The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 177 This is called coffee

Aoki raised his eyes and looked up, only to hear the sound of Tang Hao's figure, so he could only nod his head in admiration: "The mountain gate of Emperor Haotian is truly extraordinary, and this is the first time this old man has seen such a strange building in his long life."

A figure flickered in the air, and Tang Hao walked out with his hands behind his back.

"This is my former hometown, and most of the buildings there are like this. Since you are here, let's have a cup of tea here. 35 Tang Hao waved his right hand, the building behind him flashed, and the door opened.

Aoki smiled and nodded, followed behind Tang Hao and walked towards the interior.

The more he walked, the more shocked Aoki became. Although Tang Hao was young and scary, there was a lot of information in this sect. The weeds on both sides of the road were almost a hundred years old, not to mention the interior decoration. All are worth looking into.

Although the aesthetics of this sect is incompatible with the fairy world, it is like a dragon, a tiger, and a thousand atmosphere.

Especially when the two of them moved forward, I don't know where to play the song, this kind of tune Aoki has never heard in his life for so long. The rhythm is full of rhythm and the heavy bass always surrounds my heart.

If he hadn't made sure that Tang Hao was not hostile to him, he would have been able to resist.

"Fellow Daoist, please take a seat." Tang Hao said, walked to the water bar specially prepared for him, took out two cups of coffee, prepared and handed it to Aoki.

Aoki looked at the dark brown liquid in front of him, hesitated for a moment and then took it, but did not drink it.

After all, he and Tang Hao are only one-sided, not even friends. What if the water is poisonous?

Seemingly seeing Aoki's concerns, Tang Hao rolled his eyes and tasted his cup alone. People in the Immortal Realm are so stingy. If he wanted to kill this guy, why would he need so much trouble.

The intention of making friends with Aoki is also simple. I am new here. Although I am not afraid of other people's troubles, after all, the immortal world is so vast, and I may not be lucky enough to meet the great master one day.

Aoki has lived for such a long time, and he must know a lot of Mixin, and he will definitely gain something from communicating with him.

Seeing Tang Hao drinking coffee on his own, Aoki hesitated a little and then raised his head and drank it.

The bitter aroma lingers in the mouth, a taste that even Aoki, who has lived for thousands of years, has never tasted it.

"Emperor Haotian, what is this? What does it taste like..."

Looking at the unfinished expression on Aoki's face, Tang Hao said with a smile: "This is called coffee, it's something from my hometown, how about it? Not bad.

Holding the cup, Aoki had a deep expression on his face: "This coffee? It feels like tea at the beginning, but later the fragrance is different from tea. The two are lighter and the other heavy. If you taste it carefully, there is a hint of sweetness, which is really good. .

Hearing Aoki's words, Tang Hao almost laughed, the cup he poured for Aoki was just ordinary instant coffee, how could he afford the words "good stuff".

And the cup in his hand is authentic American coffee. The two are one day and another, and they cannot be compared at all, but Aoki has already said so, and he is not good at hitting him in the face.

"Aoki Road has a friendly eye, this coffee, in the entire immortal world, you are the first to taste." The voice fell, and the cup in Aoki's hand was filled out of thin air.

This time, Aoki didn't hesitate, picked up the glass and drank.

After drinking a few cups in one breath, Aoki breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing the smile on Tang Hao's face, he felt a little embarrassed. After all, he was considered an overlord, but now he was licking his face because of such a thing.

"This, Haotian Emperor, I don't know why you invited me here?" After living for so long, Aoki knew the truth of no merit and no reward. Although he said a few words in front of Huang Xianjun, but Not enough to gain Tang Hao's trust.

Seeing Aoki speak, Tang Hao smiled: "That guy Jiutian told me about Immortal Realm before, but what he said was very vague, I invited you to come to know more about it.

Aoki looked at Tang Hao suddenly and said: "So it is, even if you speak, the old man must know everything."

"Jiu Tian said that this fairyland is divided into nine seas, and each sea is extremely vast. Is it possible that this fairyland has been divided into nine parts since ancient times?" Considering that his father and the others will fly to this place in the future, Tang Hao intends to first understand each relationship between the sea.

Aoki shook his head: "This old man really doesn't know, the Nine Seas seem to have been like this from time immemorial, the Immortal Realm where the Great Desolate Realm is located is the Seventh Sea, and in the Immortal Realm it belongs to the Lower Three Seas.

Hearing this Tang Hao's face moved: "So, there are Zhong Sanhai and Shanghai Sanhai?"

"Yes, there are quite a few gaps between each sea, fellow Daoist luck is good, in this seventh sea the Great Emperor is still the number one person, if it goes further up, it will be hard to say. Aoki looked at Tang Hao in the eyes. There is a trace of happiness.

Filling the glass alone, Tang Hao said slowly: "Are the monks above the Seven Seas stronger than the Three Seas? Wouldn't all the monks who ascended from the lower realms come to the Seventh Sea?

"Yes, for example, in the six seas, there are several times more great emperors than here, and there are as many as seven or eight at the level of immortals, and the territory is much larger, and it is even more exaggerated in the five seas above. It’s all random, if the emperor’s money reaches the Nine Seas, he can be the king and hegemony, but if he is unfortunate enough to reach the One Sea, he will be safe from the ants.”

Tang Hao was shocked, the emperor's cultivation base is no different from an ant in a sea?

Seeing Tang Hao's slightly contemplative expression, Aoki stood up and said slowly: "One more thing, the barren guards bestowed by Xianjun will arrive in a few days, they are the main force in your 820 to manage the eastern barren land, said: Friends, don't forget."

After getting the information he needed, Tang Hao didn't plan to leave Aoki here. He had already seen what he wanted him to see. It wouldn't be long before the name of Emperor Haotian would resound through the Great Desolate Realm. consider.

Seeing Tang Hao's silence, Aoki also knew what he was thinking. He immediately smiled with his hands clasped together and said, "Thank you for your hospitality today, I will give me a chance to repay in the future."

"It's a trivial matter, Aoki brother walk slowly.

This brother made Aoki's eyes twitch for a while, and in the entire Great Desolate Realm, there was no other person who dared to call him that except Xianjun, but Tang Hao was an exception.

Now that his life span is approaching, it is not worth getting angry about it, not to mention that he is not necessarily Tang Hao's opponent.

"No need to send."

Seeing Tang Hao open the formation, Aoki turned into a green streamer and flew out of the secret realm.

"This is a little troublesome, how can the location of the ascension be different.

After listening to Aoki's words, Tang Hao started to get up again. What if his father and the others went to Shangsanhai? This is not a place that ordinary monks can go to.

"Ding! The system detects the host's demand,

In order to be able to create a better form of pretense for the host, please choose the location of the ascension.

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