The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 179: Immortal Spiritual Power

The flashing lights flickered on the Daozong building, and the entire Daocheng seemed to come alive at this moment.

"White flag! Bring your brothers and play together! Enough wine control tonight!" Tang Hao sat on a DJ booth, rubbing discs and shouting to the overwhelmed guards in the distance.

Countless jars of fine wine appeared out of thin air and were displayed on the square in the center of the dormitory area.

I have never seen such a sight, and a great emperor like Tang Hao has never seen or heard of it.

"Your Majesty, is this not in compliance with the rules, in case Xianjun knows..." Bai Qi still performed his duties faithfully, and half-knelt on the ground to discourage him.

Tang Hao rolled his eyes, snapped his fingers on his left hand, and a sea bowl filled with wine floated in front of the white flag.

"If something went wrong, I had to bear it, and today you let me play and drink!

Hearing Tang Hao's words, Bai Qi gritted his teeth and drank the wine in the bowl.

“Good wine!”

Tang Hao laughed "haha" and turned the sound of the stereo to the maximum.

The dynamic dance music was heard from far away, and many monks who were not far from the secret realm of the Great Wilderness secretly guessed whether this Emperor Haotian was secretly practicing some kind of exercise, and the voice was too loud.

Looking at the guards singing and dancing in the square, Tang Hao had a smile in his eyes.

This group of people had 820 lives and died on weekdays. Although their cultivation was not high, they were all heroes. The tiredness on their faces and the dust on their armor could not be concealed when they came today.

When Bai Qi showed himself the weapon, the blood on it had just dried up.

Tang Hao is like this, but also to give them a long-lost rest.

Only after talking with Bai Qi did Tang Hao know that guarding the Eastern Desolate Heaven Realm was not an optional task. The Great Desolation Realm was at the very edge of the Southern Immortal Realm, so he was often attacked by aliens from the outer seas.

The duty of the guard is to lead the guards to resist foreign races, and the rotation is once a year, and the rotation between fairyland is twenty years.

Chang He, who was supposed to go to the open sea this year, was beheaded by Tang Hao, so he had to replace Chang He to fulfill his obligations.

So when Tang Hao saw this group of imperial guards, he didn't choose to say a bunch of words like ordinary fantasy novels, but let them get drunk.

As for weapons, even if the weapons in his hand are less than 100,000, it is enough to arm half of the people.

The remaining part will be there in a short time.

As the commander of the guards, Bai Qi has the highest cultivation base and is already the Great Emperor of Banbu.

Most of the remaining people are below the Dragon Transformation Realm, and of course there are dozens of quasi emperors (cabes).

Tang Hao knew that in the real battle, not to mention the Dragon Transformation Realm, even the Emperor Zhun could only play the role of cannon fodder.

So in order to ensure that they would not be killed, Tang Hao decided to add a meal to the group of guards himself.

The basic formation of the Spiritual Qi Formation has long been engraved in the Ten Dragons Changing the Sky, but in the hands of Tang Hao, who is an Emperor Grade Formation Mage, I don't know how many times it is clever.

The wine for this group of people is not ordinary wine, most of them are immortal brews with spiritual power.

The array in the dormitory area lit up all night, until the next day, Tang Hao left contentedly.

Sitting up with a splitting headache, Bai Qi looked around, and his brothers leaned back and forth one by one drinking, and even though it was noon, they were still unconscious.

At this moment, he was surprised to find that the blockage that he had originally stepped into the emperor's realm showed signs of loosening.

Even the spiritual power in the body has improved a lot, and most of the hidden diseases in the body have been cured.

This made him ecstatic, he stood up and knelt down towards the Daozong Building with a "thump": "Thank you sir for your reward!

Except for the white flag, the rest of the imperial guards also discovered this.

All of the 100,000 Janissaries knelt on the ground and thanked Tang Hao.

Without stopping him, he really could afford to kneel for them, but at this moment, Tang Hao suddenly discovered that a cloud of white mist was slowly gathering above the Guards.

Spiritual sense has no effect on it, but Tang Hao keenly found the energy contained in this white fog.

Before he could make a move, the white mist flew towards him as if he had become conscious, and instantly got into his body.

This shocked Tang Hao, and he quickly sank his mind into the system.

"System, please help me to see where I am except the problem. 99

"The whole body examination will begin immediately, please wait with peace of mind."

Tang Hao only felt a shock all over his body, and then a sense of relief emerged spontaneously.

Host: Tang Hao

Cultivation: Emperor Realm (late stage)

practice exercises-

God-level exercises: Daoxuan sword art (upgradeable)

God-level Cultivation Technique: Du Tian Yu Lei Jue (Evolved Edition of Running Thunder Curse)

Heaven Rank Exercise: Qiankun Baji Collapse (Upgradable)

Talent Skills:

God-level alchemy!

God-level spirit formation inscription method!

Physique: Eternal Immortal Body (Emperor Realm Holy Body!!)

Magic weapon: high-grade magic weapon - dragon sword (upgradeable)

[Bloodline]——The bloodline of the emperor!

Immortal Spiritual Power: Mind Level. (upgradeable)

Only when Tang Hao saw the new immortal spirit power option that came out at the end did he realize that the power he used to fight with himself before was this.

It turns out that the root of fairy power is the power of belief of subordinates?

"Prompt, does the host need to upgrade the fairy power?"

This is not the first time, Tang Hao didn't even think about it: "It is necessary."

With the experience of breaking through several times before, Tang Hao got up and rushed out of the building, standing in the middle of the secret realm.

As the system upgraded the immortal spirit power, the starry sky above the secret realm gradually distorted, and finally turned into a tornado and merged into Tang Hao's body.

Different from ordinary spiritual power, the supplement of immortal spiritual power did not feel any discomfort, but instead made Tang Hao feel a little cool.

"My God, what the hell is this Emperor Haotian doing, why is there such a vision in the secret realm of the Great Wilderness!

"This is the breath of fairy power!"

Countless cultivators looked at the secret realm in amazement, guessing what happened.

Thousands of miles away, Emperor Aoki looked at the direction of the secret realm in shock.

Huang Xianjun's closed eyes also opened slightly: "Interesting, I realized the power of immortals in just a few days.

"Warning, the system has detected that inhaling too much fairy power will cause damage to the host, whether to continue.""

Tang Hao was stunned, why would such a powerful force cause harm to himself?

"System, can you avoid this from happening?"

"Yes. 99

With a sigh of relief, Tang Hao waved his hand: "Come on! I'm fine!"


As if something was broken.

Tang Hao was overjoyed.

He knew that the layer of shackles that suppressed him was broken again!

Mid-Emperor Realm!

"This spiritual power fluctuation is the middle stage of the Emperor Realm!"

"How many days has Tang Hao soared? This is... another breakthrough?!"

Not only the Great Emperor Aoki was shocked, but even the Desolate Immortal Monarch.

He has repeatedly praised Tang Hao's talent before, but it's too fast!

I have never heard of it, even a legendary emperor in his mid-twenties, it would be difficult for him to do it!

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