As a result, in fact, the shop owner just now really told the Yaoguang faction what happened to him, and there would be no bad consequences at all.

Precisely because of this reason, Tang Hao didn't feel any fear at all, or those fears were not worth mentioning.

"Who the hell are you, you guy? Don't you know how powerful the Yaoguang faction is? As long as one of their disciples is enough to kill you!"

The stall owner said loudly again, his heart had already reached the peak of fear now, and he was already trembling with the whole person.

Even if there is a similar situation, it is precisely because his psychological defense line has reached the limit. It is a pity that Tang Hao has already decided what to do. No matter what happens now, he will not change at all. idea meaning.

"You have to pay the price for the wrong things you did just now, you can come up with such unreasonable benefits, and you should be able to deceive a lot of other people, now I have to ask for them Do justice!"9

Tang Hao said, and then he had walked directly towards the other side, and every step of his was full of the aura of a strong man.

For Tang Hao, there will be no accident at all when he completes the matter in front of him, because his own strength has already come out and he has reached a stage of perfection, so as long as he is willing, he can use it anytime and anywhere. The shop owner in front of him was killed.

But despite this, Tang Hao will also have his own principle, that is, as long as the other party has not really murdered her, then Tang Hao will not really take their lives away.

After coming to the opponent, Tang Hao quickly punched forward several times. The shop owner, who was already injured, could no longer make any resistance moves. He was able to endure it in vain. Tang Hao this series of attacks.

"Don't make some stupid decisions, even if you call out all the people from the Yaoguang faction, they will not be my opponents together!

Tang Hao stood in the distance, looked at each other with thunder, and said loudly, for the shop owner, this is actually a pertinent suggestion.

And maybe now that there is a boulder town, there is no way to find out, any one will be Tang Hao's opponent.

After doing all this, Tang Hao didn't show any hesitation and walked directly to another place.

After all, it has been a while since he left the arena of the tournament, and now he must continue to return to understand the result of 977, which is the most important thing.

After all, Tang Hao was the one who held this competition. After seeing Tang Hao's return, the staff couldn't help but let out a heavy breath. At least they did so precisely because of the worries in their hearts, and it seemed that they could finally let go.

"What happened to you, you all feel free to say it. No matter how big or small, I must understand clearly, and I must not hide anything!"

Looking at the faces of those people, Tang Hao already understood that maybe something bad happened.

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