The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 25 Restart (Part 1)

"What's the matter? Isn't that exactly what your heart desires? And I'm just going to decide that it's you who leave Beijing!"

Because the distance is very close, Tang Hao can see all the changes in the face of the current Yaoguang Sect leader, and under such circumstances, he will speak bluntly.

Hearing Tang Hao's words, the head of the Yaoguang faction recovered from the panic just now, he shook his head decisively, the meaning of the action was quite obvious, and he was clearly telling Tang Hao that he was not like this at all. idea.

Seeing such a scene with his own eyes, Tang Hao didn't need 20 to respond at all, he just turned around and walked in the other direction.

Soon he successfully returned to the Yaoguang School, and packed all the relevant luggage. Now, in his backpack, he had the exquisite short knife he said he had bought from his boss.

Tang Hao can always vaguely feel that there is a shocking secret on the body of that short knife.

"Tang Hao, have you really decided to leave? But when will the next time you come back?

Suddenly, a man appeared outside the room, and he said loudly, and his tone was quite anxious during the whole process.

Hearing the other party's words, Tang Hao frowned a little, because he didn't know what was going on behind him, but despite this, Tang Hao quickly reacted and pushed open the door. , Only then did he discover that the person in front of him was not someone else, but precisely Ji Haoming who had appeared before.

Nodding lightly, Tang Hao clearly expressed his inner decision. He finally re-entered this world with the help of the system, so he absolutely cannot stay in the boulder town all the time. After all, through these days of browsing, Tang Hao has long been able to see clearly what the humanistic features in Jushi Town are like.

"Ji Haoyue, don't worry, when your strength is really powerful, I will become even stronger. Explain that you will definitely be able to hear my reputation, then you will know where I am. now!"

Tang Hao took the initiative to say that the tone he is speaking now is full of firmness, because he has already understood in his heart that he must make a corresponding decision, and no matter what kind of difficulties he has encountered before, he will always cannot be easily changed.

This is exactly what Tang Hao has always insisted on, and his ability to have this superb strength in 977 is inseparable from such a practice. After all, only through such a behavior can a good psychological quality be obtained. promote.

To know the duel between the two masters, in addition to the difference in their own strength, their psychological quality will also have a lot of everything. After all, once that person collapses on the psychological level, even if his own strength is strong. , are simply difficult to play out.

Hearing Tang Hao's words, he could clearly feel the firm tone of Tang Hao's mouth, Ji Yanyue could only sigh helplessly.

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