Nightmare kept gasping for breath, he was the kind of person who would still be tough when he died, and if he really had to die, he would have to leave a good reputation.

He couldn't bear it, and after he died, others laughed at him as a big coward and a coward.

"Tang Hao, I have always known that you are very powerful. Now that it has fallen into your hands, then you can kill me directly. These soldiers under my command can be dealt with by you, but I still hope that you will let him go. After all, they're just following orders!35

Tang Hao was a little mean, he never thought that this guy would actually think about his soldiers before he died. It seems that people who are about to die are good at their words.

Tang Hao took a deep breath. I am afraid that this guy will not live to 20 in 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the condor will take his life and this sinful life will disappear from the world. I hope this big devil can realize his mistake before he dies.

"Nightmare, to be honest, you are the first person I met here. I thought we would become friends, but I didn't expect you to be such a cruel person. Do you know what you have done wrong? "

Nightmare wiped the sweat from his forehead, watching the soldiers around him fall one by one, his heart was about to collapse, he couldn't hurt Tang Hao at all.

"What did I do wrong? I think the only thing I did wrong was that I was in the Demon Palace that day. I didn't try my best to kill you. Maybe even if I couldn't kill you, I should try my best to keep you in the Demon Palace. Clan, as long as you are used by me, you will not be where you are today!

Tang Hao was completely disappointed when he heard that this big devil refused to admit his mistakes until he died. He looked at the condor hiding there not far away, thinking that it was time to send a signal.

At this moment, even Tang Hao, who reacted so quickly, couldn't react. He only heard a scream. He turned around and saw that the axe in Ao Fu's hand had slashed heavily on Nightmare's back. .

Nightmare is the head of the demon clan, so his blood is dark blue nightmare, the whole person becomes very strange, his hideous facial expression startled everyone.

"Ao Fu, what are you doing? Who asked you to do it!"

Tang Hao didn't say a word, and immediately jumped, Ao Fu wanted to chop off the second axe, at this time Tang Hao had already kicked Ao Fu flying.

Tang Hao never thought that there was a problem with his own people at this critical time. Ao Fu's previous performance was very good, so Tang Hao never thought that this guy would make such an incomprehensible action.

Because Mozun was hit with an axe on his back, he immediately fell to his knees, but although his expression was painful, he still didn't have any intention of admitting defeat.

After kicking Ao Fu, Tang Hao immediately returned to Demon Venerable's side. Fortunately, the axe just now was not enough to kill him, otherwise this matter would be troublesome.

The condor in the distance saw all of this in his eyes. He hated that Ao Fu thoroughly. Didn't he think about what kind of result Ao Fu would bring about by doing this? He didn't care about the overall situation at all.

In fact, Tang Hao didn't let Ao Fu do this thing, and there is a reason for Tang Hao. Although Ao Fu left the Dragon Clan, he is also an authentic Dragon Clan in terms of blood. If you let him do it, he said It might bring trouble to the dragon clan.

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