The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 250 The 1 3 floors of the Great Wilderness!

Looking at the surrounding immortals, Immortal Dragon Blood suddenly gave birth to a feeling of the rest of his life.

"Is immortality coming?"

Hearing the words of Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable, all the immortals were stunned. Could it be that the monster has not been resolved.

After a while, no one answered him, and Immortal Dragon Blood was furious: "You are all dumb! I ask you, it is immortal! 35

Huang Xianjun shivered all over his body: "Sir, Lord Indestructible Xianzun is guarding the great formation in the palace, and there is no time...

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Immortal Venerable Dragon Blood: "If you guys are half of Immortal Lord Haotian, this is not the case in this South China Sea!"

After scolding everyone fiercely, the Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable walked away.

Only after seeing himself come out did he know that Tang Hao saw that he had nothing to do, so he was sent out by "eight six seven" in order to protect himself.

In the face of opponents of that level, Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable is not sure how long Tang Hao can last. At this moment, he can save Tang Hao if he can call the rescue one second in advance, so Immortal Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable did not waste with these immortals. Tongue, the whole person turned into a blood-colored streamer and disappeared in front of their eyes, going straight to the Immortal Venerable's Immortal Palace.

In fact, Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable really misunderstood. Tang Hao didn't think that way at first, but the conscious Huanyu Gulong shot without authorization, so he couldn't stop it.

After all, it is quite convenient to have such a Immortal Venerable meat shield to block him.

Right now, in the spiritual world, there is one person, one snake and one dragon, with six eyes facing each other, and no one dares to speak first.

Huanyu Gulong nodded slightly to Tang Hao, obviously acknowledging his status as his master. The person who can wake him up from a long slumber is definitely not a generalist, but this cultivation level is too low. Bar!

Countless eyes rolled in his heart, and the ancient dragon of the universe turned his head to look at the Nuwa tribe: "The four tribes of Nuwa, which tribe are you from?"

"Reporting to Lord Gu Long, I belong to the Northern Wilderness Ministry." Different from the hideous appearance, the voices of the Nuwa tribe were surprisingly pleasant.

Tang Hao kept silent, he had always been interested in this kind of ancient secret, and now that he has the ancient dragon of the universe to support him, there is nothing to be afraid of.

The universe ancient dragon exhaled a scorching flame, and said with a little melancholy: "After the catastrophe of the world, eight or nine out of ten of the gods have fallen, and the few remaining are the same as me, only the remnant of the soul remains, how did you survive? ? Or such a pair of ... puppet body.

It is not the first time that Tang Hao has heard this term, the catastrophe of all worlds. The words of Gulong in the universe just made him even more shocked. The gods have fallen? What kind of catastrophe can make this kind of existence unable to escape death.

The Qingming in the eyes of the Nuwa people was about to disappear at this moment, and they looked blankly at the ancient dragon of the universe and said, "I was rescued by the Desolate Heaven Emperor, and according to his order, I will pass the Great Desolation Sutra to those who are destined, but this Immortal Realm is no longer the Immortal Realm that it used to be. Those who practice cultivation are all those disgusting pseudo-immortal powers." 5

Having said that, the Nuwa tribe glared at Tang Hao fiercely.

Tang Hao coughed a little embarrassedly and muttered with laughter: "What does it have to do with me, maybe it's a mistake to be a monk.

Huanyu Gulong shook his head slightly: "You are wrong, my master is not from this world, nor does he use the cursed spiritual power, otherwise this spiritual sea will never be so clear. 35

Hearing the words of the ancient dragon in the universe, the Nuwa people reacted. The spiritual energy in this spiritual world is extremely fresh, and it forms a strong contrast with the turbidity of the Dragon Blood Immortal Venerable, which is almost not on the same level.

"Emperor Huangtian Emperor I was famous, but disappeared without a trace in the catastrophe of the world, leaving only this exercise. Why don't you pass it on to my master, it is also worthy of the name of Huangtian Emperor." Huanyu Gulong said so Tang Hao was relieved when he heard this. Although this dragon looked so majestic, he didn't expect it to be a good slapper.

The Nuwa people were about to speak when they were suddenly shocked, as if they were being manipulated by something.

"Death to me!

With a ferocious roar, the spiritual power ball in the air suddenly exploded!

The overwhelming spiritual power rushed in all directions with the aura of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, Tang Hao was so frightened that he hurriedly shouted: "Gu Long! Quickly think of a way!

Huanyu Gulong's face was calm: "It's okay, these scenes are less than one ten thousandth of my total victory period.

It was said that the situation was urgent, but Tang Hao still curled his lips: "Stop pretending to force you, hurry up! Don't let him destroy the spiritual world of the young master!

Shaking his head helplessly, Gu Long Huanyu raised his right paw and slammed it into his palm.

Endless spiritual power suddenly settled in mid-air, and a boundless giant claw rose from the spiritual sea, grabbed the spiritual power and held it into a ball in the palm of your hand. . .


After a crisp sound, the Five Elements Spiritual Power Ball, which was filled with the power of destruction, disappeared without a trace.

Tang Hao was stunned. Although he had a certain understanding of the power of the ancient dragon in the universe, he did not expect it to be so powerful that the blow that could kill the Immortal Venerable could not leave a trace in his palm. It's as easy as lifting a feather.

After doing this, the Gulong Universe gradually shrank in size, and then turned into a handsome man wearing a golden robe.

After taking a step, it appeared in front of the Nuwa tribe as if it were moving.

A frivolous smile leaked from the corner of his mouth, and he raised his hand to lift the chin of the Nuwa tribe: "I know it's you, get out!

A cold snort: "I'm waiting for you! 99

A phantom was drawn from the Nuwa tribe and dissipated in the blink of an eye, and even Tang Hao couldn't see what the phantom looked like.

At this time, the Nuwa people actually showed signs of cracking. Gulong Huanyu looked at the last descendant of Nuwa in front of him with sympathy, and said helplessly: "The catastrophe of the world has not ended, and everything has not yet been determined. I assure you that my master will never live up to their expectations."

The Nuwa tribe showed a bleak smile: "Is there any other choice?"

After speaking, a 1.4-brown light flashed from the Nuwa tribe's forehead, and a jade slip filled with the breath of endless years appeared.

Just looking at it, Tang Hao was shocked to find that his lifespan was at least ten years less!

The Great Desolation Sutra is so overbearing!

The universe ancient dragon exhaled a black flame and carefully wrapped the Great Desolation Scripture.

"Master, this Great Desolation Sutra is an ancient divine method. You can only cultivate the first three layers. When you break through the emperor, wake me up again, and I will open the middle three layers for you." Throw it to Tang Hao.

At this moment! The Nuwa tribe turned into flying ashes in a sad smile, and then a noble and graceful phantom emerged from the flying ashes.

"Gu Long, you and I meet again."

Huanyu Gulong saw the figure, and quickly clasped his fists and bowed: "Goodbye, Lord Nuwa!"

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