The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 996: Return to the Nameless Palace

Chapter 996 Return to the Nameless Palace

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong immediately separated as soon as they came out, one on the left and one on the right of the library. The distance was too close, and the protective power during promotion would hurt each other.

 Just after the two separated, two rays of promotion shone over them.

 The promotion has begun.

The two of them broke through the promotion very quickly, and they broke through the Golden Dao cultivation level almost at the same time.

 However, the light of promotion after breaking through to the first level of Jin Dao has not dissipated and continues.

Everyone in the distance looked at the two people in shock. Can they continue to advance to the top of the Golden Path? It is obviously so difficult for them to break through the first level of Mahayana cultivation. How come it is so easy for others to advance to the Golden Path? Not only do they break through at a fast speed, but they also have to advance continuously.

 Facts have proven to them that it can.

Jin Dao Level 2 and Jin Dao Level 3. The glory of advancement stopped after the two of them advanced to Level 3.

At this time, not only the people who followed them up the mountain saw it, but also many people arranged by various forces also saw it with their own eyes.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo walked hand in hand down the mountain as soon as the light of promotion faded.

 Everyone was following them with mixed emotions.

Because there are various rumors outside these days. Some say that this girl who looks like Tianshi is the reincarnation of Tianshi. It is also said that she possesses divine beads, so she has such evil talents and strong spirit. force.

The man following him, the girl’s husband, was Ji Jiuchong, the man Tianshi Tian liked in his previous life.

The affairs of the two people's past lives were completely revealed within a few days. Even Ji Jiuzhong's father's family, the Zhao family, became a topic of conversation after dinner.

 Many of them wanted to stop the two of them and ask if the rumors were true, but no one dared to stop them.

  Their cultivation had not broken through the golden path before, so they were no match for the couple. Now that the couple has reached the third level of Jin Dao, it goes without saying that everyone knows that these two people will definitely be able to break through to the level of the Great Sage. It is just a matter of time.

 What worries them the most is not their current cultivation level. After all, this level of cultivation is not considered powerful.

What they are really afraid of is the identity of Yan Xiangluo. If she is really the reincarnation of Tianshi, who would dare to provoke such a powerful Tianshi.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong also know this very well. Aren't there so many people who wanted their lives in the past life secretly plotting against them? No one dared to provoke them openly.

 Therefore, everyone followed the two men to the foot of Qianjuan Mountain, but no one dared to come forward.

Someone encouraged Zhao Yushan, who had spoken to Yan Xiangluo before, to ask.

Zhao Yushan was speechless. He was not stupid. He had no mercy at all in front of Master Sun.

These people did not dare to provoke them. They wanted him to stand out. They just rolled their eyes at each other and said nothing.

Even if his uncle carved a statue of Master Yu, it was to repay Heavenly Master for saving his life. In the final analysis, his uncle owed Heavenly Master Yu, and Heavenly Master Yu did not owe his uncle anything.

 Besides, if she was really the reincarnation of Tian Tianshi, he had already made it clear before. She didn't show any emotions. He felt that Tian Tianshi might not even remember saving his uncle.

 After all, Heavenly Master Yu has saved too many people.

If you want to come forward yourself, that's a fool's errand.

When Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong arrived at the foot of Qianjuan Mountain, they saw a crowd of people gathered at the foot of the mountain. The people who came down from the mountain were also shocked. What kind of battle was this? What do these people want to do?

“Yan Xiangluo, Ji Jiuzhong, hand over the divine pearl.” Someone on the other side shouted first, and the others immediately followed suit. They were all people arranged by their respective masters to test the strength of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong first.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other and were both speechless. How could such a group of people with no brains have been calculated to such an extent in their previous life? The two of them teleported away without even saying a word, let alone stopping.

Not only that, they immediately used the teleportation text to leave the place they teleported to.

Everyone at the foot of Qianjuan Mountain was confused. How could this happen? How could Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong do such a thing and run away without even saying a word?

In their eyes, it was just an escape. After all, they were outnumbered and their strength was much stronger than the two of them. It was not an escape.

 “Hurry up and chase.” someone shouted.

In an instant, one figure after another disappeared quickly, and in the blink of an eye, most of the people at the foot of Qianjuan Mountain left.

 The remaining people are those who cannot track the teleportation of those who have cultivated the Golden Path.

However, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong used the portal Xuanwen to teleport several times in succession, so that the people following them could not find the slightest breath when they reached the place where they teleported.

 If you are not willing to give up, you have no choice but to give up.

 Each of them reported to their masters.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong appeared under the Wuming Palace. Yes, it's below, because the Nameless Palace is actually suspended on the clouds.

 The Wuming Palace is the place where Yan Xiangluo lived as a heavenly master in her previous life.

  When the spirit body came here after the last divine soul, she had not yet recovered the memories of her previous life. She only vaguely recalled some scenes in the Nameless Palace where she once lived.

 But at this time, Yan Xiangluo had complete memories of her previous life, so she naturally knew what the Wuming Palace was like.

This is the palace that the monks from Jiuzhongtian who received her favor ten thousand years ago spontaneously built for her. Because a suitable name has not been chosen, it is called the Unnamed Palace by the world.

 She has not lived here for a long time, and most of the time she lives here because of predictions.

 And the people who followed her all live here.

It's a pity that there was only one person left before she died, and the person who betrayed her was Cheng Kun, the person who took her soul out of her body that time.

Ji Jiuzhong also came here in his previous life, but only a few times. Most of the time, they met outside.

 It’s not that he doesn’t like it here, it’s that Luo Luo doesn’t like it here. She never lives here when nothing happens. Most of the residences here are empty and have not been lived in for a few days.

 She felt that the Wuming Palace was like a shackles, making her breathless.

 But after being reborn, she still wants to come back. There is something that belongs to her here, and she wants to take it.

 The previous life was the previous life, and in this life she no longer wanted to be locked up by anyone, anything, or anywhere.

If the demon can be eliminated successfully, what she wants most is freedom.

Ji Jiuzhong stayed by her side silently. He knew very well that Luoluo needed time to calm down. Even when he came here, he was not in a calm mood.

 After experiencing this life, he thought about how they were tightly bound by various shackles in their previous lives. In this life, he would never allow the tragedy of his previous life to happen again.

After a while, Yan Xiangluo said to Ji Jiuzhong, "Let's go in!"

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