The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 249 chapter of the spirit world is beginning to show its power

With the rise of the cultivator's realm, the power of the source that can be comprehended will also decrease. This is almost common knowledge, and even mortals who have never set foot on the road of the avenue know a thing or two.

But there is no shortage of geniuses in this world. Most of the unicorns in many families can master more than three kinds of power of origin, but at most it can only do so, because each of them is the same, the calamity brought by the improvement of the realm, the power is also will multiply.

Only those who have the backing of old monsters who have lived for countless years have the courage to survive such a multi-source thunder calamity. It is rumored that the Jiuhai Emperor above the Nine Seas has mastered more than ten kinds of source power, almost covering the entire Most of the abilities of the fairy world.

This is also the reason why he was able to lead the immortal world to conquer countless years, but the calamity faced by the Nine Seas Emperor is unimaginable.

As an Immortal Venerable under Emperor Zun, Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable vaguely remembers that a few years ago, the Nine Seas Emperor Zun once stood alone at the top of the Nine Seas against the Heavenly Tribulation. At that time, the aftermath of the Heavenly Tribulation alone was enough to kill the Immortal Venerable Peak. The cultivator, the scene that was like destroying the world is still vivid in my mind.

But right now, Tang Hao was able to use five kinds of source powers in a row, and even more terrifying, he even condensed them into a formation.

Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable is very sure, even if all the other three emperors of the Seven Seas are gathered here, I am afraid that they will not be able to crack the formation.

Maybe, Immortal Lord Haotian really has a way to deal with this Nuwa clan. I don't know when, Immortal Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable suddenly had this idea in his mind.

Seemingly feeling the pressure in the air, the Nuwa clan head roared into the sky with a sharp mouth, and then the five-element spirit ball that merged together emitted colorful rays of light.

The light emitted alone has already pierced the earth in the spiritual world. If this spiritual world hadn't become a world of its own, Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable was sure that even nothingness would not be able to stop the enormous power attached to this spell.

Tang Hao frowned when he saw this scene, the Nuwa tribe was far more powerful than he imagined, and it could almost be said that he had faced the most powerful enemy since his rebirth.

"The Tomb of Wheels!

A palm slapped in front of him, and five avatars in various costumes appeared in front of the spirit ball in an instant, as if they had received some instructions.

The Nuwa Clan also understood at this moment that their biggest enemy was no longer the Immortal Venerable who was not an opponent at all, but the cultivator who was like an ant in front of them.

It looked at Tang Hao resentfully, and then grew its mouth to the extreme.

Just when Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable wondered why it did this, a slender and fair arm stretched out from the mouth full of sharp teeth.

The aura in the air has solidified and has completely stopped flowing.

Whether it is the Nuwa clan or the Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable, even Tang Hao, they can't take in the slightest bit.

This is because the powerful fluctuations generated by the two techniques have locked these spiritual powers in the space, and unless they compete, they will not return to their original state.

Tang Hao gritted his teeth, and the strong pressure brought by the arm almost made him breathless, and he must not let the body behind him come out again!

"All Heavens and Thunders!

As soon as the technique came out, it dissipated in the blink of an eye.

Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable hurriedly shouted: "This spiritual world is out of my control, don't continue to consume spiritual power!"

Tang Hao scolded inwardly, the most worrying thing still happened.

Once the Nuwa people took control of this world, the two of them would really become turtles in a urn, and they would be slaughtered by others.

Thinking of this, Tang Hao was heartbroken.


Looking at the multicolored spiritual ball that had already expanded in the air and covered the entire sky, Tang Hao raised his hand and bit his right thumb, then instantly appeared beside Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable, grabbed him firmly and slapped the ground with his palm.

"Change it to me!

The moment Tang Hao's voice fell, the Jiuhai Emperor Zun at the top of Jiuhai suddenly stood up from the throne.

His brows were lightly wrinkled as he looked at Qi Hai at his feet. Just as he was pondering, an arm that was 10,000 zhang long and covered with gray-blue scales pierced through the curtain of the Immortal Realm and fell towards Qi Hai.

Emperor Jiuhai snorted coldly: "With your current strength, you are not qualified! Get out of here!

With a cold snort, the words follow the law.

The dark aura slammed on his arm like a long rainbow in the sun. It seemed that the Emperor of the Nine Seas was not relieved, and then he stepped out of the imperial palace where he had not left for ten thousand years, and appeared beside his arm without causing the slightest fluctuation. .

A silver light flashed in his hand, and a long sword was held in his palm.


Mouth softly chanted.

··0 Seeking flowers··

The foul-smelling blood spilled into the sky, and disappeared without a trace before it landed on the ground.

Looking at the arm that was withdrawn, Emperor Jiuhai pondered for a moment, then waved a spiritual force towards Qihai, and the figure disappeared again.

At the moment of the Seven Seas, Immortal Venerable Dragon Blood looked at this scene in shock. He couldn't believe that Tang Hao had such a big hand.

Summons his own spiritual world again within his own spiritual world.

And this spiritual it really a fairy?!

Looking at this huge spiritual sea that is dozens of times wider than his own spiritual world, and the golden dragon hovering in the sky, the Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable can 100% determine that it is the ancient dragon in the universe that existed in the fairy tale mythology!

"This, Immortal Lord Haotian! Who the hell are you!"

The Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable was seriously full of disbelief. He couldn't imagine who could have the bloodline of the Universe Ancient Dragon. You must know that even the Nine Seas Emperor could only be on an equal footing with the Universe Ancient Dragon. Small is still unknown.

Tang Hao's lips were white, and he knelt on the ground with some difficulty, looking up at the Nuwa tribe who had stopped moving in front of him: "I have said many times, the Great Desolate Realm, Immortal Lord Haotian. Nian

"Ding, it is detected that the host has encountered an ancient enemy, and will temporarily activate the ancient dragon of the universe for you."

Hearing the sound of the system, Tang Hao was overjoyed and quickly looked up at the sky.

I saw the ancient dragon bloodline that could only be driven by Tang Hao himself. At this moment, there was a hint of consciousness in his eyes, and then he turned to look at the Nuwa people on the ground.

Contrary to Tang Hao's expectations, this Gu Long looked at the Nuwa tribe with a very complicated look, and the latter was no longer the hideous look before, and gradually calmed down.

Huanyu Gulong's eyes flashed red, and the Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable was horrified to find that a white light curtain appeared beside him, and then surrounded him.

"Do not!"

I only heard the fearful shout of the Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable, and then disappeared into the spiritual world.

"It's Lord Xianzun! He came out!

"Looks like the monster has been dealt with! That's great!"

Hearing the surrounding voices, Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable realized that he was not dead yet, when he opened his eyes, he was already in the sky above the dense forest, surrounded by a dozen immortal monarchs, all of them looked uneasy.

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