The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 995: About the devil

Chapter 995 About the Devil

Wushuang explained, "Master, before the death of the ancient god, he not only extracted me, but also stripped his lotus platform from his body, and injected all the last spiritual power of his body into our two bodies. Hopefully we can continue to live in another way.”

Liantai continued, "But his power is only enough to support us for a thousand years, which means that we must condense our spiritual consciousness within a thousand years, otherwise we will disappear. After the two of us left the body of the ancient god, we each landed in different places. . After condensing my spiritual consciousness, I didn’t find the spiritual root, so I thought it had failed. Just when the master’s lotus platform appeared, I felt its breath, so I entered the master’s body through the master’s lotus platform.”

The corner of Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched. Wushuang didn't say such important information at first.

But I also understand why the lotus pad enters my Dantian. I am used to it. I used to stay in the Dantian of the ancient gods.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Wushuang, "Why didn't you tell me there was a lotus platform?"

 Wushuang immediately said, "Master, I thought it was unsuccessful, so I didn't mention it."

Yu Xiangluo said, "What else did that ancient **** do?"

Wushuang said, "Apart from that, there is nothing else to do, but he said that if we succeed, maybe Jiuzhongtian Continent will be saved."

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, what does this sentence mean?

What can Wushuang and Lotus Platform alone do? The biggest crisis in the Jiuchongtian Continent is the emergence of the Demon Lord. When they get in front of the Demon Lord, they have no power to fight against the enemy. How can they save the Jiuchongtian Continent?

Suddenly Yan Xiangluo thought of a possibility. Could it be that the ancient **** foresaw that his spiritual root and lotus platform would be contracted by him after they became separate entities?

  Does it mean that Wushuang and Liantai will be of great help to him when facing the Demon Lord?

Yan Xiangluo didn’t think about it further. Ji Jiuzhong had almost finished reading the book.

She said to Liantai, "I gave my spiritual root the name Wushuang. Let me give you a name too!"

The lotus platform immediately flapped its petals to show that it was very happy and that it was going to have a name.

"Wudi, your name." Yan Xiangluo said in a long tone.

 She put her own care into naming the lotus platform.

Since the ancient great **** said it, if the two of them successfully condense their spiritual consciousness, the Nine Heavens Continent will be saved. Then let him Wushuang and Invincible face the demon lord with him. Invincible means that the demon lord is unable to defeat them, which indicates that they will succeed in slaying the demon in the end.

Liantai didn’t know what Yan Xiangluo was thinking, so she was very happy about her name. Invincible, the owner liked it so much that it gave it such a powerful name.

Seeing that it liked the consciousness, Yan Xiangluo did not stay in the Pangu space for too long, letting them whisper on their own. She exited the Pangu space with her consciousness and looked at Ji Jiuzhong.

Ji Jiuzhong had finished reading the book at this time, and his expression was a little solemn.

Yan Xiangluo's heart sank, she took the book and started reading.

At this glance, she realized why Ji Jiuzhong looked so serious. It turned out that this book was about demons in ancient times.

 Demons appeared at the end of ancient times. This book tells how and where demons appeared in ancient times and how they became powerful.

 What consequences will the Demonic Society bring to the Jiuchongtian Continent in the future?

Yuan Xiangluo really didn't expect the demon to appear at such an early stage. No wonder the demon lord has such powerful power.

 Do you also know why the devil cannot be killed?

 Because demons are people's evil thoughts gathered together. Over a long period of time, they condensed into a kind of dark power. They slowly gained spiritual consciousness, and then the existence of the demon lord came into being.

As long as people’s evil thoughts continue, demons will not be destroyed and demons will never die.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other after reading the entire book. Their eyes fell on the array of patterns that had not disappeared. Only then did they know that this pattern array was an ancient teleportation array, which could transport them to the place where the devil was born.

If you want to get rid of the demon, you must go there and cut off the evil thoughts that caused the demon to form.

But the two of them also understood at this time that it was not the time to go there yet. It had nothing to do with anything else. Just because their current cultivation strength was not enough to confront the Demon Lord, and going there would be equivalent to death.

 To live a new life, they know very well that there is not so much time for them to be reborn again.

Therefore, the two of them quickly made a decision to leave here first and wait until their cultivation strength reaches the top level in mainland China before they go.

They must go there if they want to completely get rid of the demon lord.

Ten thousand years ago, Master Fengyuan Saint and more than 300 great saint cultivators paid such a heavy price to seal the Demon Lord. It is no longer possible to seal the Demon Lord again.

 Although she now relies on the power of faith to strengthen the seal, it will not last long, at most three years.

 There is indeed not much time left for them.

For other people, they may only be able to break through the first and second levels in three years, but you can imagine how difficult it is for them to reach the peak of the ninth level of the Great Sage in these three years.

Even though their cultivation levels advanced quickly, they were only below the Great Sage. In their previous life, they had only exceeded the Great Sage's cultivation level. They had no experience at all in the cultivation level above the Great Sage. of.

Yan Xiangluo sensed his own strength. They were suppressed in their cultivation in the Library Pavilion. Maybe the heavens did not allow them to break through and advance in the Library Pavilion. Now that things are clear, they should go out.

Yan Xiangluo gestured that she was going out. Ji Jiu nodded, he was about to break through.

 The two men went out through the front door.

It’s not that they don’t want to go out through the back door, but that there is no back door to this library. It is also a library without a back door.

As soon as the two people came out, they saw the people guarding outside, and everyone looked at them with shocked and curious eyes.

It was just a moment, because the two of them started to advance through the ranks as soon as they left the library.

Everyone immediately hid far away. For the Mahayana masters who want to break through and advance, the force of repulsion is not small. If they don't dodge in time, they will be attacked by the force of the breakthrough. At that time, they don't know how to dodge.

  Even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured.

 Everyone hid in a safe place and watched from a distance.

 I was thinking that they had indeed encountered an opportunity inside, otherwise how could they have started to break through and advance as soon as they came out.

 I don’t know what the books in it are, and whether they have read them all. After all, this is the only library without a back door, so it is impossible to tell whether they succeeded or not.

This question can’t be asked, it really stifles them.

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