Immortal Niu Li was the first to arrive and was shocked when he saw the scene of the dense forest.

Fortunately, he saw Huang Xianjun as far as he could see, so he came to ask.

After calling a few times in succession, Huang Xianjun calmed down: "The Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable of the East China Sea is here, and he is at war with the Nuwa tribe in the spiritual world."

"What! Immortal Venerable is here! How is it possible that the four of them were not allowed to leave their caves for the sake of the stability of the four seas?" Immortal Niu Li was shocked when he heard the news. real.

Huang Xianjun turned his head and smiled bitterly at Niu Li Xianjun: "What's more terrifying, you haven't seen it yet.

Only then did Niu Lixian remember the black hole he had seen before: "What about the Daoist Haotian who is in charge of this place? Could it be already..."

Mistakenly thinking that the black hole was the Niu Li Xianjun caused by the fight between the Nuwa clan and the Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable, he couldn't help but suspect that Tang Hao had turned to ashes in the face of such a powerful collision.

"That was caused by Daoist Daoist Haotian's swordsmanship. Now, he should have fought against the Nuwa clan together with Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable for 20 years." There was a hint of envy in Huang Xianjun's words, you know, regardless of this Who does the strange treasure ultimately belong to? There are not many opportunities to fight side by side with Immortal Venerable.

Immortal Venerable, placed in the Nine Seas Immortal Realm, is already considered the top combat power. In the past, in the expedition of the Nine Seas Emperor Venerable to the outside world, these 40 Immortal Venerables have made countless contributions to the Immortal Realm, which is also the status of Immortal Venerable in the Immortal Realm. reason for the high.

Tang Hao, who came to the spirit world of Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable, did not see the situation where the two were evenly matched in his imagination.

The Nuwa tribe occupied a great advantage, pressing the Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable to the ground and rubbing frantically, the battle situation was almost one-sided.

If it wasn't for the fact that the place where the two fought was within his own spiritual sea, Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable would have been defeated long ago.

Even so, after nearly thousands of rounds of collision, his spiritual power has reached the brink of exhaustion.

He could only support himself under the crazy attack of the Nuwa clan. When he saw someone coming to the spiritual world, he was overjoyed: "Which fellow Daoist is here? Come and fight against the Nuwa clan with me!"

From the Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable's point of view, the person who can forcibly break through his spiritual world must be one of the other three Immortal Venerable Seven Seas besides himself.

And the most likely one is the guardian of the South China Sea, the Immortal Venerable Immortal.

As the strongest of the Seven Seas except Emperor Longsi, the arrival of Immortal Venerable Immortal has undoubtedly brought a tinge of vitality to the already unsuspenseful battle situation.

But when he saw Tang Hao, Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable's eyes almost popped out.

He never imagined that after he wanted to pass through his eyes, what he was looking forward to was only an immortal?!

"You, how did you get in? Get out now! Call the indestructible guy to come here to help!" The two-color dragon under the crotch of the Dragonblood Immortal Venerable is now full of scars, and one of the dragon's eyes has been taken by the Nuwa tribe. blind.

On the other hand, the Nuwa people had no other injuries except for the blue scales on their bodies, which were deeply visible to the bones.

Tang Hao coughed dryly: "Senior Dragon Blood, Immortal Venerable Immortal is guarding the Great Array of the Four Seas on the orders of the emperor, I am afraid that he will not be able to come here for a while.

The Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable almost vomited out a mouthful of blood when he heard this, and he came here in person regardless of his identity. Although it was for the exotic treasure, the Nuwa tribe, as the descendants of the ancient powers, was unimaginable for the chaos in the immortal world. Why didn't Xianzun come!

"Go away! The monk Xianjun will definitely die here!" Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable said, he coughed out a mouthful of blood and forced to open the spiritual world for Tang Hao.

At this moment, the scaly palms of the Nuwa clan had already slapped on the top of his head with endless pressure.

Seeing this, Tang Hao could let her be like this, pulled out the Dragon Slaying Sword, and disappeared in place in an instant.

In the next second, it appeared above Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable.


According to common sense, in the spiritual world belonging to the Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable, no modification other than him can mobilize even the slightest spiritual power here.

However, as Tang Hao swung out his sword, all the remaining spiritual energy in the original spiritual sea was absorbed by him.

In the spiritual world, Tang Hao no longer had his previous concerns, and all the spiritual power in his body was infused into the Dragon Slaying Sword, and he used all his strength to use the Taoist Sword Art.

With a sword swing, the Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable vomited out a mouthful of blood.

The great power brought by the Dragon Slaying Sword split the entire spiritual world into two parts, and the heaven and earth that had been solidified once again turned into chaos.

With a scream, the incomparably strong arm of the Nuwa tribe fell from the shoulder.

The arm of more than ten feet fell to the ground, setting off a cloud of dust.

Immortal Dragon Blood looked inconceivably at Tang Hao, who was holding a sword in the air with his back facing him. He never imagined that with all his strength, he could only leave some scars on the Nuwa people that would not affect the battle situation.

With the realm of the Immortal Monarch in Tang Hao District, she was able to cut off her arm with a single sword.

At this moment, Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable was even more certain that the Dragon Slaying Sword in Tang Hao's hand was the most precious treasure in the world!

The reason why Tang Hao was able to sever the arm of the Nuwa tribe with one sword after defeating two monks at the peak of the Immortal Monarch in a row is all due to this sword!

After the Nuwa tribe let out a shrill scream, the whole person seemed to go crazy, twisting their bodies crazily in the boundless spiritual world, especially the tail of the snake. small gaps.

"Senior Xianzun is resting for a while, I'll take care of this Nuwa clan for a while. Tang Hao's expression is also solemn at the moment, and he is very dissatisfied with the damage his sword has caused to the Nuwa clan.

It is also more certain that although this Nuwa clan only exudes the coercion of the Immortal Venerable, in the Immortal Venerable Realm, there are very few people who can match it.

No wonder he is the descendant of the ancient power, which makes Tang Hao more interested in the real Nuwa.

He couldn't help but wonder, what kind of catastrophe did a person of that level fall, and even the descendants have fallen to this point.

But now is not the time to think carefully.

After the Nuwa clan rolled over for a while, silver blood was left on their broken arm.


He opened his mouth and howled, and at the section, a brand new arm rushed out!


This scene shocked both Tang Hao and the Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable. They didn't expect that the Nuwa tribe had the ability to regenerate.

The new arm is very different from the previous one. It is no longer full of scales. Instead, it is like a human being.

Tang Hao's face turned cold: "It's really difficult to deal with."

Seemingly feeling Tang Hao's curse, the Nuwa clan roared at Tang Hao, the bright red letter in the mouth jumped in the air, and then the whole body turned into an afterimage, instantly appearing in front of Tang Hao!.

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