The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 226 Your fist is very soft

"What did you say!" The desolate beast Xianjun was furious when he heard Tang Hao's insulting words. The realm of beasts and animals is a land of barbarians, and the rule of the law of the jungle is more thoroughly implemented there. This kind of words is absolutely for him. is unforgivable.

Seeing this scene, none of the immortals persuaded them. The strength of the desolate beast immortals was in the middle and upper reaches among them. If Tang Hao could compete with him, he would be qualified to act with them.

Among the people present, except the Huang Xianjun, the rest of the immortals know very little about Tang Hao.

"Oh, I'm really sorry, I missed a few words, it was your pet that ran away with its tail between its tails." Although he said that, Tang Hao did not express the slightest apology. When he suddenly made a move, he had violated his bottom line. If he didn't know what to do at this moment, Tang Hao wouldn't mind killing one to set an example.

"court death!"

The desolate beast Xianjun roared loudly, his blood vessels burst out, and a strong blood energy radiated out.

"It is rumored that this desolate beast Immortal Monarch has no father or mother since childhood, was raised by desolate beasts, and his physique is comparable to that of a desolate beast at the level of an immortal.

"I also heard that although he doesn't know any supernatural powers and techniques, the body refining technique he learned from somewhere can make most of the techniques ineffective."

"I think Immortal Lord Haotian has run into a tough guy this time. Poor Emperor Aoki, he chose the wrong person when he was getting old."

Many emperors shook their heads regretfully. Although Emperor Aoki's cultivation base was not high, his popularity was very good, and many people had received his favor.

What's more, he had secretly planned to take away the stele fused with the unicorn after Tang Hao was beheaded.

Tang Hao raised his right eyebrow: "Oh? The method of body refining? Your physical body is very strong?"

The desolate beast Xianjun raised his hand and punched his chest: "Come on, boy, let me see if you can impress me."

Hearing this, Tang Hao almost burst out laughing, turned his head to look at Huang Xianjun and said, "You heard all about it, fellow Desolate Daoist, he asked me to fight."

Although he had experienced Tang Hao's speed before, Huang Xianjun thought about it for a long time after returning to the cave. He did not think that a cultivator could achieve the ultimate speed while taking care of other things, so he did not stop at this moment: "Daoist Haotian friend Don't be surprised, the wild beast Taoist friend has always had a burst of character, and the two of you must not hurt each other's life until you reach it.

Desolate Immortal Monarch's words were like the sound of gunshots at the beginning of the game. As soon as the voice fell, Desolate Beast Immortal Monarch smashed the ground and rushed towards Gu Yang.

Tang Hao narrowed his eyes, no wonder this desolate beast is so arrogant.

The speed of an eagle, the strength of a bear, and the aura of an elephant, any cultivator facing these at the same time will be a little weaker before the battle.

"grown ups!""

Lie Shan shouted anxiously, then his body burned with flames, raised his hand and threw a blue flame spear at the desolate beast Xianjun.

But after the spear came into contact with the desolate beast Immortal Monarch, it went out strangely.

"Fellow Daoist Lieshan, retreat quickly, this person has the body to avoid magic, only physical confrontation will work." The advantage of age was finally revealed, and Aoki saw at a glance the purpose of the blood energy outside the desolate beast Immortal Monarch, and hurriedly warned.

The corner of Tang Hao's mouth twitched, instead of retreating, he stepped forward, stepping out and smashing the ground.

The speed of Xianjun was far beyond that of the emperor, and the two were both known for their speed, and they collided in the blink of an eye.

Just when everyone thought that they would have a shocking battle, a scene that surprised them appeared.

Tang Hao actually stood in front of the Desolate Beast Immortal Monarch and punched him abruptly.


The two of Aoki spoke at the same time, and the fist of the desolate beast Xianjun brought a hundred miles of wind and sand, blowing the two of them away for dozens of meters.

The corner of Huang Xianjun's mouth twitched, and he guessed it right. Tang Hao is really only better in terms of speed, and it seems that he can't use it often. Other than that, he is no different from ordinary Xianjun.

Most of the rest of the Immortal Monarchs were of the same opinion. In their opinion, when Tang Hao was hit by the Desolate Beast Immortal Monarch, the battle was over.


A sigh sounded in everyone's ears.

Tang Hao turned his head slightly, his face still pressed against the fist of the desolate beast Xianjun.

"Has anyone told you that your fists are really soft.

The Desolate Beast Xianjun looked at Tang Hao in shock. At this moment, his right arm had taken the shape of a beast, as thick as a wild bear.

But it was the person in front of him who looked so weak that he couldn't move forward even an inch, and even now the joint of his right fist started to ache.

"How is it possible! This Immortal Lord Haotian has nothing at all?"

"I was hit by the desolate beast Xianjun unscathed? What is this guy's body made of?"

"Did you hear that he said that the fist of the desolate beast is very soft?

The immortals looked at this scene in astonishment. Before the two came into contact, they imagined countless situations in their minds, but they never imagined that this would be the result. Not only that, Tang Hao could even say that kind of thing. Come.

Before waiting for the Desolate Beast Immortal to answer, Tang Hao's eyes narrowed, and he raised his left hand and punched the Desolate Beast Immortal in the face.


The whole ground seemed to be unable to withstand the power of this punch, and the ground instantly cracked.

"Didn't you let me hit you, I'll do what you want."

Tang Hao squatted down and punched the desolate beast Xianjun again.

Everyone was stunned when they looked at the two who were fighting like mortals.

The one who felt the deepest was the Desolate Beast Immortal Monarch. He never imagined that he could only hold Tang Hao's punch, and then he lost the ability to resist.

Every punch that hits him is like being smashed by 10,000 mountains.

The body he was proud of was like paper at the moment, which made him worry that he would be smashed by Tang Hao at some point.

After punching more than a dozen punches in succession, when Tang Hao stood up, his hands were already full of blood.

The Huang 1.4 Beast Immortal Monarch, who was smashed into the ground more than ten meters below the ground by him, was completely unrecognizable, and his sternum bones were all shattered, as if he had only half his life left.

"Everyone saw it, he asked me to fight." Tang Hao spread his hands and said that he only started after listening to the words of the desolate beast.

Everyone was speechless for a while, but they couldn't say anything. After all, the desolate beast Xianjun provoked in the public, and everyone heard it.

"I, I will never let you go." The Desolate Beast Immortal said vaguely, and finally spit out a few teeth from his mouth.

Tang Hao sneered, squatted down and looked at the desolate beast Immortal Monarch who was smashed into the ground by himself: "Next time, if you want to find someone to beat you, please ask your Excellency to come to me first, there is no way, who makes me so happy Help.""

The corners of Huang Xianjun's eyes twitched slightly: "I came to Daoist this time, mainly to discuss the birth of a strange treasure in the Great Desolate Realm.

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