone’s faces are very exciting.

Seeing that the couple had entered the library numbered 42, everyone was stunned. Then someone asked weakly, "How is the bet calculated?"

The person who set up the gambling game rolled his eyes at him, "How can we calculate it before the gambling game has even started?"

 “Continue to bet on the next one?” someone suggested.

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