The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 123 Imitating Behavior

If it weren't for the fact that he was also a dignified man, Ao Fu would probably have already burst into tears by now, he almost said with a weeping voice.

"Brother Tang Hao, to be honest, I'm also an impatient person. It's not bad for me to be able to stand there for a day and a night. The sun is so big I can bear it, but the key is when the demons will be able to Appear? Can you give me an accurate word!""

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this guy, except that he is too impatient. Tang Hao is very clear. As long as he gives him a precise word, even if 197 is allowed to stand there for three days and three nights, he probably won't be upset. Confused, the key problem is that now everyone does not know when the Nightmare guy will set off.

This problem is very difficult to solve.

Tang Hao is a person who never lies. At this time, even if he wants to use some white lies to appease this guy Ao Fu, he can't say it. After all, this guy is really about to be cooked.

After thinking about it, or else let this guy Ao Fu bring people back temporarily, and after there is some action there, it will be too late for him to go 5 kilometers away to squat.

"Ao Fu, don't be impatient. At first I thought they would attack the human race last night or this morning, but I didn't expect that Nightmare guy had other things in the gourd, so they haven't yet. Signs that you are going to leave, bring someone back first!""

Hearing Tang Hao's words, Ao Fu's whole person is not well. He hates that nightmare even more. If it weren't for the nightmare, how could he stand under the scorching sun like a fool?

"Brother Tang Wu, since you said so, then I will no longer care about this matter. Our people have all returned, and I will be on standby at any time. As soon as the boy shows signs of action, you will immediately notify him!"

The stone in Tang Hao's heart has finally fallen to the ground. In comparison, this Ao Fu (cabf) seems to be more knowledgeable than the honorable one. After all, now is the critical time, and it is better not to cause trouble for everyone. What a normal person should do.

Ao Fu was already irritable to this extent, but after learning of the other party's plan, Ao Fu still made a choice very calmly.

Considering that Ao Fu hadn't slept all day and night, Tang Hao let him rest first, and this one Tang Hao sent some people to closely observe the nightmare's every move.

Time just passed 1 minute and 1 second, and soon it was dark again, and this was the second night they were preparing to fight.

But Xiaodao came back several times to reply to the news, and the answer was still the same as before. The people of the Demon Race were still camping there, and they were getting more and more excessive. Roasted whole sheep or something is not bad.

"Brother Tang Hao, do you think they are imitating the human race? You must know that Zun Shang sent some young people to provoke them at the border for a long time. Because of this incident, the nightmare can be said to be furious."

When Xiaodao said this, Tang Hao immediately remembered that he came to the human race because he had to clean up those young people before he came here.

Nightmare did mention this matter when he was in the Demon Palace before. He was so anxious about it that he couldn't even sleep at night.

But if they really want to imitate the behavior of Zunshang to stimulate Zunshang, they will not come to so many people,

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