The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 31 The Great Opportunity (Part 2)

Seeing such a picture, a glimmer of hope rose in the heart of the old man, because all this was actually an opportunity for him. If he could grasp it well, he would be able to get rid of Tang Hao.

But just between the light and the flint, he fell into a deep shock again. That was actually the amazing power that Tang Hao suddenly burst out. It turned out that the moment when the big knife was about to hit Tang Hao, Tang Hao has already activated his body.

And it seems that it was just a slight sideways movement, the bride has completely escaped the opponent's attack, not only that, Tang Hao also thought about the opponent's face and punched a fist, which directly hit the opponent's face. As if even the bones were sunken, the man fell heavily to the ground.

Even the big knife he was holding in his hand made a crisp sound and fell directly to the ground.

"All of you stop me! I can't hurt Tang Hao any more! Whoever dares to violate my order, I want to let him get out of this big family!"

Suddenly, the old man seemed to be aware of some terrifying existence, which made him speak very seriously, and there was still a sense of anger in his words.

Similar things have never happened to those security personnel. Now they have seen the performance of the old man with their own eyes, and their hearts are full of doubts.

But now that the old man has made the corresponding preparations, it is absolutely impossible to make any concessions. It turns out that he has completely recovered from the shock at the beginning, and he already knows that even if all the world's People add up, they will not be Tang Hao's opponents, so if they continue to attack Tang Hao now, they will only hurt their lives in vain.

"Boss, this is an excellent opportunity, how can we give up? As long as we all add up, we will definitely be able to knock each other down to the ground!"

But now another security team leader, he doesn't seem to be willing to accept similar things, and is fighting for it.

It is a pity that, through the contact with Tang Hao during this period of time, the person who knows best what Tang Hao's strength has reached is probably the old man, and his identity is also the leader of a big family.

··0 Flowers·

When he really wanted to speak angrily and insult them, Tang Hao grabbed in front of him and said: "You don't have to do this, this is also the old man who is doing it for you, so don't waste your efforts, you won't be me. opponent!""

Although the words are plain and indifferent, they can reveal a domineering, but for Tang Hao, he can really do similar things, and it is still very simple, in fact, the area in the room is It is quite narrow and cannot limit any of his actions.

That is, among the masters himself, he already possesses similar abilities and will not be limited by space.

Hearing Tang Hao's words, the old man seemed to see a life-saving straw, because now Tang Hao's initiative to let go is to be tolerant to his masters, which also guarantees their lives. .

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