The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 176 Tang Hao ascends the thr1

Tang Hao looked at Xianjun innocently: "That guy dared to attack my sect. I tried to persuade me to no avail, so I was forced to take action."

The expressions of several great emperors are a little strange, and this is both right and wrong.

If Tang Hao hadn't taken action to seize the secret realm of the Great Wilderness, Chang He would not have come here in person.

But as soon as the two met, they fought like a bloody feud, and often he was beheaded by others for lack of strength, and even he himself had nothing to say.

Xianjun raised his brows and turned to look at Jiutian: "You have the best relationship with Changhe, talk about it, what's going on."

Jiu Tian had no choice but to nod and answer: "Report to the Great Emperor, things are indeed as he said, Changhe troubles come first."

Several great emperors on the side also nodded in agreement, Tang Hao's strength has been placed there, and now who would offend Tang Hao for a dead person?

Although he knew in his heart "820" that it might not be the case, but these few people have the same attitude, it is not easy for Xianjun to ask anything.

He had to continue the interrogation Tang Hao: "Why haven't I heard that this Great Wilderness Secret Realm has a master, and I don't know when the Great Wilderness Realm will appear as a young emperor like you. It seems that you are only in your twenties? 99

As soon as these words came out, everyone slammed into the heart.

The great emperor in his twenties? Don't be kidding, there are not a few great emperors present, but they are all old monsters who have practiced for thousands of years, and they are still ants who know nothing when they are in their twenties.

Tang Hao smiled "hehe": "Xianjun is polite, I'm ashamed to say, I'm already stupid, and I'm still far behind the seniors.

Headed by Aoki, the corners of the eyes of several people twitched slightly. How far? The Great Emperor in his twenties has never heard of it.

Xianjun glanced at the Ten Dragons Changing Heaven formation that blocked the secret realm of the Great Wilderness with interest: "Is this formation set up by you?"

Tang Hao nodded. Although he was not afraid of him, he still had to respect the strong at least.

"Dipin Array Master, not to mention the Great Desolation Realm, there are not many in the entire Eastern Immortal Realm, very good, very good. 33 Xianjun repeatedly praised, and did not mention the matter of Changhe Falling, as if this person had nothing to do with him.

"The younger generation has limited ability, and it is already the limit to be able to set up two emperor-level formations in battle. In the future, I hope that Xianjun will cultivate more. 99

It can be clearly felt that Xianjun's face is stagnant, and the emperor can lay two lines in battle??

This kind of thing is too unbelievable. You must know that the main reason for the scarcity of emperor-grade formations is that they are too exhausting, and even many formation masters will lose their lifespans when they condense formations.

Feeling the terrifying coercion emanating from the formation, Xianjun walked to Tang Hao with his hands behind his back: "I don't need to pursue Changhe's death, but you have to promise me one thing. 99

"Let's talk about it first." Tang Hao said nonchalantly, he had to see if there was any benefit.

"Although Chang He is a bit bad, he also has a share of the credit for the balance of the Great Desolate Realm. Since the position of Dong guard is vacant, you should take over for him. 55

Sounds like a fat guy, but Tang Hao looks weird, he really has no interest.

But a few people on the side don't think so, because the Great Desolate Realm is too remote, whether it is the concentration of spiritual energy or the population, far more than other sections in the Upper East Immortal Realm, the eastern area where Chang He is located is almost the same. The most fertile place except where Xianjun is.

"It's not impossible, but I also have a request." Although Tang Hao despised the position of guarding in his heart, but the attitude of this immortal monarch is not bad, and it is not easy to refuse directly.

Xianjun slightly lowered his eyes: "Speak.

"In order for me to practice better, then ask Xianjun to give me all the collections of the Great Wilderness Secret Realm and Changhe."

Xianjun thought for a moment and then nodded: "Feng, Tang Hao is the master of the Great Wilderness Secret Realm, leading 100,000 Wilderness Guards, stationed in the Eastern Wilderness Heavenly Realm, and exercising arbitrary powers except for outside violations."

Hearing this, Jiu Tian couldn't help but be a little surprised. Although a secret realm and a hundred thousand desolate guards are nothing in the entire Eastern Immortal Realm, for the Great Desolation Realm, it is already considered a great power, especially the words of Xianjun, sovereign power.

This means that in the eastern region, Tang Hao can not give face to anyone except Xianjun. If the circumstances are serious, even if the emperor is killed by him, he will not be held accountable.

But since Xianjun had already spoken, they didn't say anything.

Tang Hao patted his heart and replied, "Don't worry, Xianjun, I will definitely try my best to benefit the Great Desolate Realm. 55

Xianjun nodded slightly: "Since Changhe has disappeared, and you have taken his place, there should be a title..."

Thinking of the names everyone gave him when he was in the East Star Realm, Tang Hao replied directly: "Emperor Haotian."

Xianjun glanced at Tang Hao: "Are you sure?"

Tang Hao just nodded, when Xianjun was dressed in white without wind and automatically, a huge phantom with a face similar to his own appeared behind him.

"In the Great Desolate Realm of the East Immortal Realm, Emperor Haotian ascended the throne."

This voice came from everyone's heart, and Jiu Tian and the others could not remain indifferent.

The Immortal Realm is no better than the Nether Realm. The number of Great Emperors in each sea is fixed, usually one radish and one pit. Of course, this is also because the Great Emperor hardly falls easily. Such situations are extremely rare.

Now that things have been done, Xianjun doesn't seem to intend to stay any longer. After shaking his head slightly to Tang Hao, he stepped on the void and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Can clearly feel the change in everyone's attitude, Tang Hao also walked towards the secret realm with his hands behind his back: "Tang is a little tired today, where did you come from, go back to where you came from, and see you in the future.

Seeing that the dust had settled, the monks who were watching from afar also left.

They are no better than the Great Emperor, and some people in charge have already spent a huge price in order to come here to see.

Now that Emperor Haotian has ascended the throne, he will need to be respectful when we meet again in the future.

Jiu Tian looked at Tang Hao's back meaningfully. He didn't expect Xianjun to be so good at talking. Can a normal human being really 1.4 reach the emperor's rank in formation and cultivation at this age?

The other two great emperors also left with their own thoughts.

Only Aoki, standing at the entrance of the secret realm, paced back and forth, looking very thoughtful.

It's just that Jiu Tian hasn't left yet, and he seems to mind.

"Fellow Daoist Aoki, come in and talk." Tang Hao's voice came, Jiu Tian's face suddenly gloomy, this Tang Hao obviously looked down on himself, he was a great emperor like Aoki, but he only invited the latter.

It was clearly because he pleaded for Changhe before and deliberately embarrassed himself.

With a cold snort, Jiu Tian walked away.

Aoki walked into the secret realm with a smile, and was immediately stunned by the sight in front of him.

"How about it, my mountain gate is okay, right?"

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