The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 35 The Holy Light Sect's Ultimate Move (1)

The trick he is using now is actually the most famous double dragon in the Shengguang faction. It is to condense some special breath between the two fists, so the strength they can burst out is simply Everyone present couldn't have predicted it.

Because it depends on what kind of realm a person's cultivation base has reached, if the elders in the team are used now, if they directly hit the city wall of the town, they can directly blast a big hole.

Previously, the reason why they had not successfully completed all of this was precisely because the 20 old men in the town had successfully held off the three great elders, not giving them enough time to accumulate spiritual energy.

But now the situation this man is facing is different, what he is facing is just a small young man.

"Our senior brother is really amazing. I believe that he can kill the opponent in an instant with the help of our most famous trick!"

"That's right, Senior Brother Lin Rucheng is mighty!"

The disciples of the Holy Light Sect behind them, they saw a similar picture this year, they were all extremely excited, and they cheered loudly, as if victory was coming soon.

In Tang Hao's position, he can see all their performances in his eyes, Tang Hao sighed softly, because he didn't plan to do anything about the situation in front of him. There is no explanation, because it's just a waste of time.

All he can do is to show his strength as soon as possible, and only through such a move can they completely shut their mouths.

"With the speed of your attack, you can't hit me at all. You should release your spiritual energy quickly, and let me see how powerful you are!"

During the process of the other party's march, Tang Hao suddenly said, and during the process, his tone was full of dullness, as if he could not see any emotional fluctuations.

When Lin Rucheng heard Tang Hao's words, his heart was a little shocked. Under such circumstances, he did not have the contemptuous look in his eyes at the beginning, but made a little preparation to retreat.

Because once he uses the most famous teachings of the Holy Light School, if he still cannot attack Tang Hao effectively, then Tang Hao's strength may be far higher than it, which means that this It's not something Tang Hao can handle.

"My 993s must stop this duel, and we must not let Lin Rucheng die in vain. After all, he is also one of the most talented disciples in our Holy Light Sect!"

One of the elders in the team now, he said anxiously, because his combat experience is quite rich, and knowing that Tang Hao can still maintain a relatively calm, then he may have a corresponding answer in his heart. s plan.

In this way, it can be seen that Tang Hao's strength may be really strong, so everything he just said is not bragging at all.

Unfortunately, another elder stopped him from doing so.

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