Tang Hao was stunned, this system can still choose the location of the ascension?

After clicking on the list, the deployment of the entire immortal world came into view, and Tang Hao knew that the entire immortal world not only had the Nine Seas, but also the Four Outer Domains and the Emperor's Mansion, which was above the Nine Seas.

It's just that this Emperor's Palace is sometimes absent from the list, and it seems that the power contained in it even makes the system a little difficult.

After clicking on the Seventh Sea, the entire Seven Seas Immortal Realm also appeared. As Jiutian and others said, except for the emperor's mansion in the center, it was divided into four major realms, east, west, north, south, and south, and the Great Desolate Realm was in the southern realm.

The Desolate Immortal Monarch is in charge of all the activities in the Great Desolate Realm. Above him are four Immortal Kings who are in charge of the Four Realms. Above the Immortal Kings is the Lord of the Seven Seas, the Emperor.

Just from the map, it can be seen that the immortal world is vast, and it is not known how much larger than the Dongchen world is just a great wasteland.

"Set the location of the ascension to the Seventh Sea, the Great Desolation of the Southern Territory, and the required task: Daozong.

In this way, as long as someone from the lower realm ascends, 100% will be nearby, which can more or less ensure their safety.

For several days, there was an endless stream of people who came to visit the secret realm of the Great Wilderness. Tang Hao falsely claimed that he was injured in the battle with Changhe and refused all of them.

In fact, Tang Hao has been lying on the top floor of the Daozong Building these days, enjoying the hard-won life in this world.

This otherworld that came through is good, but it is not home after all.

On the other hand, he sighed that he had to pick up Ji Ruyu's three daughters earlier, otherwise his life in this secret territory would be too boring.

"The Great Wilderness Imperial Guard sees the Emperor of the Wilderness!"

Outside the secret realm, there was a sudden sound.

Tang Hao jumped out of bed and took a step forward, and the next moment he appeared outside the secret realm.

I saw a piece of gold and iron armor in front of the stone tablet in the secret realm, and countless soldiers in silver and white armor stood in line, and the man in front of the line thought that the man in blood red armor looked at Tang Hao respectfully.

These people could vaguely feel the suffocating aura just by looking at them. Unlike the guardians of the sect, they had a stronger smell of blood on their bodies, and at first glance they climbed out of the dead.

Walking up to the man with his hands behind his back, Tang Hao asked, "Who are you? Why did you come to me.~?"

After bowing slightly, the man clasped his fists and replied, "I tell Emperor Haotian, I am the Imperial Guard of the Great Wilderness, and I am under the command of the Immortal Monarch, and I will be called Bai Qi."

Looking at the white flag and looking up and down: "You people, all of you will live here?"

"If you don't allow it, I can set up camp outside the secret area. If there is an attack from the outside world, it is better to go to the sea border to defend against the enemy. 55 The white flag is very respectful. Although Tang Hao has not gone out these days, his name The name spread almost all over the Great Desolate Realm, and even the other three realms became famous.

Of course, this was also because the Great Emperor was considered a high-end combat power in the Seven Seas. If this news appeared in the Shanghai Three Seas, no one would care.

"Forget it, there are so many of you blocking the door, what if there are guests, come with me."

Tang Hao's eyes flashed, and the world suddenly changed. Before Bai Qi could react, he realized that the 100,000 guards, including himself, had already entered the secret realm.

This made him respect Tang Hao even more, and he was able to transfer 100,000 people quietly, no wonder Changhe was not his opponent.

Seeing the dormitory area he prepared, Tang Hao couldn't help but feel a little fortunate. Thanks to thinking of this situation before, the dormitory area was almost the largest area in the entire Secret Realm building.

Bai Qi's reaction was the same as that of Aoki, this kind of building had never appeared in Immortal Realm.

Walking into the dormitory with the white flag, the expression on his face made Tang Hao feel somber. The people in this fairyland are all old hats and have never seen anything.

"You have a total of 100,000 people, each of whom has a room. These dozens of buildings are yours. There is a supermarket between the two buildings. If you need anything, you can go there. After Tang Hao introduced it, he planned to leave.

Bai Qi was a little puzzled, and hurriedly stopped him: "Sir, what is the supermarket?

A slap on the forehead, don't know this?

Tang Hao's tone was very helpless: "It's where you usually buy things, isn't there in fairyland! How do you get your things?"5

Bai Qi looked a little embarrassed, and took out a dilapidated weapon from behind him: "Most of our things were captured during the battle. Even if you want to buy it on weekdays, Chang He the Great will not allow it."

Looking at the weapon in Bai Qi's hand with a look of astonishment: "What you seized in the war are all these scraps of copper and iron?"

"Of course there are good ones, but most of them were taken away by Chang He.

Hearing this, Tang Hao fell silent, and after a while, he spoke: "Let the guards throw away all the weapons, and I will equip you with all your equipment in the future.

Bai Qi was a little surprised, there were 100,000 people, and even if they were armed only with the Holy Land, the cost would not be small. How could this Emperor Haotian be so rich?

"" 'You should throw this sword away quickly. If you let others know that the leader of the guards under my Tang Hao seat actually used this kind of scrap copper and iron, it's not enough for me to be ashamed.

Tang Hao's words made Bai Qi very embarrassed, and he respectfully said in a low voice: "Follow the orders of your lord, but the little one has no other weapon in hand except this longevity sword.

Looking at Lanbaiqi with a frown, why is this guy so petty, Tang Hao is a little impatient: "What weapon are you using?

Tang Hao is happy, the most important thing he does not lack is weapons, especially swords.

His right hand twitched at will in the void, and he held a long sword flashing blue cold light in his hand.

"This is yours.

Throwing it to the white flag, Tang Hao turned and left.

Bai Qi hurriedly caught it, and when he saw the body of the sword, he was shocked.

Looking up, Tang Hao was gone, and Bai Qi felt his throat dry.

(The money is paid) This Emperor Haotian is really not an ordinary person. This kind of half-step emperor's weapon is so casually gifted to himself.

It's just that Bai Qi didn't know that this Han Ling sword was already the worst batch in Tang Hao's collection. After all, he only had dozens of imperial soldiers.

The first time Yu Baiqi met, he could see the true cultivation of this guy. Like this weapon, he was a half-step emperor.

That's why he was given a weapon of the same realm as his realm, so that he could use the Hanling Sword to its fullest effect without much cost.

The 100,000 guards entered the dormitory in an orderly manner under the command of Bai Qi, and also observed the surrounding buildings.

As night fell, suddenly there was a burst of dance music from the entire Dao City that made people hilarious to the sky.

I saw Tang Hao flying in the air with a microphone: "Everyone! Let's be dry today! 35

Bai Qi stared at Tang Hao dumbfounded: "This, this is the Great Emperor?"

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