The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

The 240 chapters of the 4 realms of Taoism

"Hao, fellow Daoist Haotian..." At this moment, Xianjun Huang didn't even realize that his voice trembled.

With such a powerful killing intent, being able to speak clearly is already a great thing, not to mention standing like a desolate fairy.

Even the Great Emperor cultivator, in such an environment, will be disturbed by the killing intent before long.

Although the surrounding environment was extremely bloody, Tang Hao's eyes were unexpectedly clear.

Hearing Huang Xianjun's words, he slowly raised his hands: "It's okay, if you are afraid that I will accidentally hurt you, you should retreat a little bit.

Huang Xianjun was stunned for a moment. He wanted to decline Tang Hao's kindness, but when he thought of the endless chill emanating from the Dragon Slaying Sword, he nodded: "I will always pay attention. If you need help, Daoist Haotian will call at any time."

Tang Hao nodded slightly, then slowly closed his eyes.

With the dissipation of Heaven, Earth and Taoism, the cracks on the puppet monks were gradually repaired, and those that were turned into ashes began to condense into human forms.

With endless spells and indestructible bodies, what kind of character is this Nuwa clan, who can use such terrifying spells.

The snow in the air gradually grew larger, and after a few breaths, it had turned into a snowflake the size of a fingernail.

Huang Xianjun raised his hand, and the snowflakes slowly fell on the palm of his hand. With the physique of his Xianjun cultivation base, his whole body trembled at this moment.

Looking at Tang Hao's back, he finally understood that he had underestimated this young man from the lower realm from beginning to end.

The reason why Daoxuan Sword Art can become a god-level exercise is not because of its many changes and great power.

The mystery of it lies in a word of Tao, and any magic technique motivated by spiritual power is only superficial after all.

The art is the form, and the Tao is the essence.

Although the name of the Heaven and Earth Dao Technique used by Huang Xianjun before is a bit exaggerated, it actually contains a bit of the essence of Dao Technique.

The Dao Xuan Sword Art is completely Dao.

Any technique related to the sword between heaven and earth can be used by borrowing it.

The way of swordsmanship is divided into four layers in terms of swordsmanship.

That is, sharp, blunt, positive, solid.

When Tang Hao fought against the Thousand Foot Immortal before, the sword technique used to divide the Great Desolate Realm in two was the front of the Dao Xuan Sword Art.

Regardless of your unparalleled physique, the defense method is unparalleled in the world, and with just one sharp word, you can break through all methods with one force.

When he was in the realm of the Great Emperor before, Tang Hao had already understood this profound sword art.

It's just that the concept at that time was still very vague. When he stepped into the realm of the immortal king, he could already touch the threshold of the front and the dull realm. As for the subsequent yang and real, he would also automatically perceive it as the realm improved. .

The endless killing intent attached to the Dragon Slaying Sword actually converged on a single line along with Tang Hao's mind.

This line showed an incomparably bright red, and before Tang Hao urged him, it had already cut through the paper-like void.

Different from the arrogance and domineering of the frontal realm, the blunt realm needs to be much restrained. This red line only extends a thousand feet and then stops abruptly, but the coercion it contains is not much.

At this moment, those puppet cultivators had returned to normal, and they flew towards Tang Hao with their rigid bodies.


A red glow flashed in his eyes, and the Dragon Slaying Sword was instantly unsheathed.

Even Huang Xianjun couldn't see Tang Hao's sword.

When he noticed, the Dragon Slaying Sword had been sheathed.

Tang Hao looked at the dozens of puppet cultivators in front of him with a dull expression, and he didn't know what to expect.

But the sky and the earth cracking in Huang Xianjun's imagination did not appear, instead, those monks threw the sky-filled spells towards Tang Hao as if they were all right.

Looking at these spells, Tang Hao shook his head slightly.


There was a muffled sound from somewhere, and then it spread like firecrackers.

In addition to Huang Xianjun, the closest to the jungle is Niu Li Xianjun.

He was less than five thousand miles away from the jungle at this moment, but at this moment, the hairs on his body suddenly stood up, as if he was facing some danger of life and death.

This made Immortal Niu Li look shocked, revealing his own body instantly.

A huge brown-red bull, a hundred feet in size, looked around in horror.

Looking around blankly, Immortal Niu Li was shocked.

He was horrified to discover that in front of him, a black hole with a size of thousands of miles appeared in the sky above the jungle.

This black hole seems to be sucking in all the light, and the crisis I just felt is the aftermath of the black hole.

"What happened, is it true that there is a battle with Immortal Venerable."

After swallowing his saliva, Immortal Niu Li, who had regained his human form, flew towards the dense forest with some hesitation.

At this moment, Xianjun Huang was even more shocked and speechless.

He saw with his own eyes that those puppet cultivators who could persist for a while in front of his own heaven, earth, and Taoism turned into fly ash and were sucked into the black hole.

With the power of a sword, he actually killed dozens of monks who were in the middle stage of the Immortal Monarch!

What made him even more unbelievable was that, in the void where the Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable and the Nuwa Clan had disappeared, there was a zhang-sized void, and an incomparably surging spiritual energy gushed out of it.

This is the blunt state of Dao Xuan Sword Art, under a sword, although the power is enough to kill everything, it is silent.

The burst is silent, that's what it is.

Thousands of miles of dense forest disappeared completely with this sword, and even the originally dense land sank as much as a hundred feet!

Feeling the aura in the hollow in front of him, Tang Hao turned his head and grinned at the stunned Huangxianjun: "Fellow Huangxian, I don't think those puppets will appear again, you are here waiting for the immortals, I'll go and help Dragon Blood Immortal.""

Huang Xianjun nodded with his mouth open, he really didn't know what to say.

Although they are both Immortal Monarchs, their cultivation is a whole higher level than Tang Hao, but the gap between the two is vastly different and cannot be compared.

1.4 Even though he has always admitted that he is much stronger than other monks in the same realm, the battle of the Immortal Venerable is already something he can participate in.

And Tang Hao, has this qualification!

"Ding, it is detected that the host's spiritual power is depleted, and it will replenish your spiritual power again.

This time, the infusion of spiritual power did not trigger the same vision as before, but automatically filled the sea of ​​​​spirits.

He took a deep breath and felt the spiritual power filling the spiritual sea.

Tang Hao raised the corner of his mouth: "It's the last step."

After speaking, the whole person flashed a golden light and rushed into the void.

As Tang Hao entered, the void disappeared, and the entire dense forest returned to its former tranquility. Only the twitching corner of his mouth, Huang Xianjun, knew how shocking the sword just now was.

"Fellow Immortal Daoist! What happened here!"

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