The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 34 Double Fist (Part 2)

The disciples at the bottom might think that Tang Hao was just playing tricks, but they are all experienced and able to judge the series of Tang Hao's actions just now. Yes, not cheating at all.

Then there is only one possibility, that is, Tang Hao's own strength can indeed cooperate to make similar actions. "Nine Nine Three"

"You can leave me now, or send the most powerful people in your squad to fight with me, and then continue to leave! 35

At this time, Tang Hao's eyes swept across all of them, and he said extremely domineeringly.

Now, when there is already a Zhongmen faction in front of Tang Hao, I really want to take a good look at how the strength between them will be, and I don't want to feel it again from the bottom of my heart. disappointed.

But he can also know very clearly that the system can actually let her come to this world that covers the sky, so there must be some meaning in it.

At the beginning, everyone in the team didn't react, but they quickly realized that Tang Hao was just deliberately provoking them.

"You stinky bastard, don't be mad, let me get rid of you!"

One of the disciples of the Holy Light faction in the team, he really can't stand the extremely arrogant meaning that Tang Hao is showing now, and then he simply ignores the most important elders in the team. Whether you agree or not, you have already jumped directly to the front.

The surrounding disciples saw such a scene with their own eyes, and all gave way, because in their hearts, they felt that they could kill Tang Hao only by relying on the disciple's decisive action.

It turned out that this disciple is also ranked in the entire Holy Light Sect. She is extremely talented in her own right, and despite this, he is still working hard with sweat behind his back. Now maybe In the entire Zhongmen faction, except for the eldest disciple, he is the most powerful.

"If I really have that kind of strength, just come and try, I believe you will know, but I hope you don't feel regret!

As he spoke, Tang Hao was already ready to fight, and now there was an obvious change in his aura.

That is actually one of the habits formed over the years, precisely to be able to make himself more focused, because Tang Hao has long known that no matter who the opponent he is facing, he must always be vigilant.

Because of the duel between the masters, the success or failure is only in that moment. If the opponent's attack cannot be prevented because of the madness all of a sudden, then the result will be completely reversed in 1.4.

The eyes between the two people, separated by a short distance, have been completely put together, and in the void, the sound of crackling sparks ignited directly, which is precisely the breath of their battle.

Soon, the man charged directly at Tang Hao, punching out.

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