The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 38 The idea of ​​retreating without a fight (2)

And all Tang Hao needs to do is to continue to shock them in such a way.

It turned out that what Tang Hao thought in his heart was precisely because of the strength of cultivation that you have always had this time, and now they all mistakenly think that Tang Hao is from the Daxia Dynasty, so that they can retreat without a fight again.

The other elder was the oldest. Then he took a deep breath, and then he was able to stand up and kiss the flustered emotions in his heart. He understood that things were so bad now that he had to stand up. And went, and then he has directly expressed his inner thoughts.

"007 little friend, is there some misunderstanding between us? And we have completely withdrawn from that town, why do you keep chasing us? If it is really us If this side is at fault, we will all apologize to you!

For the old man, his own cultivation is quite powerful in the entire Holy Light Sect. He has never had such a good temper when dealing with a young boy.

But how can this be done? Because Tang Hao's strength is really too powerful, even if she has cultivated herself for many years, she may not be able to fight.

Moreover, they mistakenly thought that Tang Hao was a member of the Colonel Dynasty at all, so it was even more impossible to offend him. You must know that he was going to finish the school and wave his hand, and his fingers could send an extremely powerful army. , then you can directly destroy several Holy Light factions.

"What exactly I want to do, you will know soon! I tell you that the town has already been favored by our Daxia Dynasty, and you must not have any other ideas from it!

Tang Hao's tone now has a domineering arrogance that has never appeared before, and Tang Hao's cultivation base is (cabf) really powerful.

More importantly, since Tang Hao has promised the old man in the mysterious town that he will ensure the safety of the ship, he will fulfill his promise, and now he is doing something similar.

After hearing what Tang Hao said just now, the elders and other people on the scene were extremely clueless, that is, they didn't even know the big Xia Dynasty of Nuoda, how could they look at that What about a barren land?

But now they have no other choice, that is, they can only obey the request made by Tang Hao. After all, the Daxia Dynasty was the one that none of them dared to take the initiative to provoke.

"Since you have successfully made such a request, this young man, then we will definitely fulfill it, and there will never be any regrets!"

One of the Great Elders, he has given a quick answer, because this is indeed what he lacks the most.

Moreover, he also expressed his attitude for the entire Holy Light faction. After Tang Hao learned the guarantee of the other party, he did not plan to make any other actions, but she must continue to maintain her own. Deterrence, in this way, is the safest.

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