The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 993: It's the ninth day

Chapter 993 It’s the ninth day

 “You don’t have to worry about this, I’ve got it covered.” The man stood up and left.

Sage Jade Lotus looked at the man's leaving figure and rolled his eyes disdainfully, thinking to himself: Jiuchongtian hides the best hypocrite.

But she could only think in her heart that she couldn't afford to offend this person.

After a while, she snapped her fingers, and a man in black robe appeared in front of her, "What is the saint's order?"

"You go to Qianjuan Mountain for a trip. You don't need to do anything. Just tell me the truth about what you saw." Jade Lotus Sage said.

Although she couldn't take action directly, she had to know how things were developing, and even more what Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong had gained.

 After all, they had already entered the last library in Qianjuan Mountain and had not come out for several hours.

 Although it would take other people two or three days to finish reading the books in any library, some people need about a month to do so.

Looking at it this way, the few hours that Yan Xiangluo and the others stayed in the last library was not a long time, but it took them less than half an hour to get out before.

 Such a comparison is abnormal. Even fools know that there must be some opportunities waiting for them.

Although I had no apparent interaction with them in my previous life, I had always been jealous of Yan Xiangluo.

Just because she took away the light that originally belonged to her as the number one beauty as soon as she appeared.

Not only that, this light that she is proud of is the most insignificant thing in her life.

 The first heavenly master and the first alchemist, the radiance of any one of them overshadowed the brilliance of the first beauty.

 After all, these two are the real deal. Beauty is nothing to Yuan Xiangluo.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuchong in the Library Pavilion did not know Jiuchongtian Continent at all, because of the sensation caused by their appearance and the fueling of some people with ulterior motives.

 The two of them consumed their spiritual energy over and over again, and then went into the Pangu space to restore their spiritual energy. They turned over and over countless times, and time passed little by little.

 The two of them didn't know the time, but the people waiting outside knew it very well.

"It's been three days and they haven't come out yet. Is there really any opportunity inside?" Someone has been asking the same question for the past three days.

 But no one answered, even if no one answered, everyone thought so.

 “I wonder how many days they will stay in there?” someone said with emotion.

“By the way, did any of you notice their cultivation level when they entered?” Someone suddenly asked.

If someone looked carefully, everyone would definitely find that this person was not the person who was waiting with them from the beginning.

  Everyone started whispering when this question was asked. Although they did not dare to make a loud noise, they still looked at each other in private and asked.

Finally, the two people who came out of the library numbered 42 said, "The level of cultivation they entered was the ninth level of the Mahayana." This level of cultivation can be said to be high or low. The reason why it is said is that in Above the Mahayana cultivation level, there are also the Golden Way and the Great Sage.

 But judging from their age, this level of cultivation is already beyond the reach of their peers on the mainland.

Just like the people present now, they are all young, some are in their teens and some are in their decades, but most of them are one or two hundred years old, and their cultivation level reaches the level of Mahayana cultivation. There are very few Liao Liao, and even those who have reached Mahayana cultivation level have not exceeded the fifth or sixth level.

It’s not that there aren’t people with high levels of cultivation who come to Qianjuan Mountain Library to read. It’s that people with high levels of cultivation come and go without a trace. Either they don’t read there or they leave directly. Not everyone can do it. have witnessed.

  Everyone present fell silent after hearing the cultivation levels of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong. At such an age and with such a cultivation level, they were not even qualified to be envious and jealous.

The people who were talking gradually became quiet. Some of them with good intentions had already found a secluded place to sit down and practice cross-legged practice, as if they knew they wouldn't come out soon.

As a result, many people find places to sit down and practice, but there are only a few people who can really practice.

But even so, it is helpful to stabilize your mind.

Time flies to the morning of the ninth day, and it will be nine full days before the two of them enter.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong didn’t know how many times they had consumed their spiritual power, but they had gained a lot.

The two of them have reached the peak of the ninth level of Mahayana cultivation, but their cultivation is suppressed. Once they leave here, they will immediately break through to the Golden Dao cultivation.

Neither of them was surprised to be promoted so quickly. First of all, they practiced ancient techniques, especially the Yanxiang Luo Pangu Flower Blooming technique, which had already broken through three life and death barriers. The most remarkable thing about this technique was that it broke through three levels. , the future cultivation and promotion will be very fast.

In addition, she has the divine bead. Although she doesn’t know what kind of power the divine bead gives her, Yan Xiangluo truly feels that her cultivation speed is particularly fast now.

Secondly, both of them have experiences in previous lives, and both of them were above the level of great saints in their previous lives.

Although they are all the junior level of the Great Sage, for them now, they know the level of cultivation level below the Great Sage. As long as they have enough spiritual energy reserves, they will advance and are not restricted by the level.

Whether they are going up against the Demon Lord in the future or those who plotted against them in the past life, they will need strong strength. Therefore, their first consideration is to break through and advance.

 It is impossible to say that they came to Qianjuan Mountain Library without considering the consequences at all. How could they not know that their appearance and talents would attract the attention of all the monks in Jiuzhongtian Continent, and those who knew them well in their previous lives with ulterior motives must have guessed that they had been reincarnated and returned.

But relatively speaking, exposing that they have returned is also a step in their calculations.

 They don’t have that much time to solve problems one by one, so the best solution is for them to take the initiative. Compared with slaying demons, the grievances between them are actually nothing.

 But the two of them knew very well that they would not give up and had to solve the problem.

After regaining his spiritual power and coming out of Pangu space, Yan Xiangluo glanced at Ji Jiuzhong, meaning that it would not work if it continued like this. They had no clue at all, how could they find a way to get the book?

 Ji Jiuzhong was also the first time in his history that he encountered such a difficult problem, and it actually stumped him.

After the two looked at each other, Ji Jiuzhong's phoenix eyes fell on the lotus, and Yan Xiangluo's eyes followed his gaze and fell on the lotus.

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