The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 227 I want his piece!

Tang Hao smiled and stepped on the chest of the desolate beast Xianjun who had almost lost his life: "Yi Bao? Why didn't I know about this?"

When all the immortals saw this scene, they all frowned, thinking that Tang Hao's move was a bit too much.

Although it was said that the desolate beast Xianjun was the first to cause trouble, he was still considered the master of the realm, and he was so humiliated by others, how could he save his face.

In addition to them, many monks in the Great Desolation Realm dare not speak out. After all, even the Desolate Beast Immortal Monarch has been defeated so quickly. Even if they go to support them, the result will be even worse.

"Sir, you were in seclusion before, and not long ago, a blue light came out from the Great Wilderness, and it was suspected that there was a strange treasure in the world." Although Lie Shan knew the inside story for a long time, he still began to explain at this moment.

Tang Hao made the original expression, then looked at Huang Xianjun and asked: "I don't know if you know where this treasure is?"

Huang Xianjun smiled and shook his head slightly: "When I arrived, the blue light had disappeared, but I guessed that it should be nearby, and I should also wait here according to the decree of Xianzun until the envoy of Xianzun comes. arrive.""

"Why?" Tang Hao frowned, he had a natural dislike for such people.

In the crowd, a thin man stepped out, his face was pale, and there were actually two centipedes wandering in the eyes of a pair of phoenixes, which made people feel chills.

"We are the subordinates of the Immortal Venerable Nanhai Indestructible, and all things in the South China Sea are naturally owned by the Immortal Venerable. Why did Daoist Haotian say this?"

Emperor Aoki's face was dignified, and he approached Tang Hao and said softly: "Sir, this person is the Thousand Foot Immortal Monarch of the Poison Abyss Realm, you have to be more careful. 35

Tang Hao sneered: "Thousands of Daoists are wrong, now the strange treasure has not yet appeared in the world, only a vision has appeared, let's not say whether I can find it, even if it is found, if it is an ordinary thing, wouldn't it let it be? Immortal Venerable is disappointed, in my opinion, it is better for me to look for it first, and report to Immortal Venerable after finding out where this strange treasure is.35

These remarks made many immortals secretly agree. Although everyone is the subordinate of the Immortal Venerable, they have their own selfishness. It is extremely unwilling to let them dedicate without reservation.

"Okay, since Immortal Venerable appointed me as the commander of the Thirteen Realms, I am obliged to find this thing for Immortal Venerable. You are very good, I have divided the Great Desolate Realm into thirteen parts, and each of us is responsible for an area. , Be sure to investigate in detail, and if there are any signs of suspicious treasures, send a signal, remember, if there are other people from the three seas here, don't take it lightly

Procrastination for support. "

After the desolate Xianjun finished speaking, he waved his right hand toward the void in front of him, and a map of the Great Desolate Realm slowly emerged. As he just said, there are thirteen areas in total, and each area is marked with the Xianjun in charge of the area. .

After seeing the map, Tang Hao squinted his right eye. According to the location deciphered by the system, the area he was guarding was far away from it. Instead, the Thousand Foot Immortal Monarch who had just opened his mouth to maintain the Immortal Venerable was just there. Enemy road is narrow.

More than a dozen immortals nodded after seeing it. As for the matter of sending a signal after seeing the strange treasure, everyone was tacit.

"Okay, I hope all fellow Daoists will do their best to guard this exotic treasure for me in the South China Sea." Huang Xianjun gestured towards everyone with a fist.

Just when he was about to leave, Tang Hao suddenly said, "Wait."

Huang Xianjun frowned, and he was scruples about Tang Hao's unfathomable strength, but now that he has the life of the Immortal Venerable, how could he dare to be so presumptuous.

Although he thought so in his heart, Huang Xianjun still looked over with a smile: "I don't know if you have any questions about Daoist Haotian?

Tang Hao pointed to the map that has not yet dissipated, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Xianjun Huang, I want to change the place. The place you assigned to me is too small, and it is not worth a trip at all."

Everyone snorted coldly in their hearts, although it was only the first time they met Tang Hao, but on the way, Huang Xianjun had already told his story many times, and they all knew that this Haotian Xianjun was just a newcomer to the fairy world. The Maotou boy in January, if it wasn't for the Immortal Venerable's decree to gather all the Immortal Monarchs, this kind of thing might not be his turn. It is not easy to get a place in this kind of action, and he thinks the place is too small. How presumptuous!

Although Huang Xianjun was extremely unhappy in his heart, considering that he and Tang Hao belonged to the Great Desolation Realm cultivator, there may still be places to take care of each other in the future, so he could only bite the bullet and ask: "I don't know where Daoist Haotian wants to go?

Tang Hao raised the corner of his mouth, raised his finger and pointed at the Thousand Foot Immortal: "I want his piece!

Hearing Tang Hao's words, many immortals were a little disdainful.

You must know that this thousand-footed immortal monarch is a late immortal monarch, and the one-handed poison technique is even more praised by the immortal venerable. It can also be ranked in the top three among the thirteen immortal monarchs, and belongs to the top combat power in the South China Sea. .

As for Tang Hao, who just ascended to the Immortal Realm, even if he has made military exploits in the South China Sea battlefield, he even captured three of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Ice Immortal Clan, but these are just rumors after all. Everyone suspects that those on the battlefield are exaggerating.

Qianzu Xianjun didn't pay much attention to Tang Hao's words, but looked at him with interest and said, "I don't know Daoist Haotian, why do you want me?"

"My subordinate's cave is there. If I go, there are 850 places to rest." The secret of the Great Wilderness Scripture must not be exposed. Tang Hao can only find such an excuse to prevaricate the other party.

The corner of Qianzu Xianjun's mouth raised: "In this case, why don't you ask fellow Daoist to give up your love, give me this cave dwelling, and return it to you when the strange treasure appears, okay?"

Tang Hao squinted his eyes, how could anyone dare to pretend to be like this?

At this moment, the desolate beast Immortal Monarch under his feet roared loudly.

It was only then that everyone remembered that Tang Hao was still stepping on someone.

"Child, you insult me ​​too much!"

Desolate Beast Immortal Monarch's eyes were red, his skin began to grow hair, and he instantly turned into a human-shaped beast.

But even so, he couldn't escape from Tang Hao's feet.

"Fellow Daoist, you still need to leave a line to be a person." Immortal Qianzu's eyes narrowed, and a cold light went straight to Tang Hao.

Tang Hao snorted coldly, and opened the magic eye in front of his forehead instantly.

A purple light flashed, and a crimson centipede fell from the void, twisting its body on the ground, looking very painful.

"My fellow Daoists are laughing, this great wasteland of mine is really too barren, I don't know when, there are so many offal! 35 Tang Hao's mouth raised, and he glanced at the immortal monarchs present.

The centipede on the ground struggled for a while, and then lost its vitality.

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