The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 24 Details determine success or failure (2)

Seeing all the subtle changes in their faces, Tang Hao sighed softly, because now they have no idea of ​​the true meaning of this competition, and they have all passed this series of actions.

But it's not to let those major sects fight against each other, it's precisely to allow them to learn and progress together, so that those disciples or Tang Hao, then "Nine Seven Seven" can have more qualified opponents. .

"Now that the competition is over, you can leave here, and I won't make any obstacles at all!"

Tang Hao went on to say, and after finishing this series of actions, he walked straight off the ring. After all, time is very precious to him now, and there is no need to waste it here.

For the Yaoguang faction, he now understands exactly what he wants to do, because even if Tang Hao is already in the ring, he can beat the player who won the first place. , but he also has to be responsible for his usual lack of dedication.

Soon he had caught up with Tang Hao's pace, and appeared in front of him gasping for breath.

Seeing such a scene with his own eyes, Tang Hao was a little hesitant, because he didn't know what kind of bad situation the Yaoguang Sect head suddenly appeared in, which made him try so hard to catch up. .

"Sect Master, relax first, wait until you take a breath and then talk about it, I'm not worried!

Tang Hao took the initiative to speak, and while he was talking, he lightly tapped the Sect Master's shoulder with his hand. It was clear what he meant by doing so, he wanted to calm down the other party first.

Hearing Tang Hao's words, the head of the Yaoguang Sect took a deep breath, and her face began to relax, and soon he expressed his apology completely.

"Tang Hao, I've really failed your expectations! Because I didn't take those disciples seriously on weekdays, so they couldn't achieve good results in the competition arena! 35

The head said decisively, and his current words are not joking at all, it is precisely what he said from the heart..0

Hearing the words of the sect master, Tang Hao already understood. The sect master came here in person for that matter, but for him, he didn't care about it in his heart at all, because he understood, As long as those disciples can understand now, then the purpose of holding the martial arts conference can be achieved.

It is to let them all know that their strength is not very powerful, and there is still considerable room for improvement.

"You don't have to apologize for this matter anymore! I've decided now that in the next time, all the matters of the Yaoguang faction will be handed over to you, and I won't interfere again!

1.4 Tang Hao said suddenly, and the news it conveyed was quite astonishing, and there was no trace of it at all before that.

The head of the Yaoguang Sect, after realizing the situation behind him, his mouth turned into a round shape. Now he must understand clearly what Tang Hao wants to do.

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