The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 989: Mahayana cultivation

Chapter 989 Mahayana Cultivation

Everyone feels that the bet can continue. After all, they already know the terrifying speed at which the couple reads books. With a comparative prediction of the time when they will come out of the 42nd Library, it will not be a fool's errand.

However, this time the action was very fast. In less than a quarter of an hour, the bet was set up and all bets were completed.

 It's just that the time for betting is a little more than half an hour away. Each one takes longer than the other. This is the rule of reading here.

 So they all felt that it should take them more than half an hour this time.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong didn't know that they had set up a bet. At this time, the two of them were staring at each other in the library numbered 42.

The two people in the library were surprised when someone came in. Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were surprised that there were two people reading in the 42nd library.

Ten thousand years ago, no one could enter the library above the 40th library, but now they actually see people in the 41st and 42nd library.

Is it possible that there are so many geniuses in Jiuzhongtian Continent now?

They are not jealous, but think that the more geniuses, the better. The stronger the monks are, the more powerful there are in the Nine Heavens, and the stronger the demon slayers will be.

However, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong just looked at each other, then picked up the book suspended in front of them and started reading.

The two men stared at them for a while before looking away and continued to read the books in their hands, but it was difficult to calm down.

Serial No. 42: They were not surprised that someone could come into the library. What they were curious about was that these two people looked young. The woman was not even twenty years old, and the man was only in his early twenties. At such a young age, he can actually enter the library numbered 42 to read books. This is how powerful he is mentally.

They were even more shocked at how Yuan Xiangluo's appearance looked so similar to Master Yuan. If there wasn't a man accompanying him, they all suspected that they had entered some kind of realm and saw Master Yuan again.

The reason why they can clearly see the age of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong is because their cultivation levels are higher than them.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong had their spiritual power instantly exhausted when they tore apart the barrier between Jiuyuan Continent and Shihai Continent, and then recovered their spiritual power.

 This method is to temper the strength of cultivation, coupled with the strength of their own talents, when they come to the ninth level of heaven, they not only break through the ninth level of transcending tribulation peak cultivation to reach Mahayana cultivation.

 The two of them have broken through an entire level, and are now at the peak of the ninth level of Mahayana cultivation.

It was precisely because they could clearly see the cultivation levels of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong that they were sure that they had not entered a certain realm and met Master Yan Tianshi himself.

 Because Master Yu’s cultivation level is that of a great sage.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know the effect her appearance had on the two of them. As soon as she opened the book, she read it deeply.

Like Ji Jiuchong, they came here to read books and were not interested or concerned about other things.

But the minds of those two people have never been able to calm down, let alone concentrate on reading.

 The two of them were able to enter this library, so they must not be in an ordinary state of mind. They knew that their state of mind was affected by these two young men with evil talents.

 If their minds are not well adjusted, they will not be able to continue reading.

Therefore, the two simply stopped reading and looked at Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong intently. They were even more shocked at this sight. Can anyone else read a book at such a speed? Then they understood that these two people had a photographic memory.

But even if you have a photographic memory, reading a book here is not something you can just remember. It requires understanding. Has their understanding ability already reached this level?

 Can you understand it just by remembering it?

These two people can read here, and they are both geniuses in the Nine Heavens. Now they are deeply shocked.

If they hadn't been reading here and couldn't talk, the two of them would have definitely started talking, at least asking each other if they knew Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong.

Time passed little by little, and soon it was half an hour. Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were already reading the last book.

 In less than half an hour, the two people had been beaten by Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong and had no idea at all.

 Finally watched the two of them leave through the back door.

They looked at each other. It seemed difficult to calm down. They even picked up a book and still couldn't read it.

The two of them sighed silently, because they all knew that it was difficult for them to adjust their mood at this time, because they were always worried about whether the two people who had gone out could enter the No. 43 Dangshuge to read. So fast.

Since they couldn't sort out their mood and couldn't continue reading, the two simply left the library and planned to follow them to have a look.

 Although they cannot enter the next library until they have finished reading the books in the 42nd library, they can wait at the back door.

But the two of them were dumbfounded as soon as they came out. Why were there so many people outside?

 Thousands of people come to Qianjuan Mountain Library to read. Normally, there is no one outside. Occasionally, I see people, either just coming in or going out. I have never seen so many people gathered together.

Although everyone was quiet and there was no noise, there must be a reason for so many people gathering together.

 The people outside were a little surprised to see the two people coming out.

They were just studying who would win the bet. After all, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong came out in less than half an hour.

Therefore, they were shocked to see two more people coming out, even though they came out of the front door.

Although I was shocked that there are so many geniuses with monstrous talents in the mainland, when I saw the age of the two of them, although I didn’t know the specific age, I guessed that they were close to ten, and I felt that at this age, they could enter the ranking of forty and above. The library is considered normal.

Although both parties were shocked, it only took a moment for them to return to normal. The two people who came out asked them and found out why so many people gathered together.

Knowing that Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong had been reading the words "Qianjuan Mountain" at the foot of the mountain for so long, they were finally not so surprised at the speed of reading and understanding of the book in the library.

It is normal for a person with such a strong mental power to do any evil thing.

Although the two of them did not join the bet, they also waited with everyone outside the library pavilion where Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were.

They want to know how many books in the library can Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong read, and whether they can read all the books in the library in Qianjuan Mountain.

 (End of this chapter)

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