When the vendor owner saw a similar situation, he finally felt scared, and he took a deep breath. It turned out that he finally realized that the reason why Tang Hao was able to appear here is probably because of It means that his brothers should have been solved by Tang Hao.

"How is this possible? Are you also a powerful guy? But you are surrounded by such thin "Nine Seven Seven"! Years

At this time, the stall owner said proactively, and was full of surprises throughout the process.

In fact, it is not surprising that this happened, because now the boss is very scared in his heart.

Hearing the boss's words, Tang Hao didn't plan to say anything more, because he understood that since things have come to such a level, there is absolutely no way to make any concessions, because this is very likely It will make a series of plans behind it will be greatly affected.

Thinking of this, Tang Hao suddenly exerted his strength before going on the court, and he quickly charged towards the opponent. In the blink of an eye, he actually came to the shop owner.

The shop owner himself also has a certain strength. He has already understood it, and now he must react, or his life will likely be lost because of it.

He made a quick jump, and the whole person was already at a distance from Tang Hao. It is a pity that Tang Hao seemed to have already expected such a move. He did not stop at all in his offensive footsteps. Continuous force.

As a result, he appeared in front of the shop owner again.

"As a guy with a little strength like you, if you dare to attack me, you are really courting death!"

Tang Hao has already answered his promise to the front while talking. For him, he is very hopeful now, because he hopes that a strong person will appear, so that he can feel the real blood boiling.

It's a pity that on the day in front of Tang Hao, the stall owner would not be such a person at all, because in the face of the fist from Tang Hao's mobile phone, he couldn't do anything to avoid it. He was directly hit by Tang Hao, so he flew upside down, went out and fell to the ground in pain..0

He hurriedly struggled to stand up again, only to find that he had already suffered a lot of damage, and there was already blood on the corner of his mouth.

"You stinky bastard, I also warn you, since I am able to do business as a street vendor here, then I also have the support of the Yaoguang faction behind me. If you really beat me, then you will be offended. The entire Yaoguang faction, they will definitely not let you go!"

The vendor owner went on to say that this is the last straw for him. If he wants to prevent any bad situation from happening to his life, he must firmly grasp it.


But after Tang Hao heard the boss's words, he felt a little ridiculous, because the boss may not know what his current identity is. It turns out that now Tang Hao has already become a member of the Yaoguang faction. , the person who holds real power.

Those decisions made by him, the head of the Yaoguang Sect would not hesitate at all, and would immediately implement them.

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