The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 997: Destroyed with my own hands

Chapter 997 Destroyed with my own hands

Ji Jiuzhong held her hand and said, "I'm here."

Yan Xiangluo turned to look at him and smiled, "Well, it's great to have you here!"

With a simple sentence, the mood of the two of them instantly improved. Yan Xiangluo said in a relaxed tone, "Ten thousand years have passed, but the things are still there. How stupid they are."

Ji Jiuzhong knew the meaning of her words. Although the Wuming Palace was banned by her in her previous life, ten thousand years later, they still couldn't get the things. It was indeed stupid enough.

“Luoluo is still awesome!” Ji Jiuzhong praised without hesitation.

Yan Xiangluo had a bright smile on her face, "That's right."

The two of them rose into the air and stopped in front of the gate of Wuming Palace. Yan Xiangluo raised her hand and landed on the door with her soul power. The door that had been closed for ten thousand years slowly opened.

At the same time, the entire Nameless Palace erupted with dazzling golden light. The palace that looked lifeless before seemed to have come to life.

Many people in the Jiuchongtian Continent instantly sensed that only Heavenly Master Yuan could open the door to the Wuming Palace and emit such light. Countless people immediately rushed to the Wuming Palace.

Yan Xiangluo saw the golden light, pulled Ji Jiuzhong and walked in quickly, and went directly to the room where she once lived at the speed of shrinking to an inch.

 Some people will be coming soon and they cannot stay here much longer. Now is not the time to confront those people.

This room is also the place where the spirit body came back last time.

Entering the room, Yan Xiangluo didn't look at anything. Her soul power landed directly on the door on the right, which was also the room she didn't want to enter last time.

 Only because at that time, she entered with a spirit body and could not take away her own things. On the contrary, the spirit body might even be absorbed in its power.

She didn't know the reason at the time, so she just instinctively refused to enter the room. This was the instinct of a heavenly master.

The door was opened. The room was as big as the bedroom opposite, but it was empty. There was only a table placed against the wall on the right side of the room.

 There is a wish-shaped tray on the table, and a black stone the size of a fist is placed on the tray.

 It looks inconspicuous, but this black stone exudes rich soul power.

The stone, which was motionless at first, bounced off the Ruyi-shaped tray when Yan Xiangluo walked in, and flew towards her.

Yan Xiangluo raised her hand to catch the black stone, and the stone rolled in her palm.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the black stone rolling in her palm with soft eyes, "Moran, I'm back."

Yes, this black stone has a name. The name was given by Yan Xiangluo, just because when he first encountered it, Yan Xiangluo thought it was a good material for making an inkstone, just like being dyed with ink. Same.

But when I got it, I realized that this was not an ordinary stone, but a soul stone with rich soul power inside.

 After making a contract with Mo, I found out that Mo Ran was a stone used by heavenly masters in ancient times to train their souls. There are countless heavenly masters who have used it to temper their soul power.

And every time the heavenly master comes to temper the wedding, Mo Ran will get some of their soul power.

 Therefore, Mo Ran absorbed the soul power of many heavenly masters over a long period of time.

Later, at the end of ancient times, people were too selfish. Mo Ran was stolen by selfish people. Later, he was tossed around in the hands of countless heavenly masters. Finally, he hid in the mountain where Yu Xiangluo went to practice and raised his own. Spiritual consciousness.

 Until he met Yan Xiangluo and she discovered the contract, he followed her.

  Mo Ran is the best magical weapon of the Celestial Master, one of the best. This is what her master in the previous life, Fengyuan Sage, said.

Although Yan Xiangluo’s original contract with Mo Ran was a soul contract, she gave it an order before her death, asking Mo Ran to wait for her return in Wuming Palace.

Mo Ran has been waiting for ten thousand years. During this time, I can’t count how many people have thought about it.

It's a pity that it has a soul contract with its master, and the master has placed a restriction here. How could their dirty souls break the restriction set by the master?

The restriction set by the master is actually the simplest, that is, one must have a pure soul to open this door.

It's a pity that no one who has come here in the past ten thousand years has a pure soul, and no one can open this door. Instead, they think that the master is too strong and has set restrictions that they have never seen before. They must be from ancient times. period of some kind of restriction.

 No one thought that it was actually because the ban was too simple and they couldn't open it because they were not clean enough.

Ji Jiuzhong stood outside the door without going in. She could not hide the tenderness in her eyes as she watched Luoluo take back the Heavenly Master's magic weapon from her previous life.

Ji Jiuzhong suddenly turned his head and looked outside, and said to Yan Xiangluo, "Luoluo, someone is coming."

Yan Xiangluo immediately put away her ink dye, turned around and walked out of the room, looking at the familiar Wuming Palace.

Ji Jiuzhong asked, "How to deal with it here?"

Yu Xiangluo said, "I was bound here in my previous life, and there is no need to exist in this life."

 It was only after Xiangluo was reborn that she truly understood the true meaning of Tianshi’s profession. She was not a magic stick in the eyes of the world, nor was she a weapon to help them solve the stumbling blocks to fame and wealth.

The true professional meaning of a Heavenly Master is to be worthy of heaven and earth, worthy of people's hearts, and worthy of morality. That's all.

Ji Jiuzhong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. He thought the same thing. He didn't want any of the shackles that once bound Luo Luo to exist.

Yan Xiangluo pulled Ji Jiuzhong up into the air, looking down at the Wuming Palace suspended on the clouds in mid-air.

 A ray of soul power fell towards the main hall of the Wuming Palace. With a loud noise, the entire Wuming Palace trembled, and then fell into pieces and fell downwards.

In order to avoid hurting people, Yan Xiangluo used the flames of fire beads, but the inconspicuous flames turned the broken Wuming Palace into ashes, which were blown away by the wind.

 The Nameless Palace has completely disappeared, and there is no more Nameless Palace in Jiuzhongtian.

And Yan Xiangluo felt that the shackles in her heart were broken, and her whole person felt extremely relaxed from the inside out.

Yan Xiangluo withdrew the flame and teleported away with Ji Jiuzhong.

 After they left for a few moments to breathe, countless figures came to the Wuming Palace, but they didn't see anything where the Wuming Palace was. The Wuming Palace was gone.

Cheng Kun is one of them. He finally broke through the paralyzing power of Yanxiang on his soul body. As soon as he came out, he heard that she had come back after reincarnation. How could it happen so quickly?

Before he could react, he sensed the golden light of Wuming Palace and rushed over.

“She actually destroyed the Wuming Palace.” Cheng Kun looked at the place where the Wuming Palace existed before in shock.

What kind of existence is the Wuming Palace in Jiuchongtian? No one in Jiuchongtian's monks is clear about it. How could Yan Xiangluo be willing to destroy everything she had accumulated in her previous life?

 (End of this chapter)

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