The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 124 The Rat Crossing the Street

Tang Hao took a deep breath and fell into contemplation. First of all, it doesn't matter whether the guy in the nightmare is imitating his previous behavior, these seem to be no longer so important. Now he dares to bring so many people, That shows that his purpose is no longer to emulate so simple.

You must know that the Demon Palace is not very big, and the consequences of bringing so many people are also very serious. First of all, this nightmare has brought so many people, it means that there are no other soldiers in the palace. If others know this News, taking this opportunity to sweep the Demon Palace, then Nightmare must have no time to take care of it.

Although the probability of such a situation happening is very small, it cannot be ruled out that it will happen.

Therefore, judging from various behaviors, this guy in Nightmare must have moved the real thing this time. The reason why he chose to station 30 kilometers away is probably because he is afraid of disturbing the human race~.

"Don't say anything, tonight is a more critical night, if nothing else happens, this kid should leave tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest, let's not sleep today, just wait silently!

This is just Tang Hao's guess based on his previous experience. He really doesn't know what the other party thinks. After all, he is not too familiar with Nightmare. This kid's behavior needs a lot of exploration.

At this time, Ao Fu, who had taken a short break, also entered the meeting.

"Brother Tang Hao wants me to say that we can just rush up and confront him head-on. You are so powerful, it's not a problem for you to fight 1,000 soldiers by yourself. Although there are more of them, they are not worth mentioning!

Ao Fu really didn't want to wait another minute and a second. Anyway, he had already decided that if he wanted to kill the big devil of Nightmare, he would just go head to head. How things will develop in between, Ao Fu has long been too late to think.

"I told you a long time ago that if you want to stay by my side, you must change your stinky temper. If you act so impulsive again, I will consider your future whereabouts!"

Ao Fu was still as impulsive as a chicken blood. When he heard Big Brother Tang Hao say these words, he had to force himself to calm down. After finally finding such a big backer, he didn't want to go through the past. The days of extortion and robbery are over.

··0 Seeking flowers.....

In the past, Ao Fu was like a rat crossing the street, and everyone was yelling at him. Now he can finally do a serious business. How could he not seize this opportunity?

"Brother Tang Hao, don't be mad at me for now, I just don't think we need to wait any longer, but you are the boss here, everything is up to you, you say we'll wait any longer and we'll be fine. hold on!"

Zun Shang and Shen Ying on the side were not talking anymore. The two frowned tightly. Everyone had their own thoughts. Tang Hao didn't want to ask, and he didn't want to know what they were thinking.

At this time, they must say less words. If they say too much, it will disturb everyone's heart. They are already very nervous about this battle, and if they continue to talk, the atmosphere will be even more difficult.

The Nightmare boy has now become a thorn in the eye, as long as he dares to attack, his fate will undoubtedly be very tragic! People.

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