The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 138 The quasi emperor beast, 1 move in 2s!

The Endless Sea of ​​Sin is one of the most famous forbidden places in the Dongchen world. The endless sea of ​​evil beasts lurk on the bottom of the sea. No monk has ever dared to cross the sea of ​​evil.

Any cultivator who underestimated the reputation of the endless evil sea was buried in the mouth of the giant beast.

At this time, the black water of the endless evil sea was rolling, the huge waves were surging into the sky, and countless giant beasts madly attacked a huge island protected by a glazed light curtain.

The giant beast rushed to the island in the light curtain like a tide, but was easily killed by the aura inspired by the great formation.

Blood was overflowing, and the screams of killing resounded through the sky.

There are constantly cultivators who are not afraid of death rushing out of the light curtain, turning into giant dragons to fight against the tide-like sea monsters, and finally die.

Inside Dragon King Island

The teleportation array flashed with aura, and two figures appeared in the aura.

It was Tang Hao and Jiang Haowu who went to Daozong.

Looking up at the dark clouds rolling in the sky, the terrifying thunder is ready to go out in the dark clouds. Tang Hao took a deep breath, the incomparably rich bloody smell from the sea breeze poured into his nose.

At this time in the hinterland of Dragon Emperor Island, there is such a strong bloody smell, one can imagine how intense the battle on the edge of the great formation is.

Immediately, he stopped staying and turned into a stream of light that rushed to the edge of the great formation, and Jiang Haowu followed closely after seeing this.

Countless Dragon King Island cultivators looked hideous, and they frantically used their spiritual power to control magic weapons to fight against giant beasts outside the formation.

The white streamer cut through the gray sky, and an extremely terrifying aura swept the entire battlefield.

For a moment, all the people and beasts were terrified, and the entire battlefield fell into a strange silence, as if time had been suspended.

Tang Hao revealed his figure, stood in the sky, and the dazzling brilliance covered his body, suppressing the entire battlefield!

On the battlefield, severed limbs and arms were densely covered, and countless blood of different colors stained the entire sea area around Dragon Emperor Island.

The strong smell of blood lingered over the entire battlefield, and it never dissipated for a long time!

The huge waves slammed on the coast continuously, swept away countless corpses, and Tang Hao, dressed in white, stood above the sky, like a fairy descending, the clouds were light and the wind was light.

Within the field of vision, terrifying giant beasts in the endless black sea lurked densely under the sea surface, looming as the waves loomed.

"Who is this?" Tang Hao's majestic breath swept the entire sea area, and all the giant beasts and monks in sight looked at the boy in the sky dully.

However, it didn't take long before a strange sound wave came from the depths of the endless sea of ​​evil below the horizon, dissolving all the terrifying coercion emanating from Tang Hao.

As the sound wave spread to the whole sea area, countless sea beasts' eyes turned red, and they were relieved from Tang Hao's pressure. Instead of retreating, they advanced.

In an instant, the battle broke out again, and the huge sea beast screamed and rushed towards the monks on the battlefield, and several spirit beasts wrapped in dazzling aura roared and attacked Tang Hao.

"What to do, what to do...~..." Suddenly, countless cultivators showed despair on their faces.

The battles have already consumed a lot of their energy.

An old man could not stand on his knees, his eyes were full of tears.

In an instant, Jiang Haowu also felt that all the strength of his whole body was taken away, and he stared blankly at the sea of ​​evil beasts rushing in like a tide.

above the sky.

"There are indeed tricks in the depths of the endless sea of ​​evil, but this is not the time to investigate, I will go to see later!" Tang Hao looked calm, he stared deeply into the depths of the endless sea of ​​evil, squinting.

After a while, seeing that there were no more changes, he turned his head to look at the several giant beasts that came straight towards him, and his contemptuous voice spread throughout the battlefield: "Just a few quasi-emperor-level monsters Dare to come over to provoke this young master, it's really impatient to live.

As soon as the voice fell, the chaotic aura was entangled, and the law runes were densely covered on Tang Hao's body.

The dazzling aura seemed to make his whole body a sun under the dark clouds, flying towards the giant beasts head on!

"What is he doing? Is he going to die?" The dazzling light illuminated the entire battlefield. Seeing this scene, Jiang Haowu was stunned.

He was about to go to help Tang Hao and fight side by side with him. After all, Tang Hao really died here, and the great emperor of Daozong could not explain it well.

But at this moment, Tang Hao's calm voice came in his ears: "You can go to the battlefield below to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers, these big guys are handed over to this young master, just as this young master, I want to move my body. !

