The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 62 The Secret of Lingshi

The friends around are indeed full of expectations, but after all, they have witnessed with their own eyes what Tang Hao's strength can be in the propaganda, so even though they know that Zhang Fengfeng's strength is very powerful, the leader Still, some people are worried about it, but dare not express it clearly, because they may encounter Zhang Fengfeng's dissatisfaction.

So for these guys with mediocre strength, what kind of results will be produced, it is obviously predictable, and it is very likely that it will be solved directly by Zhang Fengfeng. After all, Zhang Fengfeng is an extremely good person. face guy.

He simply wouldn't be willing to have anyone speak in front of him words that he might fail.

But now Zhang 040 Peak is not facing ordinary people, that is Tang Hao, whose strength has already reached the peak.

"Do you really think you have that kind of strength? I hope you can really have it, then I will no longer be so boring, and someone can fight me for several rounds!"

Tang Hao can now see all of the opponent's offensive moves, but since the opponent has not used a complete offensive move, he can't quite know what Zhang Fengfeng's strength is now.

But just looking at (cabf) the speed at which he condenses his spiritual energy, he should be a very powerful guy.

Although Lin Feiyi had already received Tang Hao's clear instructions that he would not be responsible for dealing with that guy at all, but seeing the scene of the upcoming battle with his own eyes, he still had some fear in his heart.

"No matter what, you must defeat all these bad guys in front of you, Tang Hao, I believe you have the strength of mine!"

Now Lin Feiyi is meditating in his heart, and he hopes to strengthen his belief in such a way.

In the scene, the two of them had already completely fought together, and a series of intense sparks were ignited in the air at once, which was the result of the collision of two different auras.

"Bang bang bang!

All kinds of voices are constantly made, and they can quickly gain the body to lean on. Zhang Fengfeng has already used all his strength from the beginning. Now, just looking at the situation on the scene, it is also him. has certain advantages.

Because he could, Tang Hao was forced to go backwards, but despite this, Tang Hao actually already had a series of plans. Once again, facing the fist from the opponent, Tang Hao quickly jumped backwards. , has easily escaped.

"How is this possible? This is a sure-fire way! And I have encountered so many enemies, and no one can escape at all. How did he do it? Does he have the ability to predict the future? ?"

Zhang Fengfeng's attack suddenly failed, and he couldn't accept it in his heart. Now he looks at Tang Hao again, which is full of all kinds of doubts.

If you can know the answer to the question hidden behind it, you can only wait for Tang Hao to take the initiative to say it, but the truth behind it is also very simple, it is just that General Tang Hao has improved his speed. More than double that.

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