The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 61 The leader's shot (2)

Tang Hao's fundamental progress was very fast, and he took the opposite shot and said actively, and the tone of his speech was full of anger.

Because Tang Hao hopes to awaken the real thinking in their hearts through such a method, so that he can defeat these guys in front of him effortlessly.

At the beginning, those men were able to figure out what was at stake, but unfortunately, since they had already received money from others, they had to do their best to complete the task, because now the gang members were watching them. .

"This is nothing more than a group of rice buckets, and they dare to say that I have such a high price! I must let them swallow it all in vain!

Standing in the distance, one of the men in charge of the observer, he said solemnly, in fact, he is the leader of that team member, and his name is Zhang Fengfeng's own strength, which is also very powerful.

The surrounding companions, after hearing the leader's angry words, were relieved, because there were not many people who could arouse the leader's anger, but all of them were dead now, because no one was there. Can withstand the wrath of the leader.

Now that these guys in front of Tang Hao's words have already made an escape action, but in the process of choosing to escape, Zhang Fengfeng has already launched an attack and killed them all.

"What the hell are you doing? What right do you have to kill them out of thin air."?"

Seeing such a scene with his own eyes, Lin Feiyi was extremely angry and full of doubts, and it was precisely because of this that he said with dissatisfaction.

But in fact, this is a world of strong people. If your strength is low, it is quite authentic on weekdays, but some powerful guys will always come to you. Tang Hao has already understood the reason. .

So now Tang Hao has some superfluous emotions at all, and he knows what he needs to do next is to get rid of that guy.

"Lin Feiyi, you can't deal with this person now, leave it to me!""

Soon Tang Hao expressed all the worries in his heart, and he gently pulled the other's arm with his hand.

This is to avoid any conflict between Lin Feiyi and Zhang Fengfeng. For him, this is obviously extremely bad news.

But now in Zhang Fengfeng's heart, he felt that Tang Hao suddenly said something similar. In fact, he already felt scared in his heart, otherwise he would not choose to do so.

In order to be as good as possible in front of the people below, Zhang Fengfeng quickly laughed wildly.

`You all want to see now, how I made that guy look like a pig's head pie, then I will satisfy your inner thoughts!"

Zhang Fengfeng said again that after completing this series of actions, he had already planned to do it. In order to satisfy an idea, he had to use the method at the level of spiritual energy.

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