"Take Emperor Zhun to move your body?" Jiang Haowu heard that he stopped, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times. Originally wanted to persuade him, but feeling Tang Hao's confidence, he had no choice but to turn around and go to the battlefield below.

After all, the clansmen below him are already in jeopardy.

A violent wave of spiritual power pierced the sky, and Tang Hao charged at the several quasi-emperor beasts that surrounded him at an incomparably astonishing speed.

I have to say that the huge bodies of those quasi-emperor beasts are quite oppressive.

But Tang Hao was not afraid at all, facing the huge beast as big as a mountain, he directly threw a punch.


In the next instant, the world shook.

Surrounded by water vapor, the ferocious-looking behemoth of the sea of ​​evil was suddenly pulled to the surface of the water, screaming and smashing at his companions.

The huge body fell, setting off a huge wave, and the remaining beasts slammed back under the huge impact.

The black sea water rushed towards Tang Hao, and then crashed down, but Tang Hao had already disappeared and appeared beside the giant beast that had just fallen into the sea.

"It just so happens that this young master has been craving seafood recently, so let's have a barbecue!

With a grim smile, Tang Hao's body is like a sea of ​​spiritual power pouring out, his right hand radiates with radiance, and the runes are flying, as if holding the sun in his hand, he punches the incomparably hard carapace of the evil sea giant beast.

The giant beast neighed, and Tang Hao knelt on the back of the hill-like giant beast, keeping his right hand in the motion of throwing a fist.

In the next second, the dense cracks quickly spread to the beast's body with Tang Hao's right fist as the core, the dazzling light shines in the cracks, and the terrifying white flame burns wildly in the beast's body!

The mountain collapsed, and the terrifying high temperature burned and pressurized in the giant beast and then exploded.


A violent explosion resounded through the entire sea area, and the fragments of the giant beast burning with white fiery flames shot all over the sea area like a fryer.

The sky was filled with white fire and rain, and when the countless evil sea giants hidden under the sea came into contact with the terrifying white flame, even a trace of it would be ignited and turned into ashes.

Hundreds of millions of tons of sea water were evaporated by the fire rain formed by the white flames, and the terrifying high-temperature water vapor vaporized countless giant beasts to death.

The painful neighing sound of the giant beast before its death spread over the entire sea area.

One move! The quasi-emperor-level behemoth is dead!

`How is this possible?" Jiang Haowu stared at this scene in a stunned manner, in disbelief.

Surrounded by five quasi-emperor beasts, he can easily kill the quasi-emperor, this Tang Hao is also a bit strong and terrifying!

"Come and rub my eyes for me, I can't believe my eyes, did someone kill a quasi-emperor beast just now?

"It's alright, trust me, your eyes are good, because I saw it too, just confirmed it with others, it's not a hallucination!

"Fuck, that person is too strong, didn't he just get slapped in the face by the mysterious power in the depths of the evil sea?! Why is he so powerful now?

"Ghost knows... Others are not allowed to hide their strength!"

Countless Dragon Emperor Island cultivators who hid behind the great formation and cultivated also saw this scene. They all felt shocked and shocked, and hope once again emerged in their already desperate hearts.

But Tang Hao in the sky doesn't seem to be satisfied.

The strange smell of the aroma of barbecued meat and the smell of burning lingered, he frowned slightly at this time, and said regretfully: "It's a pity, the first time I was a bit raw, it was burnt...

(Zhao Nuo's) Everyone: 66.99

Is this coming to eat? Is this the time to eat?

This strange smell made Tang Hao lose his appetite, but he didn't chase after seeing the remaining monsters fleeing frantically.

With just a wave of his hand, countless light imprints full of spiritual power crossed the space and flew to the twelve-week star formation scattered over the Dragon Emperor Island.

In the next instant, the whole piece trembled, the earth roared, and the sky above the sky exploded continuously, like a thunder burst.

And the 12-week-old star formation, which was originally dimmed by the giant beast attack, burst into a dazzling light in an instant.

The terrifying spiritual power storm swept across the entire battlefield, and countless deep-sea giant beasts were torn to pieces, and the giant beasts in the waters around Longhuang Island were immediately swept away.

The 12-week-old star formation is shining like a new life.

A low dragon roar resounded through the sky, shaking the ground.

In the terrified eyes of the Dragon Emperor Island cultivators, the two stone statues meandering like mountains and rising into the clouds, under the power of the great formation, came to life as if they had been given life!

Everything seems to be explaining, Tang Hao, he is the master of this great formation!

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