The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 38 The idea of ​​retreating without a fight

Before that, some extremely powerful teams assembled by the Holy Light Sect were going to attack that mysterious town, but because of Tang Hao's sudden appearance, they simply retreated without a fight and did not achieve any results.

But despite this, they don't feel any guilt because of what they are facing is indeed a guy full of strength, and they simply can't solve all the sudden problems in front of them in a good way. .

On the contrary, this provided Tang Hao with a good idea, so it could directly use the emotions of their elders to give up their attack on that town.

"Since that's the case, let's see if we can really succeed, because this is also very important!"

Tang Hao was thinking of a special statement in his heart. After completing this series, he didn't hesitate at all, and he had already used a very fast speed and quietly entered their team. Foremost, and because of the height, those people have not yet discovered where Tang Hao is.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Hao, like the power that jumped directly down on the city wall at that time, came directly in front of them out of thin air, and the momentum of the whole person still existed.

At the beginning, the disciples of the Holy Light Sect who were at the forefront did not know who they were who suddenly appeared. They thought they were just some people living in the surrounding remote areas.

But soon he could see the dangerous situation hidden in it, if he really let Tang Hao appear in front of him and attack him, then his life will be directly destroyed. severely threatened.

"This... this is not good, that guy actually came here! Great elder, how should we deal with it now.~?"

Even the tone in his speech is full of various situations, because it is true for him, he can't think of a better solution at all, he can only pray that Tang Hao will not start against her. What a nasty attack to come.

Among the bigwigs who are most important to me, they immediately realized the seriousness of this matter. One of the elders couldn't hold back the impatience in his heart. Came in to the front of the line.

Although they are still some distance away from Tang Hao, he can also judge very well that Tang Hao is the only one who can exert such a powerful momentum.

Soon he had already told the relevant news to those great elders, and every elder had already deeply frowned.

"'What can I do? Now that guy actually came here on his own initiative, and looking at his posture, it must be that (Nuo Nuo Hao) is going to have a fight with us!"

"That's right, but since he is a member of the Great Xia Dynasty, we can't offend him. Otherwise, our entire Shengguang Sect is likely to face the danger of extinction again."

The elders have been discussing the Tao, and now they are facing an extremely difficult problem to solve. What kind of measures will they take? Tang Hao will not do anything at all. You will come.

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