The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 994: It is a lotus platform

Chapter 994 It is a lotus platform

 Both of them knew that the problem was probably in this lotus flower, but they could not find a flaw. They have tried every method they could think of, but nothing works.

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes flickered, wanting to see what else they had overlooked.

 Suddenly she thought of her spiritual pet Wushuang.

Wushuang is the spiritual root of the ancient god. This ancient **** pulled out his own spiritual root before his death. Wushuang condensed his own spiritual consciousness over the long years and became a separate individual.

Every time Wushuang practices to advance, a Yuan Pearl will be formed. The power in Yuan Zhu is very strong, and ordinary people's spiritual roots cannot withstand it. Only Yan Xiangluo, who has contracted with Wushuang, will not be hurt by Yuan Zhu. On the contrary, she can also absorb Yuan Zhu. The power in the beads.

Since the spiritual roots of the ancient gods can become a separate individual, is it possible that this lotus is the lotus platform of a certain ancient god?

 If so, is there any way to conquer this lotus platform?

As soon as this idea came up, Yan Xiangluo suddenly felt that this was the case. After all, she was a heavenly master and her premonitions were very sensitive.

You can't speak here, you can't communicate with Ji Jiuzhong, and you can't make Ji Jiuzhong understand what she means by just relying on your eyes.

 So she used her spiritual power to make her lotus stand appear, then pointed at her lotus stand and then at the lotus.

Ji Jiuchong’s eyes lit up and he nodded to show that he understood.

Only then did Yan Xiangluo put away the lotus stand.

 But just as she was collecting the lotus stand, the lotus that had been holding the book moved.

All the lotus petals fluttered together, as if there were several pairs of wings flying, flying towards the fragrance.

The speed was so fast that neither Yan Xiangluo nor Ji Jiuzhong could react, and the lotus rushed into Yan Xiangluo's lotus platform.

Yan Xiangluo snorted, and the golden light from the lotus platform disappeared in a flash.

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong came to her and looked at her anxiously, asking how she was doing with his eyes.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head and said she was fine.

 She pointed to the book that had been suspended in front of the two of them, and motioned for Ji Jiuzhong to read it first.

Ji Jiuzhong frowned and looked at her body carefully. He found that she was indeed uninjured and her breath was stable. Then she took the book and started reading.

 At this time, they no longer need to consume spiritual energy to stay inside.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Ji Jiuzhong, closed her eyes and sank into her Dantian with consciousness. The lotus pad that had never appeared in her Dantian now appeared in her Dantian.

The golden lotus platform has golden light. If you look carefully, you can see purple light shining in the golden light.

Yan Xiangluo carefully checked her lotus stand and found no trace of the lotus.

 She frowned, what's going on? She obviously saw the lotus rushing into her lotus platform with her own eyes. Where did the lotus go? Why did it just disappear?

Yan Xiangluo looked at her Nascent Soul again, and then she discovered that the golden figure was covered with a lavender gauze dress.

 If she remembered correctly, the lotus flower from before was golden with a hint of purple.

Suddenly her eyes lit up and she touched the purple gauze on Yuanying with her consciousness. Sure enough, Yuanying didn't move, but the purple gauze did.

Yan Xiangluo knew that this purple gauze dress was transformed from the lotus flower.

 But how could he enter his Dantian and turn it into clothes and wear them on Nascent Soul?

 What is its purpose?

Thinking that Wushuang has its own spiritual consciousness, this lotus should also have its own spiritual consciousness, but I don’t know how much spiritual consciousness it has and whether it can communicate normally.

Yan Xiangluo tried to communicate with Lotus, "Are you the lotus platform of the ancient god?"

 Shayi Wufeng fluttered automatically, as if answering her question. Because without a contract, she couldn't communicate with Lotus like she could with Wushuang, but she understood its meaning, which was an admission.

Yan Xiangluo asked tentatively, "Since you have entered my Dantian, does it mean that you are willing to make a contract with me?"

 After all, she has the final say in her Dantian. If Yan Xiangluo dislikes lotus, the lotus will not be able to stay in her Dantian.

Shayi moved again.

"Then I will make a contract with you so that we can communicate directly." Yu Xiangluo said.

 After finishing his words, he added, "I also have a spiritual pet, which is the spiritual root of the ancient god. You can get along with me."

The implication of Yan Xiangluo's words is to tell her that she has made a contract with the spiritual roots of the ancient gods. Even if you are the lotus platform of the ancient gods, it is not impossible for her to make a contract.

Shayi danced faster after hearing her words, as if she couldn't wait.

Upon seeing this, Yan Xiangluo immediately forced out a drop of her own blood, which fell on the gauze clothes.

Shayi immediately turned into the lotus flower and was enveloped in a red light. This was the contracted light.

The light flashed, and the voice of Lotus appeared in the sea where the fragrance fell, "Master, quickly send me to see the spiritual root of the ancient **** you contracted with."

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. She contracted it. Shouldn't she get to know her master first? Why are you so eager to see Wushuang?

 “Do you recognize it?”

Lian Hua said, "We are the spiritual root and lotus platform of the same ancient god, so we are from the same lineage."

 No wonder!

Yan Xiangluo was extremely shocked. She really didn’t expect that this lotus platform and Wushuang actually belonged to the same ancient god.

But I also understand that not everyone has such an awareness and state of mind, and can let their spiritual roots and lotus stand free to find a life before falling into nothingness.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo's consciousness moved, the lotus platform was sent into Pangu space by her.

Wang Wu, who had been practicing quietly, suddenly felt a familiar breath jump up. The white soft dumplings jumped in the air, and its voice also sounded in Yu Xiangluo's consciousness.

 “Oh my God, Lotus Terrace, you actually exist.”

“Humph, you can succeed, why can’t I succeed? I am Lian Tai, and you can be so powerful without me.”

“Tch, that requires me to be pure enough. I am the one who determines the talent.” Wushuang immediately defended.

 What do the spiritual roots and the lotus platform have to contend with? Obviously, it can’t work without either one.

Yan Xiangluo watched them bickering with black lines on her face. They both knew that the ancient **** drove them away from his body before his death, but they didn't know that both of them had successfully condensed their spiritual consciousness and became separate individuals.

Yan Xiangluo did not enter the Pangu space, but only used her consciousness to talk to them.

“Can you two calm down and tell me what’s going on?”

Wushuang was the first to calm down. After all, she had been following Yan Xiangluo for so long and had been practicing in Pangu space. Her spiritual consciousness was equivalent to that of a teenager.

Seeing that Wushuang was so obedient, Liantai also obediently floated side by side with Wushuang. After all, they now have the same master, and they have to listen to their master.

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