The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 139: The Resurrection of Icons

The whole body is black, the immemorial dragon icon with the wings on its back fades away the soil and recovers again, although many monks present have experienced the recovery of the icon once.

However, once again faced with such a shocking phenomenon, he was still shocked and could not face it calmly, staring blankly at the golden statue above the sky.

The two statues of Taixu ancient dragons, which were poured like gold, went straight to Tang Hao with their mighty dragon power. Countless giant beasts were turned into minced meat under the dragon power along the way, and the whole sea area was soaked with blood.

In a matter of seconds, the two golden ancient dragons came to Tang Hao's side, Tang Hao laughed and jumped directly onto the dragon's head, driving the dragon to chase the few quasi-emperor beasts.

Leaving behind a stunned Dragon King Island cultivator.

Jiang Haowu opened his mouth slightly, his face was shocked, and it took a long time for him to come back to his senses, looking at the messy coastline with no giant beasts, he couldn't help but muttered in disbelief: "The danger of genocide is so easily given by Tang Hao. solved?"

One second he was full of doubts about Tang Hao's strength, but the next second he was shocked by his mysterious methods.

It is easy to turn the sea area around Dragon Emperor Island into a hellish scene, and this is all because of that young excessive Dao Sect Young Sect Master!

Until now, Jiang Haowu couldn't hold back the excitement and shock in his heart, and he was extremely grateful that he could put down his face and go to Daozong for help.

"Damn it! Where have I seen this scene? I 790 know who that person is! Isn't that the young master of Taoism who inspired Zhou Tianxingchen last time! Last time he was a little fairyland cultivator? , Can you kill Emperor Zhun so easily now?"

"Accept your fate, brother, there are always people who you can't catch up with in your life. Who makes people too evil..."

"It's terrifying.

He heard the exclamations from the monks on Longhuang Island. Jiang Haowu raised his head and looked into the depths of the endless sea of ​​evil. His consciousness swept across, and the countless giant beasts of the evil sea lurking under the sea gradually receded and dived into the deep sea.

He was not amazed.

I'm afraid I haven't seen a person like Tang Hao since all the time.

Then he ordered the children of the clan to clean up the battlefield. Jiang Haowu took a deep look at the horizon where Tang Hao had gone, and then he returned to the island to preside over the post-war restoration.

At this time, Tang Hao was sitting cross-legged on the huge dragon head, and his powerful spiritual power covered the vast sea area, chasing after the traces of the fleeing giant beasts.

As he chased deeper and deeper into the endless sea of ​​evil, the dark clouds in the sky became heavier and heavier, and there was an extremely oppressive atmosphere (cabe) between the heavens and the earth, which was unsettling.

Sitting down, the two golden dragons murmured slightly, and seemed to feel an aura of unease.

Running the spiritual power in his body, Tang Hao waved his hand, and the spiritual light enveloped the golden dragon. Suddenly, the golden light of the dragon's body was bright, and the speed suddenly increased, and huge waves rolled up behind him.

Under the mighty and majestic Longwei, countless evil sea giants could only hide in the seabed and tremble.

"Huh?" Suddenly Tang Hao's spirit was shaken, and his expression gradually became icy cold. There were huge waves advancing at a high speed in the far distance. If you look closely, it is the beasts of the sea besieging Dragon Emperor Island.

Immediately he got up and jumped, turned into a stream of light and disappeared above the dragon's head, and in the blink of an eye, a huge wave appeared in front of him.

Standing in the sky, waiting for the few quasi-emperor beasts to throw themselves into the net, running the spiritual power in their bodies, the radiance of the law emerges, and the entire space is frozen.

The huge waves surged, as if hitting a piece of extremely hard transparent glass, the waves burst, and the sea water shot in all directions.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the evil sea giants to stop their footsteps, and several slamming sounds resounded through the sea.

He floated out of the sea in a daze, but saw Tang Hao standing in the sky in white clothes, and hurriedly turned around to escape again.

However, the huge body brought them unparalleled defense and spiritual power, but it caused them to lose their flexibility.

Not waiting for a few giant beasts to turn around successfully, Tang Hao bullied himself up, enveloped in the aura of chaos, and directly attacked the giant beast with the power that shook the sky.

The sea water exploded, like the roar of the explosion of divine thunder, Tang Hao did not use any secret techniques, but only used his incomparably powerful body to smash the beast one by one.

It was just an ordinary blow that caused huge damage to the monstrous sea monster.

The screams of pain continued one after another, and Tang Hao punched a huge hole in the body of the evil sea giant, and the blue blood gushed out like a waterfall.

Like a blood-bathed demon, Tang Hao grinned and threw his fist again.

Within a second, tens of thousands of punches were thrown, and the terrifying power directly smashed the giant beast, which was even bigger than the mountain, into pieces.

Two great imaginary ancient dragons cast in gold also appeared on the horizon and stopped two of the giant beasts.

The dragon's might burst, the sky exploded, and the scorching dragon's breath spread throughout the dark world.

Tang Hao rushed straight towards a giant whale-like beast, grabbed its tail with both hands, and his muscles swelled up, blood veins swelled under his steel-like body.

"Get up to Ben!"

Shout out loud! The sound shook the world, Tang Hao stepped on the void and lifted up the incomparably huge evil sea monster, and the huge shadow covered Tang Hao.

It would be better if Tang Hao, a giant beast with thick hair, smashed the giant whale-like monster into the sea.

The monstrous sea water splashed in all directions, rolling up countless violent storms.

The giant beast roared in pain, stirred up its spiritual power, rolled up a tsunami and slapped it frantically towards Tang Hao.

Tang Hao's whole body flashed with aura, and he easily suppressed the agitation of the giant beast with spiritual power. With his arms again, he lifted the giant beast from the sea with a big laugh and slapped it towards the tumbling tsunami.

After the huge roar, the tsunami collapsed and the water splashed everywhere.

Tang Hao exerted his strength again, and threw the evil sea giant beast in his hand towards the giant beast fighting with the two giant dragons.

After the fierce collision, only the low whine of the three giant beasts of the quasi-emperor realm remained.

The blue blood covered the entire sea area, and the stench of the sky could not be blown away even by bursts of storms.

Controlling the ancient dragon statue of Taixu above the clouds, breathing out the breath of the dragon, and was about to kill the three giant beasts.

At this moment, there was a sudden change under the sea.


A huge tentacle emanated from the seabed and plunged straight into the clouds.

Huge suckers that are comparable to the sea monsters are densely covered on the tentacles.

The tentacles that reached the sky easily stopped the dragon's breath, and then swiftly swept the three evil sea giants into the seabed and disappeared.

"What the hell is this? So daring? Even the young master's prey dares to snatch it!" Seeing this, Tang Hao was naturally furious.

Two golden dragons above the clouds followed closely behind.

Only pieces of huge giant beast fragments and foul-smelling blood remained on the sea, proving that several quasi-emperor giant beasts once existed.

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