The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 31 The Great Opportunity (Part 1)

To be able to witness Tang Hao's calm performance now, the heart of the old man was extremely shocking. In fact, the reason why this happened was because he thought at the beginning that even though Tang Hao didn't appear to be very scared, he was still very scared. There must be a corresponding change in his eyes, but unfortunately, this did not happen.

"I just want to know the secrets about this town! If you choose to continue beating around the bush, then I believe there is no need for me to stay here at all!"

Suddenly Tang Hao said loudly, and after finishing all this, he stood up straight and threw the cup next to him on the ground again.

A crisp sound came out again, which was actually the second time a similar sound appeared in Room 993.

After noticing the abnormal situation, the old man's face was quite close, and he was completely at a loss now. Unfortunately, there was a mess of footsteps outside the room.

It turned out that the old man really set a task for the dozen or so masters under him, that is, once you hear the sound of the cup, don't come out, and when you hear the second time, all of them will rush out, just now Tang Hao's A series of actions have just started, such a condition. (cabe)

"It seems that there is really an ambush? Then I hope you regret it sooner! Otherwise, when you see what I use, I think you will feel a deep repentance after your strength!"

Tang Hao stared at each other closely, and said actively, and everything he said now is full of confidence, because his own strength is indeed worthy of such rhetoric.

What's more important is that Tang Hao's aura is quite serious now, and because the distance is very close, the old man can see all this clearly, he can't help but take a deep breath.

For him, you have already made the corresponding preparations, that is, Tang Hao's strength will be quite powerful, otherwise he would not dare to come to the big family in the town alone, and face many Despite the challenge of a security team leader, he could still not change his face.

But he never thought that Tang Hao's strength would come to such a realm. He seemed to have surpassed his imagination early, and he was now over half a hundred years old, and there was no way he could reach it.

"You stinky bastard, how dare you do such a thing to our family leader, we will never let you go! Come on, take a knife from me!

The masters who have been lying in ambush outside the room have all come out. The man who rushed in front of him first slashed at Tang Hao with a big knife in his hand.

This was originally what the old man expected, but now he was extremely surprised. When he wanted to reach out to stop it, the big knife had already approached Tang Hao's body.

But Tang Hao didn't make any dodging action at all, or was not prepared for that.

"Can it be hit? If you can successfully hit Tang Hao, then all the troubles will be completely solved, and the safety of the town will be well guaranteed!"

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