Looking at the nightmare with a fierce look on his face, Ao Fu's heart was very impulsive. This guy didn't talk too much to insult him before. He has always had revenge. Before, it was because there was no chance, but now the opportunity has come. in front of you.

Ao Fu couldn't help thinking in his heart, why did Tang Hao specify to let the condor kill the nightmare? It was done by the human race. In Ao Fu's heart, his identities were not much different from those of the condor, so he really didn't understand why Tang Hao didn't let him do this.

Nightmare doesn't have much strength at this moment. Just chasing, his physical strength can't even catch up with Tang Hao. Tang Hao has not shot at this time. If Tang Hao shot, this guy is probably dead.

Ao Fu looked at the two who were constantly chasing, he couldn't help but took a deep breath, the thought in his heart was even more eager to move, as long as he killed this big devil, he would definitely live a good life in the days to come. , he no longer has to hide and hide like before.

After thinking about it, although I am with Tang Hao now, Tang Hao has a weird temper. Sometimes it is difficult to understand his thoughts. Many times, Tang Hao often asks Ao Fu to leave. The reason is that Ao Fu does not obey Tang. Hao's order.

For Ao Fu, although Tang Hao is his benefactor, he is really not used to Tang Hao treating him like this. He is a rebellious person, how can a person who is free and accustomed to obey the orders of others?

After thinking about it, Ao Fu even had an idea in his heart. He is now with Tang Hao. Although he has a bright future, he is not sure that if he makes Tang Hao angry one day, Tang Hao will probably kill him in a fit of rage. drive away.

At that time, won't he change back to the poor idiot he used to be? He was driven away by the old dragon king like this before. If he is driven away by Tang Hao now, he really doesn't know how to go in the future. .

He suddenly understood a truth, always depending on others to live will not end well, Tang Hao can be regarded as paving a path for him, he has to choose his own path in the future, he can no longer be slaughtered by others, listen to others dispatch.

If you kill the big devil in Nightmare now, then Ao Fu will become famous in the future. Even if Tang Hao tells him to get out of the way, Ao Fu's reputation will already be out, and he will not be reduced to the previous one no matter what. .0

Moreover, some of the big devil's enemies are likely to regard Ao Fu as a god-like figure, and those pet people of the big devil are likely to make Ao Fu their new boss.

Thinking about these Ao Fu can no longer hold back his ambitions, he has always known that he is an ambitious person, he has never known that he is not a person who is content with the status quo.

Ao Fu tightly held the axe in his hand. At this moment, the big devil in Nightmare couldn't even run. He stood 1.5 miles away, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

The soldiers of the Demon Race and Human Race are still fighting fiercely, and it is obvious that the Human Race has the upper hand.

Tang Hao looked at the nightmare and said with a smile.

"Do you realize your mistake at this time, do you think you are too conceited, and decided to attack the human race so rashly, why don't you see if you have the strength?"

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